Saturday, December 31, 2016



What is wrong with women wearing trousers? What is wrong with me showing my feminine features to be admired? A woman need be attractive and fashionable! It is my body! I can wear what I want! Am aware, mind your own business! Is your dress fashion professing Godliness, as a Christian?
Feminine modesty has been understood as being distinctive from its male counterpart in every society since the dawn of history, even in places where God’s word has never reached. Today’s feminist fashion was inaugurated and promoted by liberal-minded people, particularly feminist agitators, intend on discarding Christian traditions and altering peoples understanding of Christian values. The skirt-trouser dichotomy has become established within all civilization, including Christian culture, as one of the main differences between men and women’s clothing. Only recently has this difference been obscured. If you walk down the street of any city or town, the proportion of women wearing trousers to skirts is something “like” 10:1. The fashion has become so institutionalised that some women can be said to 'live in trousers'. For nearly 6,000 years, women always wore long dresses, but only since the last 40 years that a dress is suddenly "impractical" to wear. Formerly, women performed a wide variety of jobs, including farming, in skirts. Nowadays, they can't so much as rake a few leaves in the garden without feeling the need to put on a pair of trousers.
Is a Christian justified to wear what pleases him/ her?

Know this
Scripture demanded purity in glances, thoughts, desires and actions and Christians generally understood that immodesty is related to lust and causing temptation to others. A moral conscience was therefore formed which informed Christians that immodesty, particularly in a woman because of her nature as the temptress of man, involves an offence against God and lack of respect for ourselves and our neighbour. In non-Christian countries such as India and the Far East where women wore trousers, they took care to cover them amply with a flowing robe or a long tunic that concealed the outline of their body below the waist.
It is evident that trousers were historically associated with men and wherever they were adopted by women, they were subjected to skirting around by cultural restrictions and limited to specific circumstances. There is thus no recorded history of women adopting the fashion of wearing trousers like their men folk until the 20th century.  Know this, all dictionaries up to early 20th century defined “trousers” as “a garment worn by males”.

“You’ve forgotten your skirt!”

Most women and girls are incredibly naïve about the effects of immodesty; they sincerely want to lead a Christian life, but seem to be unaware of the link between a chaste heart, a chaste appearance and their potential for leading others astray. There is no such thing as modest trousers on or for women. If women are ‘dressing to kill’ these days, there is no doubt that they have succeeded in killing the morals of men and endangering their souls by wearing provocative styles, particularly midriff-baring tops and how-low-you-can-go jeans. ...see part 2

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