Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Proverb 26:11: As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.

Characteristics of Dog
§   Useful to farmer – for hunting, security/guard, friend, guide, detection etc.
Characteristics of Vomit
§   Unwanted
§   Smells
§   Creates discomfort
§   You are well after vomiting.
Our Vomit prior to receiving Christ
Prior to receiving Christ, we were filled with vomit (Gal. 5: 19-21; Rom. 6: 20-21). But Christ has delivered us from all these through salvation that we have received. We are now well after the vomit of these - drunkenness, drugs, fornication, stealing, Adultery, etc.
Why don’t go back to vomit
§   No sacrifice for sin (Heb. 10: 26)
§   Worse life  -  2 Pet 2: 20-29
§   Live in frustration and fear
§   You are a fool and not wise because you have ignored God’s wisdom.
How not to go back to vomit
§   Get away from old friends – do not be yoked
§   Prayer
§   Study the Word and live it – Romans 2: 13
§   Have the Holy Spirit
§   Fasting, which kills the desires of the flesh, etc
§   Occupy yourself with the Work of God
§   Put faith in Christ and Him only.

Romans 6: 23.  Amen!

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