Saturday, December 31, 2016


Food plays a very important role in human life. Taking food in the right quantity, time and balance helps the body produce energy to work, repairs cells and tissues, protects against and fights infection and to grow.  Food is made up of nutrients- vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, etc. and when these nutrients are balanced in your food, the body is able to function properly. Food also brings happiness and peace but the lack of it too can bring anger in people. In Ex. 16:4-15, God provided balanced food for the Israelites due to the importance of it to the body- bread (manna) and protein (quail): but this food could not last because it fed only the flesh. In John 6, people were following Jesus for food so they never got filled. Which food endures?

Christian growth
It is very important that the Christian grows.  The Christian needs to increase in conformity to the character of God as revealed in Christ (Col 3.1, Eph. 4.22-24). It is something that needs to start as soon as one accepts Jesus as saviour and Lord and it needs to continue throughout your service to the Lord upon this earth.
·       1 Peter 2:2 says, “as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.” Heb. 5:12-14 talks about growing into maturity to be teachers
As Christians we also ought to know that growth can NEVER stop until Christ comes.  Some Christians have made considerable spiritual growth in their lives but just when they thought they have come far enough, fall comes.  In Christian growth, there is nothing like retirement. 2 Peter 3:18 says “but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”  
The above scriptures point to the fact that the Christian life is not stagnant but grows as humans or plants. It is the duty of every Christian to strive to achieve a life of total holiness and dependence on God through Jesus Christ (Jn. 6:35)

Spiritual food that nourishes
Just as the body needs physical food to grow, so the spirit needs spiritual food also to grow. Luke 4:4- Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."Because Christian growth is not stagnant, the Christian should also yearn for food that endures forever (John 6:27). I will talk about three (3) of the spiritual foods that can keep the Christian in constant growth:
1)       Prayer
Definition: communicating with God or pour content of heart to God (Ps, 62:8; 1sam. 1:15b)
Why pray: delight to God (Prov. 15:8); present request to God (Jn. 16:23-24); helps in warfare) Eph. 6:18); Where to pray: everywhere (1Tim. 2:8); chapel (Lk. 18:10); closet(matt. 6:6). Pray to God only not showmanship; When to pray: always (Lk. 18:1,1Thess. 5:17); How to pray: like Lord’s prayer (Lk. 11:1-13, Matt. 6:7-16) - Adoration, confession, Thanksgiving, supplication (ACTS)
Hindrances to prayer: lack of faith (Jam. 1:5-7); Sin (Is. 59:1-2); forgive others (mk. 11:25-26); using request on pleasure (Jam. 4:3); not take good care of spouse (1Pet. 3:7)
Answers to prayer: No (Jam. 4:3); Yes (2kings 20:1-6); Wait (Dan. 10:10-14)

2)       The Bible
The Bible is a supernatural book. The Bible is actually food for your spirit! In Matt. 4, Jesus countered the deception of Satan with the right use of the word. Heb. 4:12 says the word is sharper than a double-edged sword (which makes it good for spiritual warfare). The Christian needs to find time to read, understand and apply the word of God to his life. Read the word of God daily and obey it.
Importance:  You become approved workman (2Tim. 2:15); good for correction, etc. (2Timothy 3:16-17); encourages us (Rom15:4); Types of study: Book study; Verse study; Character study; Word study; Topical study; How to Study: Pray and ask God for guidance; choose and read verse; Ask what the passage says (observe); what passage mean (interpretation); passage lessons to me (Application).
NB: study the bible for correction; bible interprets itself; do not use bible helps to establish doctrine. Make conscious effort to obey what you read. In fact your entire life should be in agreement with the word of God.

3)     Fasting   
Defn: Abstain from food and drink for spiritual purposes (Esther 4:3, Ex.34:28; 2Sam. 1:12; Dan. 1, 10:1-3).
Importance: brings Lord’s comfort (matt. 9:14-15); solves greater problems(Esther 4:3); Resist devil (matt. 4); gives confidence to do God’s will; kills desire of flesh to sin; healing (matt. 17:15-21); cleanses body of toxins.
How to: ask why fast; make schedule; prepare; bring request on d-day at timely intervals; end fast gradually; expect results after.
NB: Avoid detraction, no cheat, no injustice, keep good facial expression (matt. 6;17-18), do good when opportunity comes.

In Matthew 28:19-20, we are called to task as the Lord’s workmanship (Eph. 2:10). We can only perform if we hold onto these three foods.

Results of good spiritual food
The effect of the spiritual food to your life can be manifested in three main areas: hunger for God's Word, confidence, and obedience. The work of the Holy Spirit and God's grace within us, help us to grow and start to display evidence of Christian growth. Key Characteristics of a growing Christian can be revealed as follows:
1.         You have assurance of Salvation
2.         You are filled with the Holy Spirit and manifesting the gifts
3.         Active prayer life
4.         Good bible study habits i.e yearning for; studying and applying it to one’s life
5.         Sharing Christ with others in word and lifestyle.
6.         You have a victorious Christian life

Conclusion: Satan wants to hinder each of us from growing as we ought to (1Pet. 5:8) and He knows that spiritual maturity is his worst enemy. The only way to defeat him is to take in the right spiritual food in the right content/ quantity and at the right time. As we continue feeding on the food that endures, and exercising in/using them (witnessing, obey, sharing/ teach others and serving in the vine yard), we will grow into maturity to give a good account of our stewardship when Christ appears (2cor. 5:10).

Eat the food that endures and you will grow in the Lord. Amen!

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