Wednesday, December 28, 2016



Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God for giving us another time to share His word.

Last time we looked at certain signs that will characterize the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We realized some have happened and are happening. Example- wars, famine, earthquake, lawlessness, pestilence, violence, etc.

Today, we are going to look at another important sign that we need to note as the day approaches for Christ’s second coming- that is the Antichrist” (see 1Jn 2:18,22).

The question we stop to ask ourselves is: who or what is the antichrist; How can he be identified by bible-believing Christians and how to overcome him and his schemes.

Q1. Who is the antichrist?

He is to be a political, religious individual who is opposed to God and Jesus Christ and God’s Church. He is also known as beast, horn, false Christ, the wicked one and the man of sin. (see 1Jn. 2:18,22; 4:3; 2Jn. 7, Dan 7,8,9; Matt. 24; 2Thess. 2; Rev. 13,17,18).

Q2. What are the identities of the Antichrist?

(i)               a false Christ (Matt 24:24): he claims to be anointed by God and claims to work in God’s name of redeeming God’s people and renewing creation. But he is a liar, his claims are false. Remember, he is false Christ.
*     The Man Jesus of Nazareth is the real Christ. He is God’s anointed, born of the Virgin Mary. He qualified to die on the cross at Calvary for you and my sins. Note, “Jesus is the Christ” and no man else. He is sitting at the right hand of God now, interceding on our behalf. He is the Christ who left us the Holy Spirit and no earthly man!

(ii)             Opposed to Christ and God: anti= opposed to, fighter of. For Example, anti- venom and antiseptic. So also the antichrist is opposed to Christ. He is opposed to Christ personally and His Church (Rev. 13:6). Although he gives the impression he is motivated in love, concern for humanity, pity for the oppressed; what drives the antichrist is rather hatred or opposition for all that Christ stands for and for all that stands for Him (Rev. 12:9,12-13).

(iii)            In place of Christ: the antichrist tries to stand as a substitution for Jesus Christ. 2Thess. 2- tells us that he comes as imposter of Jesus Christ. That is ………
*     will be revealed someday as Christ (v 3,8)
*     will be in God’s temple (v. 4)
*     will claim to be God (v. 4)
*     will perform signs and wonders (v. 9)
*     will come with the power of a spirit ie. Devil and not the Holy Spirit.

(iv)            an individual person: many think the antichrist will not be a man. He definitely will be a man since he will stand opposed to Jesus Christ. He is the man the deceived will put their trust; they will look for deliverance from their miseries. In 2Thess. 2, he is the ‘man of sin’ and the ‘son of perdition’ (v3), he shows he is God (v4) and he is wicked (v8). The antichrist will not be a strange creature,        unrecognized to you and me, a man from mars or another solar system. He will not be a stranger to humanity.

(v)              Has a Political and Religious Power or two- horned: His kingdom will be both Political and ecclesiastical (Religious) empire. In Rev. 12- where the dragon (ie. Satan or the devil) pursues the woman (the church of Christ) on earth. He is angry because the woman’s man-child (Jesus Christ) is caught up into heaven before the devil can devour Him and therefore is making war with the seed (true Christians) and to devastate the Church through politicians, false teachers, false pastors, false prophets, etc. (political and religious means).

 Rev. 13- shows the appearance of two beasts, which are products of the dragon in Rev. 12, for which he gave them his power; a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns (Rev. 12:3). The whole world worships the beast, whiles he spews blasphemies against God and war with the saints (true Christians) and overcame them. He is the same beast in Rev. 17:3 as woman (church) on scarlet -coloured beast (political power), ridden by great whore. Note that Rev.13 is based on Dan 7. The Beast from the sea represents the antichrist in the form of world political power.

              Note: In Prophesy, Sea= people or nation (Isa. 57:20; Rev. 17)
                                  Horn= power, crown or authority (Rev. 13:7)
                                  Beast= king (Dan 7).
The divisions on earth will end in One Global Unity, One World Government, a New World Order (NWO) as in globalization, global village, etc. He will have power, dominion over all that dwell on earth. Rev. 17 tells us that, the kings of the earth will fornicate with the whore (the false church). In the last days, there will be political union of all nations (globalization); religious union of all religions (ecumenism) and expect to see one man over all these unions- “the antichrist”.
(vi)            Sits on Seven Hills: According to Rev. 17:9, the woman (church) sits on seven heads (mountains). Will it then be “Rome” sitting on the Capitoline hill, Palatine hill, Quirinal hill, Viminal hill, Esquiline, Caeline and Aventine hills?

(vii)           Has blasphemous power: he will set himself up as God (according to Jn. 10:33) and declare that Jesus Christ has not come in the flesh (1Jn. 4:3). Matt. 23:9 says “and call no man on earth father”…..who has the authority to do otherwise? The antichrist.

(viii)         Will not desire women: according to Dan. 11:37. But I Tim. 3:2 said a Bishop should be a husband of but one wife and not to be compulsorily single, gays, pedophiles, etc.

