Saturday, December 31, 2016



What is the purpose of clothing then?
If you look at what scripture says about clothing, you find that clothing is meant for covering the body, not revealing it. Scripture tells us that sin is the reason for the need to clothe the body. Since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, we are no longer naked and unashamed. 
Genesis 3:7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. Genesis 3:10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. Genesis 3:21 "Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God made coats of skins, and clothed them.

Scripture adequately answers the question, "Why clothing"? The answer: ‘To cover nakedness."
Why do you then go naked in your dressings, a so called wise, knowledgeable and intelligent Christian in the 21st Century? Your “eyes no open” then, if your clothing is making you go naked.

Some arguments or alibis:
1. "I am not comfortable wearing long skirts" 
Answer: The Bible will be our guide and authority not our choice and feelings. 

2. "There are some sports that is hard to play if wearing skirts" 
Answer: It is better not to join that sport if you look manly and funny. 

3. "It is hard to find skirts below the knee and all are designed with slit above the knee where my thighs appear". 
Answer: You need to learn to sew or go to the dressmaker with your specifications. 

4. "It is just a small matter that a woman wears trousers or jeans”. 
Answer: Let God be the final say as a judge on how valuable the woman's modesty and man's dress code in His sight (Deuteronomy 22:5)

5. "It is today's fashion" 
Answer: Who is behind the fashion? They are unbelieving designers without the Spirit of Christ. 
The world is not contented and consistent in one fashion to another and sometimes without the guidelines of moral standard. Fashion or style is not bad as long as it does not violate the modesty and sobriety standard of the Scriptures (I Timothy 2:9). It is alright if we do not prioritize today’s fashion as long as we please God. God's comments are more important than man's criticisms. 

6. "I do not have any skirts below the knee but all trousers and jeans" 
Answer: Next time you shop, never buy any garments for men but start buying and stock more ladies long skirts. Give all your trousers and jeans to all your male friends, and loved ones so to avoid any temptation that force you to wear them whenever you open the cabinet. Do not secretly love those items. 

7. "But Deuteronomy 22:5 is only mentioned once, so it does not give us much emphasis" 
Answer: The Bible mentioned John 3:16 once, do we need to accept it?

8. "How about when we are going to have some bodily warm up and exercise at the gymnasium or physical fitness center, for there is a required suit for those who join?" 
Answer: It is better to do it at home than going to gym and compromise. You can watch them at TV and follow instructions. 

9. "Why are some Churches allowing their members to wear trousers, shorts, mini-skirts, bathing suits, and tight clothes?" 
Answer: Let the Bible be your final authority and not any denomination. Follow Bible conviction and not man's preference. Let us follow the obedient Christians not the disobedient Christians. Find a church that preaches fully, completely, exactly what the Scriptures says. Look for a church that pleases God and not men.

10. "How about those tribes’ men who bare their body and only few clothes covering their sensitive parts of their body?", "How about those people in other few countries such as Scotland where some of the men wear a garment that looks like a skirt of a woman?" 
· Our priority as a Christian is the bible not some cultural values. 
· What we need to question is whether they have received Jesus Christ as their Saviour. They are still unsaved and without they being saved, how can they know how to dress as Christians or appear as saved. And if he/she becomes a Christian, someone will need to disciple them and teach them how important the Christian dress code is, in the sight of God. If you are questioning the unsaved the way they dress, it is like questioning the unsaved why they smoke cigarette and drink liquor and questioning some prostitute why they dance and sell their body to their customer. You need to question yourself if you are a Christian and disobey the clear, godly, scriptural teachings of the Bible.

11. "But I will not be accepted by the employer where I am applying for a job if I will follow the Biblical teaching of the Dress code" 
. You should not accept that job instead you must hold on the Scriptural principles with regards to Christian Dress Code. Pray and seek God's guidance to lead and give you a right employer where you can apply and stand for the biblical conviction about modest apparel. Amen!

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