Thursday, December 29, 2016



Feminists claim that women, in the last several decades, have made great advances in personal freedoms, jobs, and politics. Women no longer need to feel shackled by the “traditional” roles of wife, homemaker and mother. But with all of this success, why aren’t more women happy? How can a woman become truly fulfilled?

As one writer states it, the feminist movement is suffering an identity crisis.
Feminists claim that women, in the last several decades, have made great advances in personal freedoms, jobs, and politics. Feminist writers maintain that advances in birth control have given women the same sexual freedom as men. In other words, women can now have multiple partners and not fear pregnancy!

Feminist leaders proudly proclaim women are as good as men in the job market. Women are landing traditionally “male” jobs. For example, women are working construction, serving in the military, and leading many corporations. Feminists declare that they have finally achieved some long-standing goals. Women no longer need to feel shackled by the “traditional” roles of wife, homemaker and mother.

But with all of this success, why aren’t more women happy? After decades of marches, placard waving and angry speeches, there is a growing undercurrent of dissatisfaction within the women’s movement. Wendy Kaminer wrote in The Atlantic Monthly, “Thirty-nine percent of women, recently surveyed by Redbook, said that feminism had made it ‘harder’ for women to balance work and family life … wage-earning mothers still tend to feel guilty about not being with their children and … worry that ‘the more women get ahead professionally, the more children will fall back …’” (October 1993).

Minority women feel that the feminist movement has failed to solve their problems with inner city life—no jobs and poverty. There is even a growing number of very well-educated, young white females who refuse to be known as feminists. In fact, some very talented, capable women are turning back to the more traditional roles of wife, homemaker and mother. Why? Personal freedoms, great careers and achieving “male” status have not provided the fulfillment they desired. All human beings want fulfillment and happiness. The problem is, mankind has cut itself off from the way to find true happiness. 

see Part 2

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