Thursday, December 29, 2016


It is the desire of every Christian to stand firm ‘till Christ comes. But along the line, people we start the Christian race with are no longer found amongst us or have turned to believe in something else. At times we do not eagerly do what we use to do when we first believed and received Jesus Christ as our personal savior.

We are going to talk about a disease that is affecting a lot of Christians in these last days. It is no respecter of persons or any believer- whether great or small, pastor, evangelist, prophet, etc, you are a potential for this disease. It gradually robs the Christian of the joyous relationship with Christ and turn the believer into an enemy of the faith.

The disease is called BACKSLIDING.

What is backsliding?
Backsliding is to turn away, slide back or return to bad habits or going back to old days (like Gal. 5:19-21).
What are some of the characteristics of backsliding?
Backsliding is a spiritual decay. Satan, the main agent of the disease is subtle, cunning and wise in effecting this disease to the Christian. Some of the characteristics of a backslidden life are:
§   Prayer life is replaced with other interests such as TV, hobbies, sports, etc. which does not give any spiritual fulfillment.
§   Hunger for the word of God diminishes
§   Church fellowship diminishes for no substantial reason
§   Concerns for souls subside.
§   Fear of God departs
§   Hatred for sin diminishes (2corin. 7:10)
§   We justify actions/ behaviours we would not have
§   We don’t identify ourselves with God anymore
What are some of the causes of backsliding?
§   Looking/ Listening at forbidden thingsFor example Eve and the serpent; David and Bathsheba; Saul and disobedience at war; Jesus after His fasting and Satan wanted him to look at the world but He fixed His eyes on things above. Most times what we see on TV, the undesirable materials and music we listen to, later play in our minds. We must have self-control or temperance.
§   Self- management:  Sometimes we try to help God by taking care of our own affairs like business, family, finances, church relations, health, etc. For example Abraham & Hagar affairs, Saul ‘sacrificing rather than obeying God’- (If you think you are standing, be careful you don’t all).

§   Joining undesirable groups: This occur through socializations like alliances, friendships, societies, etc where you are forced to do what the group is doing or has decided to do based on majority vote. God does not work with numbers but what is morally right. (e.g. Noah/ Lot times; 2cor. 6:14-18-unequal yoke)

§   Self confidence: Leaning on natural or acquired/ carnal knowledge or strength. Example is when Jesus told Peter he will deny Him three times, Peter refused because he trusted in himself as being closer to Jesus. Instead of trusting Jesus, we trust in our own acquired knowledge and experience.(lean not on your own understanding)

§   Enjoying Praise of Men: This comes by through popularity or earthly kindness. For example preachers tend to compromise their stands when flattered by friends, fellow Christians with gifts, praises and invited to occasions due to popularity. (This is a problem of mostly church leaders). Don’t entertain praise of men.

§   Taking grace/spiritual gift for granted.  A typical example is Solomon blessed with wisdom later took it for granted and went womanizing.

§   Living comfortable/ pleasurable life: comfort leads to forgetfulness; pleasures (as used by Balaam on the Israelites-Num. 23). Most Christians are living unimaginable lifestyles for comfort and have compromised their faith (Rev 3:17 as in the Laodicea church)- drinking, eating, partying, festivals, funerals, picnics...all to glory the flesh.

§   Focusing on the negatives: we are so much occupied with the difficulties rather than focusing on thanksgiving. Some become slaves to idols because of focusing on negatives rather than counter with positives. (learn to give thanks in all things-1Thess 5:18; Eccl. 9:4)

Note: anything that affects negatively our relationship with God is a starting point for backsliding
How can we come out/ avoid backsliding?
  • Prayer, fasting and bible study and obedience to the word of God (Matt 26:41, Matt 4:4)
  •  Dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ in all things (John 14:5-6. Phil. 4:13)
  • Remember former days, where the Lord has brought you, catered for you and comforted you (Rev. 2:5,3:3)
  • Repent and confess your sins daily (1John 1:9)
  • Resist worldly influence (Rom. 12:2, 1corin. 5:9-10, John 17:14, James 4:7)
  • Take stock of your life (2cor. 13:5)
  • Reach out, you who is strong and encourage the weak (Gal. 6:1, 1Tim 4:6, Ezek. 3:19)
Check your life so you are not affected by backsliding because:
·     Heb. 6:4-6: For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,5And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,6If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame”.
·     Luke 9:62: And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

Malachi 3:7B: Return to the Lord and He will return to you.

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