(ix)            Presumes authority to change God’s laws: according to Dan. 7:25. But the question I ask is who changed Saturday to Sunday? Who changed 30days per month to something else using the (Pope Gregory) Gregorian calendar? Read Gen. 7:11, 24 and Gen. 8:3, 4- where 5months give 150days. Dan. 2:20-22 says it is only God who has the right to change His set times

(x)              His number adds up to 666: Instead of 777 (perfect number of God), he has an imperfect number of humanity, 666 (Rev. 13:17-18). His number will be identified with people who will behave like him to be able to buy and sell (trade). His mark will be on their right hands (actions or works) and foreheads (thoughts).

Q3. What is the purpose of the Antichrist?

*     To destroy the saints- God’s elect, bible believers and keepers. He is indwelt by Satan to oppose God and anything God (ie. Jesus Christ and His seed). He couldn’t touch Jesus because He was caught up to heaven (Rev. 12), so the only thing left is to breathe his fire and hatred on the seed of the woman- Church of Christ. There had not been any man that holds the title of priest and king apart 

*     Note that he and his worldwide agents will perform miracles to deceive, do great wonders. He will say things like, I am the messiah and you are God, he will deceive that churchianity = Christianity; Godliness= financial gain; ecumenism and church unions will ensure peace; church and state are partners, etc.

*     He will desire to have you who keep God’s commandment and have the testimony of Jesus Christ- the elect of God.

               We must therefore understand the methods of the antichrist!

Q4. What are the method’s of the Antichrist?

*     Deception: He speaks lies to deceive (2 Thess. 2) for unrighteousness as the devil deceived Adam and Eve to eat he forbidden fruit. He will use very crafty, lying words and very passionate.  But like the false prophet, false pastor and false teacher, he will be using language of church, catch-words, misquoting bible verses as in Matt. 4:1-11 (Satan trying to deceive Jesus after fasting) but he is a liar.
But as Jesus did, knowing God’s word and correctly dividing it. Let scripture proof itself not man. Be like the bereans in Acts 17:11.

*     He will use every tool available to him: school teachers, politicians, journalists, artists, musicians, scientists, medical doctors, lawyers, businessmen to deceive men. He will use those whose calling is to persuade and to teach. What is this message that has the power to deceive? The gospel of the antichrist is humanism- the happiness of man, glory of man, peace and prosperity, health, wealth of man. You will hear him claim there is no God, no Christ, no salvation or bible is not complete.

*     He will use every means available to deceive the Children of God, so beware!

Q5. What is the strategy to counter the Antichrist Schemes?

*     The church’s calling is to oppose the antichrist by speaking the word of God and not what we think. Let us not be deceived into thinking that he is no threat. Let us tell people about him and his ways now!

*     Recognize the antichristian spirit. Rome has always the anti-christian spirit and principle: church and state, worship of Mary, Angels and Saints in addition to Christ; salvation by works in addition to Grace and Faith (1corin. 1:18-as is being changed in the other bible versions apart from the KJB)

               As an individual:

*     Make sure you have salvation through Jesus Christ only.

*     You have the Holy Spirit as you Guardian, Counselor and Comforter.

*     Your trust is not in man but God only and His word.

*     Study the word of God (as the bereans), Pray, Fast and work to rescue the perishing.

Q6. What is the manner of our opposition of the antichrist?

*     The manner of our opposition is not to oppose with guns and bombs. We don’t overthrow it when it comes by political power plays. We oppose him in spiritual manner. In the way Jesus did and thought His disciples- faith and the powerful word of the gospel. As Christians, our profit is not money or how functional or complex our chapel is. These are of the flesh. Our profit should be the number of souls we rescue to Christ and building the broken bodies, where the Holy Spirit resides.

*     We should oppose humanism from the pulpit of our churches and put out those ministers and elders who would preach and teach this kind of gospel- that exalts man, promotes cause of man and man alone.

*     We should oppose the church government, where a few holy ones, intellectual elite (nicholaitan spirit-Rev. 3), lordship of man, setting aside the word of God and the replacement with the word and will of man.

*     We should oppose the ecumenical movement, which is the new frenzy of the church- the agenda to bring all churches together into one large church body. A protestant preacher praying and dialoging with the Moslem, discussing peace with other non-Christ believers who is threatening peace. Don’t you see they are preventing us from witnessing with their all –worship- one God statements? Why should we dialogue on how to accept a perverted brother who is not willing to change from his perversion? Claiming that is how God created him. Will God create someone a homosexual? Don’t be deceived!

*     We should promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. Promote proper church union on the basis of the truth of the gospel of God- on Christ and not man. Note, we are all priest through Christ and Christ is our High priest. No, Man should therefore take upon himself a priest of the people because we all have access to the throne of grace.



*     The antichrist will deceive many (even the very elect will be deceived), the ungodly world as well as many in the churches. Those who will stand against him will be mocked, killed and ostracized for their stand. Remember the crusades and the inquisitions.

*     Those who won’t receive the love of Christ for salvation will be sent strong delusion by God to believe the lies of the antichrist and his agents.

*     But take heart, for the antichrist will be finally defeated by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ reigns without struggle.


The truth about the antichrist is dreadful. The faithful and the church shall suffer under him but we are not to fear. Be bold and hold on to the truth of Jesus Christ and he will redeem us from all distress.  Amen.

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