Thursday, December 29, 2016


Our Time—Anti-marriage

Living happily in a marriage seems like an unreal dream for most people today. Many couples are attempting to find happiness outside of marriage. Why are so many people anti-marriage today? The Apostle Paul prophesied that our times would be very perilous (2 Timothy 3:1). The word “perilous” can also be translated dangerous. Paul shows that one reason for the danger today is human beings no longer have a “natural affection” for each other (2 Timothy 3:3). Our newspapers are full of headlines proving this verse true. Children are killing parents; husbands—wives; and wives—husbands. People have become more concerned with their own selfish desires (2 Timothy 3:2). Although there are many people claiming to be religious, our time is one that has drifted far from the true knowledge of God (2 Timothy 3:5). God and His Bible no longer bear any direct authority in many people’s lives. And society is suffering the results.

In the last several decades, homes that should have been a bastion of peace and tranquility have become vicious battlegrounds. Failed marriages have led to great sadness, and even tragedy. Many children have watched their mothers being abused mentally, emotionally and physically. Because of this fact, many people, especially women, have become anti-men and anti-marriage. The feminist movement has gained notoriety because of these many problems in society. Leading women want solutions to marriage, family and society’s problems; but the women’s movement is walking down the wrong path for a solution. All women will have to come to the realization that they can never discover solutions to human problems or find happiness through feminist values. How can you, as a woman, become truly fulfilled?

God’s Revealed Purpose

The plain truth is, God created women for a physical and spiritual purpose. Women will only find true happiness by living according to these purposes. This article has been written to inspire you to recapture the value in true womanhood.

What is true womanhood? We must look to the Bible—to God’s revealed purpose for women—for the answer. Why did God create women? “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him” (Genesis 2:18). Well-educated people scoff at the revelation concerning Adam and Eve. Yet, these few verses in Genesis reveal God’s awesome purpose for women (and men). If only believed, these verses can give solutions to the unhappy state of many women.

This historical account in Genesis is probably one of the most romantic in all of the Bible. Adam was brought to life suddenly. He was given an incredibly beautiful, semi-tropical garden, teeming with wildlife, as his home. He was in perfect health. He was incredibly good looking and had sharp intelligence. Genesis 1:26-28 show that God gave Adam authority over an entire planet. What a fantastic challenge! Genesis 2:19 shows that Adam went right to work. God brought the animals to him and he gave each animal species its name.

But Adam soon discovered that he was alone. He was given an awesome job. He had a great home—plenty of wealth—but no one to share his life. There was no one of his same kind to experience the beauty of creation. There was no one to share his plans, hopes and dreams. There was no other human whom he could love.

God knew that it was not good for Adam to be alone. So God put Adam under a deep sleep. He took one of his ribs and fashioned Eve from that rib. Being molded from Adam’s rib, the laws of biology tell us Eve shared the same body cell structure and blood type as Adam. Adam understood this fact when he first saw Eve. “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Genesis 2:23). In a wedding procession fashion, God brought Eve to give to Adam. Eve was also in perfect health and stunningly beautiful. Like Adam, she had sharp intelligence. God created Eve to be the perfect match for Adam. After presenting Eve to Adam, God then bound them as husband and wife. In this first marriage ceremony, God said, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).

The women’s movement has taught millions of women to scorn this knowledge concerning Eve’s creation. However, Eve was created to assist Adam. That is the revealed purpose for women. A woman’s purpose is tied intimately to that of a man. God did not create Eve to be in competition with Adam. Adam and Eve were created to work in harmony—together.  see Part 3

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