Saturday, December 31, 2016



Who is a modest lady?
As Christians, we have been purchased already and belong to Christ. Therefore we are not our own and should do the will of Jesus Christ. For a lady, dressing modestly is the will of Christ.  1 Timothy 2:9-10 says, “In like manner also, that women adorn (dress) themselves in modest (decent) apparel, with shamefacedness (bashfulness) and sobriety (self-control) not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But which becometh women professing godliness with good works”. Do you want to be a modest lady in dressing? If yes, then let us consider the following practical guides intended to help the Christian lady glorify God in her body and spirit:

a. The modest lady will not be ‘naked’.  In other words, nothing above the   thigh should be revealed.  Whether sitting, standing or hanging from a tree, everything from the thigh to the top of the chest should be covered.  In most cases, this means the garment should extend below the knee when standing, because the garment will gather up and shorten when sitting.  The garment should also completely cover the rear (crack-free zone).  If you constantly have to tug your skirt down to cover your knees when sitting, then it is too short.  The same goes for having to keep pulling your shirt down to keep your stomach or backside covered.  Why fight that battle all day?  It is so much easier to wear clothes that aren’t on the border line of being too short, that way you can relax! On top, she should not reveal her chest.  A good rule of thumb here is that the neckline should not be lower than three fingers widths below the notch at the top of the breastbone.  Cleavage should never be seen.  Also, sleeves should not reveal the lady’s underwear.  A good rule of thumb here is covering the armpit.  If someone cannot see the armpit, they cannot see anything else. 

b. The modest lady will not wear tight clothing.   The modern harlot will dress in a way that advertises what she has to offer.  This means that the little she covers will still be revealed through tight garments.  What is tight?  Today just about everything has spandex or some type of stretchy material a.   in it.  This is not by accident.  If you have to stretch open your shirt to fit it over your head and shoulders, then it is going to be tight and form fitting on your chest and torso, revealing every curve.  Clothing that is tight is revealing and leaves little to the imagination.  This advertises your chest size and the curves of your waist and hips.  A Christian lady should not want to “show off” her body; after all if she truly is a Christian, her body is not her own and she will want to advertise the Spirit of God and not her body.  ...see Part 2

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