Saturday, December 31, 2016


2 Corinthians 5:20-“Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God”…
Most countries of the world have representatives called ambassadors in various countries that maintain a working relationship with us. Being called an ambassador is a very important position or title every diplomat in the Foreign Service will aspire to become.
Who is an Ambassador
An ambassador is the highest ranking diplomat who represents a nation and is usually accredited to a foreign country, government or to an international organization. Sometimes countries also appoint highly respected individuals as Ambassadors –At- Large who are assigned specific responsibilities, and they work to advise and assist their governments in a given area. The word is also often used more liberally for persons who are known, without national appointment, to represent certain professions, activities and fields of endeavor. Eg UN, FAO, WHO, etc.
In everyday usage, it usually applies to the ranking government representative stationed in a foreign capital. The host country typically allows the ambassador control of specific territory called an embassy, whose territory, staff, and even vehicles are generally afforded diplomatic immunity in the host country.

Importance of an Ambassador
The ambassador system was initially used to disperse information and to protect the more vulnerable states from the larger states during the Italian wars before it became popularly used. An ambassador was used as a representative of the state in which he is from to negotiate and disseminate information in order to keep peace and establish relationships with other states. This attempt was employed in the effort to maintain peaceful relations with nations and make alliances during difficult times.
Apart from his academic qualification, Pass the Foreign Service Exam and work your way up the ranks or be extremely politically connected. Those who are capable of solving problems quickly and fairly, while encouraging diplomatic relationships, will make top-notch ambassadors. one simple definition of diplomacy is that it is the oral aspect of international relations. There is an essential difference between what is written and what is spoken, not only because spoken words are essentially more ephemeral (verba volant), but because the spoken language has infinitely more nuances, being both richer and more subtle than written texts.
Note also that an ambassador who fails to fulfill the ideals of his nation can be recalled, demoted or dismissed.
So, who is an ambassador of Christ
An ambassador of Christ involves more than people not finding discrediting things about you and more than just being sacrificially committed. God wants us to expose by positive contrast the emptiness of life in the world so that people are attracted to the lifestyle available to them through Christ.  In vs 6, Paul summarizes some qualities that should distinguish us as people of a good God.

An ambassador of Christ is:

  • a born-again believer in Jesus Christ and Him only
  • a Holy Spirit- filled and depends on the Holy spirit for power, guidance and counseling
  • and he leans not on his own strength.
  • a messenger of God through his saving grace to preach the message of reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ.
  • Knowledgeable in the understanding of the Christianity.  We need to study the Bible and other related critical issues so we can intelligently represent him (2 Tim. 2:15). Despite the opportunity to understand our faith, most Christians are ignorant today because we fail to study and rather want to be thought instead of  getting into the Word ourselves.
·        Ready at all times and alert for chances to represent Christ and will not back away from a challenge or an opportunity.
·        Patient. An Ambassador won’t quarrel, but will listen in order to understand, then with gentleness, seek to respectfully engage those who disagree.
·        Tactical. An Ambassador adapts to each unique person and situation. With wisdom he challenges bad thinking, presenting the truth in an understandable and compelling way.
·        Clear. An Ambassador is careful with language and will not rely or resort to empty rhetoric.
·        Fair. An Ambassador is sympathetic and understanding towards others and will acknowledge the merits of contrary views
·        Honest. An Ambassador is careful with the facts and will not misrepresent another’s view, overstate his own case, or understate the demands of the gospel.
·        Humble. An Ambassador is not proud, knowing that his understanding of truth is fallible. He will not press a point beyond what his evidence allows.
·        Attractive. An Ambassador will act with grace, kindness, and good manners. He will not dishonor Christ in his conduct.
·        Dependent- An Ambassador knows that effectiveness requires joining his best efforts with God’s power.

Who is not Christ’s ambassador?
An ambassador is:
  • Not a church-goer only but a practical Christian
  • Not one who has no salvation through Jesus Christ
  • Not a compromiser of the world
  • Not Praised by men
 How to become a faithful ambassador
An ambassador should always be abreast with modern happenings in the world and his country. Likewise, an ambassador of Christ should be knowledgeable about the things of God to be able to represent Him better. To be a faithful and enduring ambassador, the Christian should:
  • Be prayerful
  • Study the scriptures fruitfully and live by it and not set the word of God to his control (2Tim. 2:15, 2Tim. 3:16,James1:22)
  • Have the Holy spirit and let Him teach you (1John 2:27)
  • Should be a witness. Ready to share the word of God with others. (matt. 28:19-20)
  • Should not eschew fellowshipping (Heb. 10:25)
  • Separate yourself from the world (James 1:27, 1John 3:13)
  • Should be patient and have a good report of himself ( I Tim. 3)
  • Take stock of your life regularly (2Corin. 13:5) and check whether you are in the faith
 Rewards for being a good ambassador
  • You will be blessed spiritually and physically (eg. Abraham)
  • You will be awarded on the last day of the Lord’s coming (2Corin. 5:10)
 Challenges of an Ambassador of Christ
  • Hatred from the world
  • Isolation, rejection
  • Physical and spiritual attacks to hinder you from progressing the word of God and living it.
The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:20 “Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”

Are you an ambassador of Christ? Are you appealing to the unbelievers to reconcile with God? Are you reconciled with God?


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