Saturday, December 31, 2016


Deut. 26:1-11; Ps. 91:1-2, 9-16; Rom. 10:8b-13; Luke 4:1-13

We have the idea that worship is equivalent to congregational singing. In many churches today, singing is even called the “worship service” as directed by the “worship leader” and possibly a “worship team.” We gather to “praise God” on sunday mornings and then go about our “normal lives” for the rest of the week. This division of lifestyle is entirely unbiblical. This is not true worship.

The topic “truthfulness in worship”, tells us that there can be falsehood in worship. So what is truth? What is worship? What is truthful worship?

What is truth?
Today the world is struggling to define what truth is. While some think truth is absolute, others think truth is subjective. People speak the truth when it suits them without recourse to the bible- which is the source of truth. The church which should be the pillar and ground of the truth (1Tim. 3:15) is sometimes in controversy about “what is truth”.

Characteristics of truth
Truth is Absolute not relative (2corin. 13:8). It is consistent (does cannot contradict itself). It is universal (Truth applies equally to everything and not subjective).

What is worship?
Worship is not the hymns that the choir sings. Worship is not the amount you put in the offering basket. Worship is a spiritual discipline and cannot be equated to just playing music in the church. Singing and Offering may be acts or expressions of worship, but they do not define what true worship really is. When we truly worship something, it affects the way we live.  When we worship something, we declare that it is worthy (Psalm 145:3) and has value.
Worship is to honor and respect with deep love and extreme submission. The Christian worship is to God and no other god (Ex. 20). Sometimes our worship can be misdirected (for instance, we worship our work, our bank accounts, fashion, favourite musicians or a political icon).
When we worship God, we do so in response to who He is (Psalm 52:9). Our attitudes and actions reflect that we believe the character and conduct of God to be worthy of praise and adoration. At times our worship is expressed through singing, teaching, and giving cheerfully and willingly. It is also expressed in our daily lives through prayer, Scripture reading, acts of kindness, gratitude, pure thoughts, or actions.
Music and singing is worship only to the extent that the individual is ascribing worth to God with all their being; is focused solely upon the Lord, and is offering themselves up as a personal sacrifice of praise. Anything short of this is just nice music. Worship is not a performance to entertain or a sing-along of nice songs but to lead and encourage people to freely worship in a heart-felt surrender to God.

What is truthful worship?
True worship is defined by the priority we place on who God is in our lives and where God is on our list of priorities. True worship is a matter of the heart expressed through a lifestyle of holiness. Thus, if your lifestyle does not express the beauty of holiness through deep love for God, and you do not live in extreme submission to God, then you are not worshipping God. If your definition of worship is to just be part of the gathering of the day and thereafter live anyhow, then you need to relook at your definition of worship. 
Truthful worship is about:
1)   Keeping all the commandments of God to be holy unto a holy God (Rom. 12:1). Diligent study of the word of God to know how to serve Him better. It is about sharing what you have with others especially the needy- widows, orphans, the poor, strangers (Deut. 26:12-13)
2)   God been your all in all. Your refuge and fortress (Ps. 91:1-2) and no other (juju, amulet, talisman, images, holy water and oils)
3)   Living a life of righteousness from the heart and not the lips (Isa. 29:13)
4)   Doing away with class society in the church- tribal divisions. We normally compete for things of the flesh rather than things of God. When has the church created competition about who wins most souls within the year? But we compete for the group that contributes the most cash; church with biggest functional chapel or Pastor with most flashy car.  God have mercy on us!
5)   Refusing to serve Satan for wealth (Lk. 4:1-13). Satan wanted Jesus to disobey God for his deceptive wealth and power. Today, lust for power, riches and pleasure has got a lot of us shipwrecking our faith in God and serving the world. Through cheating, stealing, coveting and extorting from one another, we are accumulating filthy wealth and call it God’s blessing. True worship is not this. As the Angel’s attended to Jesus when He resisted Satan’s after fasting, the Lord will send forth same to attend to your problems after obeying Him not to compromise.
Worshipping God in truth means that we worship based on truthful knowledge (see Romans 10:2). This includes the truth about who God is and why He is worthy of worship. Truthful worship of God is not only in joyful circumstances but even when we are experiencing troubles or hurts.

Benefits of truthful worship
Because of God's unimaginable generosity towards us, He responds to us through our worship. This is the promise—that when we worship God with deep love and extreme submission, God will come and commune with us and when He comes in His own time as a response to our worship, we will feel that refreshing and peace (Peter’s release from Prison, Paul’s comfort in missionary work, Jonah’s release from the belly of fish, etc.) 

Truthfulness in worship is to declare that God is worthy of our reverence. We worship God when our attitudes, actions, and words declare that He is worthy of our praise. 
Worship is not about the set-up decorations, the instruments or traditions, it is not about the liturgies or confessions- although they can be the means to worship. We must see ourselves in His presence whether in the cathedral, beach, office or closet, market, home or wherever.
Worship is about Christians proclaiming Christ as Lord in whatever they do (1 Corinthians 10:31). It must be taken seriously, passionately and never compromised or watered down. The gospel and our Lord offend, and people who are not in him will not understand (Jn. 6:61-67). So worship is not to compromise our worship of Him to please those who do not know or understand Him.

We tend to think that when we come to fellowship (church), we should feel emotionally moved (which most of our worships do) or seek what we can get- it is not about feeling good. It is about what we give to Him which will in the end make us feel good about that too (Ps. 111:1)

Worship God truthfully and He will respond to your needs. Amen!

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