Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Read Phil 4: 13- “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

  • If you read the first part of this scripture, it sounds arrogant- ‘I can do all things’….. But this was the spirit that attempted to build the Tower of Babel and most of these New Age Religions.
  • Many infested today by humanism, make the same claim without any trust in God- ‘I can do all things’. The power of positive thinking as they call it.
  • But the second part of the scripture ‘through Christ’ makes the difference between us and them.

·   Stop and think about the impact of this verse- what you could do without Christ. Example: knowing Christ, victory over sin, happiness in your marriage, etc. As in John 15:5, Christ told His disciples- I am the vine and you are the branches.
·   So with our faith deeply rooted in Christ, we have strength to know the difference between right and wrong; response to prayers through Him. In fact, we can do everything Christ will have us to do, if we have our hope, faith and trust in Christ.

·   Paul, by the strength of Christ was able to bear fatigue, cold, imprisonment, persecutions, hunger, temptation, etc and through the strength, Paul was able to perform his duties according to his calling (Phil. 4:11)

·   Through the strength of Christ, you can evangelize without fear or shyness, you can pray, study and walk in His word.
·   We don’t have an idea about what we can do through Christ. He says ‘never will I leave you or forsake you’.
·   Through Christ, we can love in this loveless world, we can live through anxiety and the panicky of the world’s economy, fear, hunger, persecutions, etc.
·   Through Christ, we can learn contentment, stand abuse and rejection in today’s world.
·   All we need to do as Christians is to believe in Christ, His word and walk in them (2Tim. 3:15-16), contrary to the deceptions of the New Age proclamations.

·   In 2Corin. 12:9- Paul confirms that his strength is made perfect in weakness by Christ.
·   Col. 3:23-24- Do whatever you do heartily as to the Lord and not men.
·   Col. 2:20- Paul confirms that he lives in the flesh by faith in Christ.
·   Heb. 11:1, 6- Live in faith, in order to please God.
·   Phil. 4:6, 7- We should be careful for nothing but by prayer and supplication make your request known to God.
·   Prov. 3:5, 6 – We should trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understanding.


So note that whatever you are going through now, being marriage failures, rejection, persecutions, etc., to the extent that you are planning to give up now- You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Don’t give up. - ‘Be confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ’ (Philippians 1:6). Amen!

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