Wednesday, December 28, 2016





Giving is a vital expression of our love for God and our neighbours. Most times a gift reveals the conditions of the givers heart or his intentions.

As Christians living to please God, giving should be a way of life rather than occasional.

This study is therefore to enable us identify what giving is, why we should give, hindrances and motivations to giving so as to fulfill our purpose to give.


(1)             What is giving?
(2)             Mention some of the things we can give to God as Christians?
(i)              Our life- (Acts 9:15, 2Tim.2:15, 2Corin. 8:5, Eph.2:10)
(ii)            Our time- (eg. To witness)
(iii)          Our talents & abilities- (1Pet.4:10, 1Corin.12:4-7,11)
(iv)           Our possessions-(Matt 6:19-21)
(v)             Our finances- (1Tim. 6:17-19)

(3)             Why should we give?
(i)              That is the character of God- (Jn 3:16-as God’s children we should adopt his character)
(ii)            We are stewards- (Hag. 2:8, Ps. 24:1, Lev. 25:23, Deut. 8:18)
(iii)          Is a principle of abundant Harvest -(Mal. 3:8-12, Luke 6:38, Prov. 19:17)
(iv)           Prov. 41:1; Ps. 82:3: Prov. 19:17; Prov. 29:7

(4)             What are some of the characteristics or approaches of a healthy giving?
(i)              Willingness- (2Corin.8:12, Acts 20:35, Ps 41:1)
(ii)            Generosity- (2Corin. 9:6-8)
(iii)          Not boastfully (‘show’)- (Matt.6:1-4)
(iv)           Out of Love- (Jn. 3:16, Eph.5:1-2)
(v)             Sincerity- (Mk 12:41-44)

(5)             What are some of the hindrances to joyous giving?
(i)              Fear- (eg. we look at quantity available eg widow at zarephah-1kings 17:12)
(ii)            Self-centredness- (eg. Cain- Gen.4:3-7)
(iii)          Lack of knowledge & faith- (Luke 12:29-31)
(iv)           Lack of Love- (eg. We give what won’t cost us- Jn.3:16)

·       We will notice that all those who gave generously received abundantly from the Lord. They enjoyed His favour. Eg Abraham-made father of nations; widow at zarephah-knew hunger no longer; widow who gave mite was commended.

(6)             From the above study, what conclusion can you draw about giving?
(i)              It will be given back to us in abundance- (Lk. 6:38)
(ii)            We enjoy the Lord’s protection- (Mal. 3:8-12)
(iii)          We obey God as steward- (Lk. 12:13-21)

Memory Verse: Luke 6:38 –“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again”. Let this be your guiding principle to giving. Amen.

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