Wednesday, December 28, 2016



In the period of the year in December as Christmas approaches:

  • There are warm feelings in our hearts
  • Families come together
  • There is shopping frenzy
  • Santa claus (or father Christmas) and decorations of various kinds appear
  • There is singing of seasonal music (carols) and feasting on special foods

In fact, Christmas is thought to be a wonderful time for those who celebrate it.

Handed down
Christmas felt wonderful. Most of us trusted what our parents/people told us about Christmas and we never questioned. They were telling us what their parents told them also or what they came to witness being done from olden days.
The popular saying is that: Christmas is been tradition that has been going on since years (Col. 2:8-10. KJV). Most of us never reflect on what we believe or do what we do. We live in a world of customs but only a few ever seek to understand their origin. We generally accept them without question. Most people do what everybody is doing because it is easy and natural.

The Facts
Let’s carefully examine the root of Christmas. Did the early New Testament church keep it? Let us avoid assumptions or what we know and only accept what can be proven from the word of God- because it should be our guide and basis of everything we do as in 2Tim 3:16.KJV.
If Christmas is a Christian celebration:

  • Why are non-Christians so engulfed in its celebration also and all cultures of the worldwide?

  • Why did the bible not instruct us to do all that we do in celebrating Christmas? (2Tim. 3:16-17.KJV)
But should the Christian be ‘celebrating’ Christmas?

Christmas was in fact:
  • A pagan celebration of the Romans and celebrated as the feast of a god Saturn or Saturnalia around December 17-23 and finalized on December 25 when the sun will be appearing (i.e natalis solis invicti- birth of unconquered sun). In celebrating, gifts are given, merry making, greetings, cakes are baked and fir trees are decorated. No wonder the celebration is become a time of great consumption and unequaled revelry (1Pet.4:3-4.KJV).
Luke 2:8 shows that Christ was not born in winter because the shepherds could not stay in the open-cold, rainy winter (Songs 2:11) with the flock. They normally do this in October. So where did December 25 come from? A pope in 404BC (around) decreed Dec. 25 as Christ-mass day for celebration. Forget about what the church believes in or what your pastor says and accept what the word of God says.

  • Christmas tree: Nimrod’s mother alleged that an evergreen tree sprang up overnight from a dead stump, symbolizing new life of Nimrod. She claimed Nimrod visited the tree each anniversary of his birth and left gifts under the tree, which happens to be Dec. 25. That is why Jeremiah knew of the tree (Jer. 10:2-4 KJV). But should a Christian be believing in fables and myths (read 1Tim.1:4; 4:7; 2Tim.4:4; Titus 1:14; 2Pet.1:16- all KJV)
  • Gift Giving: Pagan festival characterized by giving of gifts and decorations. Later explained as the wise men’s gifts. In the East, it is customary (tradition) to give gifts to Kings when you meet them. It was not an exchange of gifts. They were only following their custom and don’t forget: they met Jesus- a King. But we are not worshipping any pagan god but honouring Jesus Christ. (Deut.12:30-31.KJV) says don’t worship God as the pagans do. Don’t blend Christianity with paganism. Moreover, if the Wiseman were led by God, why did they have to wander to locate the child Jesus?

Note Brethren
  • Dec. 25 (Lk 2:8): December is a rainy, cold season in Judea. Shepherds bring their sheep out in mid-October. We do not know the exact date of birth of Christ. God could have made it known but he chose not to. Maybe it is not important because all that is important to us has been given in the word. (Eccl. 7:1-4.KJV)
  • Christ-mass or mass of Christ: is a feast day instituted by man and not celebration of Christ birthday. It is a tradition of man (Matt. 15:9.KJV). Christianity is not about consensus or popular opinion but about the truth as per the word of God (Lk 14:26-27.KJV). Don’t worry about the tradition or custom of it or everybody is doing it. The kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking (Rom. 14:17-18.KJV).

  • In the old testament, God gave the people of Israel Holy days (Lev. 23)- Passover and feast of unleavened bread and in the new testament- Lord’s Supper (1 Corin. 11:24-27). In all these celebrations we were instructed on how to celebrate it.

  • In Matt. 7:16&20.KJV, we know that you can identify the good of something by its fruits. You realize that the effect of Christmas celebration has been mainly: engulfing the entire world in adultery, loneliness, jealousy, drunkenness, drunk driving, revelry, debt accumulation, discontentment, covetousness, gluttonies’, etc. Why will God institute a celebration that will destroy man that He so loved? Remember, Christ hated the Spirit of Balaam (Rev.2:14)

  • Christmas has become a commercial season. It is kept alive by the heavy retail advertisement giants. Sales increase, profit boom- cards, clothing and pastries. Every year the Christmas spirit is kept alive not to honour God but to sell merchandise (research shows about 60% up sales).

So what should we do about it?
The day has come to stay. To fulfill his lust for pleasure, which only feeds the flesh, man will ensure the celebration stays (remember Noah’s days as in the last days). Let us begin to expose the deception (Isa. 58:1)! We, as bible-believing Christians should rather take opportunity to reflect on these:
  • Like Mary:  you should avail yourself willingly to be used by God for His good works.
  • Like Joseph:  you should be obedient to God’s word, although not palatable.
  • Like the Wise men: you should seek Jesus till you find Him and not reveal Him to those who will harm him or His own and obey his instructions not to expose Him or His seeds to be harmed.
  • Unlike Herod:  you should worship Him sincerely, irrespective of our position or title as our King of Kings.
  • Like the Shepherds: you should put every treasured possession aside at the expense of Christ to use us. To obey His commandment and proclaim Him everywhere and to everyone- that will be a better celebration.
  • As Luke 2:40, 52: Have you grown in the Lord Jesus Christ since you were born again? Jesus grew in wisdom and stature. Some of us are still babies, wanting to be taught over and over again the basic principles of Christianity like salvation, bible study, etc. (Heb. 5:11-14.KJV; 1 Corin. 3:1-6.KJV).

Are we to obey God or man’s custom and traditions? (Col. 2:8-10.KJV). Are we to worship God man’s way or God’s way?

Brethren, the choice is yours!

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