Saturday, December 31, 2016


2Chron. 7:13-14: 13If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; 14If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 is made up of an address to God’s people, that when they fulfil the conditions outlined in the verse, God promises to bestow upon them a set of three blessings.
God normally has no formula in doing things but here recorded in 2 Chronicles is one of the most amazing passages of scripture that contains a formula for revival.  There are four conditions to be met and then three promises that God will bestow on His people.
Verse 13 describes a situation where God’s people find themselves under God’s judgment/ punishment. The Bible has many examples throughout history where God’s people found themselves in just such a situation as this.  But verse 14 contains a formula that can be used by God’s people to avert God’s anger and judgment and usher in a time of God’s blessing.

This passage of scripture was not given through a prophet; it was given directly to King Solomon the reigning king of Israel at the time. Unfortunately Israel suffered the results of disobeying God’s warning along the line. To the extent that Israel was divided into two (2) kingdoms- Israel and Judah.   Both Kingdoms rebelled against God and began to worship idols. Within a few decades God’s people found themselves in a place where this verse applied.. Century’s later The Bible records that the Assyrian empire emptied the land of the people of the Kingdom of Israel only leaving a remnant -only a few peasants and farmers remained
But this verse seem addressed to both Ancient Israel and Christians because we are the people called by God’s name today. God’s people today are those who have accepted Jesus as their saviour and Lord, these are God’s people. (John 1:12) i.e. you and I. We are grafted into the vine, and therefore by biblical definition we are God’s people.  So Just as with Israel, if we the church (Christians, not church-goers) do not keep the covenant we have entered into with God, God will call us to repentance.

The conditions
In 2 Chronicles 7:14, after God stating to whom this passage of scripture is addressed to, God goes on to outline four conditions He requires from His people if they are to receive the three promises or blessings He has promised:
1) Humble themselves
The first condition God requires of His people is that they humble themselves.  What does it mean to be humble before God?  To be humble is to behave in an unassuming manner although you have the ability, resources or position; or to have a modest view of yourself. Humility is a very important character for the Christians success. Pride precedes fall (Prov. 16:18) and God makes low the proud (Matt. 23:12)
Jesus himself humbled himself at his crucifixion (Phil 2:8).  Matthew chapter 27:11-14 tells us that Jesus made no defense to the accusations made against him by the chief priests.  As the son of God, Jesus could have defended himself and proven his innocence and even Pilate knew that Jesus had done no wrong; to the extent that Pilate, the Roman governor of Israel publicly washed his hands of any responsibility from crucifying Jesus.
Instead of defending himself Jesus remained quiet, allowing his accusers to manipulate events that would result in his crucifixion.  Jesus allowed himself to be mocked, humiliated, and ridiculed by his accusers, so that the Father’s will would be done and God’s plan fulfilled.
When God said He requires His people to humble themselves, He wants us to give up our rights, our authority, to subdue our will, not to live our lives the way we want to and have God direct our decisions. James 4:10 says “Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you”.
 2) Pray
The second condition God requires of His people is that they pray.  Prayer is a means for God’s people to approach the throne of God and make requests, or supplication for their needs.  Prayer is essentially a means by which God’s people can communicate with God.  God desires that His people talk to Him, get to know Him and let Him know He is in charge so that His will would be worked out in our lives. Today, man has reneged God into the background and believes in humanism/ science (1Tim. 6:20kjb) than reliance on God. What is the result? The world is in chaos and heading towards self-destruction.
3) Seek My Face
The third condition God requires of His people is that they seek His face.  What does it mean to seek God’s face? This means to search for with diligence, to earnestly pursue, look for, or search out. Jesus also taught this principle in Matt. 7:7-8.
God has promised that if His people will seek Him out, if they will desire with the utmost of their hearts to find Him, he will not hide Himself from His people, He will open the door, and allow them to come into His presence like the Judge who yielded to the woman’s persistence. Do you seek man or God?
4) Turn From Their Wicked Ways
The final condition God requires of His people is that they turn from their wicked ways. For centuries the human race has been debating what is wicked and as time goes on our definition of what is right and wrong and therefore wicked changes.  For example certain immoral behaviours has been re-branded to make them acceptable living (e.g. homosexuality = gay; prostitution=commercial sex worker, Fornication= live-in girlfriend or co-habitation), and today, in most parts of the world, these are lawful and acceptable.  Man has turned himself into God and manipulating the word of God  (Rev. 22:18-19, Rom. 1:25).The problem changing the definition of what is right and wrong is that God is an unchanging God, and what He considers as right and wrong does not change with time or with each generation.  God’s standards never change (Hebrews 13:8, Isa. 55:8-9, Mal. 3:6, 1Cor. 1:25) 

Wicked means anything that displeases God.  Does it displease God if we murder or steal?  Does it displease God if we tell a lie, or if we dishonour our parents?  Does it displease God if we worship another God, or worship an idol?  Does it displease God if we disobey His commandments?  Does it displease God if we do not love Him? Does it displease God if we commit adultery and fornication? Does it displease God if we don’t pay the worker’s due wages? Does it please God if we do not witness but rather gossip about one another?

God wants us (His people) to return to the point before we displeased Him, to repent of our sins and allow Him to bless us. God wants his people to stop disobeying Him, to stop doing evil, to put away our wicked ways, and live lives of righteousness, according to His will and His standards. 
Let’s not conform to worldly standards of sin any more (Rom. 12:2, James 4:4, Matt. 5:13). Let us turn from wickedness unto righteousness! End of Part 1

... see Part 2

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