Thursday, December 29, 2016



·       From what we have heard, all evidence is that a true Christian will not commit suicide. And therefore contemplating suicide may be evidence that one is not truly saved at all, and therefore still under the wrath of God. Let every soul contemplating suicide think hard on these things. Let them ask themselves why they would abandon God because of their mental anguish? Do they truly have the mind of Christ? We are "sent" with a mission, and it's not over until God calls us home. It's not over when we decide we don't want to live anymore because God (supposedly) placed upon us more than we can bear, in direct contradiction to His Promise. Not at all, for He would never do that. He is our Strength, not our burden. If we have a burden we cannot bear, it's because we have not laid it down at the feet of Christ. And to be sure, how can one seeking to carry his own burden, get into the Kingdom of Heaven?
·       Remember what Jesus Christ went through for us. Remember what the apostle Paul experienced, remember what Job went through, yet all remained focused on the eternal rather than the temporary. When we maintain faith and keep our focus on God's love and the hope He has given us for eternity, Christians can weather the storms of life. It can be done and suicide is no option.

·       In fact, I would have serious doubts about the genuineness of faith of anyone who claimed to be a Christian yet committed suicide. There is no circumstance that can justify someone, especially a Christian, taking his or her own life. Christians are called to live their lives for God – the decision on when to die is God’s and God’s alone.

·       You and I are surrounded by lonely people. Who experiences loneliness and despair? The person living anonymously in a crowded city. The foreigner. The rich and miserly. The divorcee and single parent. The young person. The business executive. The unemployed. Your colleague in the office. No one is immune from loneliness. Even godly men and women sometimes experience loneliness in their pilgrimage through this world. Learn to say hello to somebody in thought, moody, some who all of a sudden has become quiet in the office, church or neighbourhood. Care about others and you can save a life!

·       Use your loneliness or discouragement as a motivation to commit yourself anew to the Lord. Don’t sit under the tree of despair any longer like Elijah. Christ has promised to be with us always (Matthew 28:20). He wants to be our best Friend. You never have to feel alone again.

·       Be sure to fellowship with God’s people (Hebrews 10:25), and stop trying to face the daily battles of life by yourself. Pray with others about mutual needs and concerns. Experience God at work in the body of Christ. Victory in the Christian life is a team effort!

...may the Lord, who is merciful beyond all, give us the wisdom to discern the truth of His most Holy word. And may the Peace of God which transcends all understanding, be with you all. Amen!

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