Wednesday, December 28, 2016



  • Listening to radio or reading the newspapers sometimes sends shivers down our spines.
  • If it is not murder, then armed robbery. If not famine then diseases or civil wars.
  • People are just wondering where the world is heading.
  • In Acts 1:11, we are told that Jesus, in the same manner that he is taken into heaven shall return in like manner, where all shall see him.
  • Jesus predicted the end of the world and also His second coming (matt. 24:3)
  • In Mark 13:32, Jesus also said no man knoweth the day or hour of His coming; not even Him or the Angels of Heaven…. Except the Father.

In view of the above statements, it should be our concern to identify these signs characterizing the end times and how as Christians we should live, so that we will not be deceived.
We will be looking at a few of the signs today and how to stand the times.

Q1.  What signs will occur prior to the second coming of Christ?
Ans: (i) Matt. 24:6-8
  • Wars and rumours of wars (eg. U.S vrs Panama; Argentina vrs. Britain; North Korea vrs South Korea, etc)
  • Nation rising against nation (eg. U.S vrs Iraq, Iran vrs Iraq, Eritrea vrs Ethiopia, etc)
  • Famines ( eg. Ghana (1983), Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Sahel of Africa, etc)
  • Earthquake (Japan, Iran, Mexico, Italy, etc)
  • Pestilence (locust attacks, Bird flu, SARs, HIV-AIDS, H1N1flu, Syphillis, etc)

 (ii) Matt. 24:9-12,37-39; 2Tim 3:1-4
·        Lawlessness
·        Violence/ wickedness (murder of lovers, children, robbery, etc)
·        Unloving/ Hatred
·        Disobedience to parents
·        Immoral/ Unholy
·        Unthankful and Traitors
·        Lovers of pleasure than God (partying, excessive ceremonies, etc)
·        False accusers
·        Despisers of those that do good and Selfish

(iii) Negative Spiritual Signs
·        False Christ and prophets (matt. 24:5)
·        Apostasy in the Church (false doctrines) (2 Thess. 2:3; 2Tim. 3:5,4:3-4)
·        Contrary biblical doctrines (2 Tim. 4:1-4 eg. Infant baptism, Christianity is financial gain, etc)
·        Persecution of the true believers (matt.24:9,Mk. 13:13-no prayer time, beatings, death, shunning for being holy)
·        Outbreak of demonic and cultic activities (1 Tim. 4:1)

(iv) Positive Spiritual Signs
·        Outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28-29)
·        Worldwide Evangelism (Matt 24:14; Mk. 13:10)
            (v) 2 Pet 3:3-12: If you scoff saying…… the end time is not coming because things are continuing as they were from olden     days, the end is near, you are fulfilling prophesy.

            (vi) Increase in knowledge and understanding prophesy  (Dan. 12:4)
            There will be Tribulations and trials than never before.(Book of Revelation)

                            Are we in the end-times then?

Q2: What should be our attitude when these signs occur or are occurring?

1.      Be sure of your salvation and your trust is in Jesus Christ only.
2.      Test the spirits whether they are of God or scripture supported(1Jn 4:1-3, 2Jn 7)
3.      Have the Holy Spirit (counselor, teacher, revealer of the truth and guardian)
4.      Don’t be troubled at the signs as they happen since they are the beginning of ‘birth pains’ or ‘sorrows’ (matt. 24:6)
5.      Be patient and endure to the end; God loves us and has revealed these signs to us; not wanting us to perish.
6.      Watch and pray (mk. 13:34-37)
7.      Continue in what you have learnt (2Tim.3:14)
8.      Let the word of God be your sole guide (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
9.      ‘Work in the vineyard’ to rescue the perishing souls (2 Tim.4:5, Matt 28:19, Mk16:15-20)
10.   Have the attitude of the Bereans (Acts 17:11-13)

Q3: Examples of end time scenarios.
1.      Noah’s days, so shall it be. Things will happen naturally and normal; enjoyments, marrying, jobbing, etc.
2.      Interpretation of the fig tree. (mk13:28-30)
3.      Lot & Sodom and Gomorrah- Lot was saved because of his faithfulness in God (Gen. 19). The wife turned salt because of disobedience. (Gen. 19:26)
4.      Master and servant story (Mk. 13:34-37)

We notice that the evidence makes it clear that the return of Jesus Christ is very near, even at the door. I beseech you to choose this day whom thou wilt serve.  God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you will not fear or tremble at the events that are coming. If God wants us to perish, He will not have revealed the signs to us.

We should hold on to the faith in Jesus Christ only and we will not be deceived. If you put off making a decision, you are still making a choice that has eternal consequences. God loves you and wants you to make the right choice and so do i.

Don’t forget, Christ is coming to judge the living and the dead, will he find you faithful, Holy and acceptable (2 Cor. 5:10)?

Brethren, the decision is yours, you have the chance to take it now. I will say take Jesus now and forever.

Stay tuned for End-time (2)

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