Thursday, December 29, 2016



The key cause of suicide is depression which can be attributed to:
a.      Guilt. Example from scripture is Cain after he had killed Abel, his brother (Gen. 4:6-7); another is David, after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba and further killed his husband (he was depressed until he confessed).
b.     Chronic sickness
c.      Loneliness
d.     Failures


What should the Christian do if devastated by depression?

Depression is too complicated to solve with a single smart answer. The Bible does not use the word “depression” although it describes people we might call depressed ( eg.Saul and his armour bearer (1 Sam. 31:4-6), Ahithophel (2 Sam. 17:23), Zimri (1kings 16:18) and Abimelec (Judges 9:54). In addition, people use the word “depression” to cover everything from disappointment over losing a baseball game to the terrifying gloom that drives people to suicide. However, there are a few general principles I would advice when trying to deal with depression

  a)  Although science has developed some medications to give relief to depression, one of the key            cures is to deal with the root cause of the problem. Aim to work on the root causes and not the       symptoms. Drugs can mask the symptoms, allowing you to ignore root causes. Some people may      use antidepressants to avoid approaches that require you to deal with other unresolved issues. It      seems easier to pop a pill. A general rule of thumb is to try other strategies first, unless the      depression is so severe that the person endangers himself or finds himself unable to participate in     other therapies.

b)     Realize that you can't base life on your emotions: Christians base life on truth, not feelings. Choosing to trust truth rather than your feelings. Trusting what God says rather than your feelings is certainly a more realistic approach to life! Many people who claim to have faith keep plunging through life ignoring God's principles for healthy living. If we spurn the good advice that the Bible contains, we won't escape the consequences - even if we have faith. Heed God’s advice.

c)     Avoid being alone. Force yourself to be with people. As a Christian, do not give up fellow-shipping together (Heb. 10:25)

d)     Seek help from others. Talk to your Pastor, other Counselors or family members matured in Christ. But be careful with the advice you receive so that your situation won’t get worse as Job was advised to curse God and die by his wife and some friends in the midst of his crisis.

e)     Sing. Music can uplift your spirit as it did for King Saul (1 Samuel 16:14-23). Praise and give    thanks. “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

f)      Rest confidently in the presence of God's Holy Spirit. Remember He is our comforter, guardian, revealer of things to come and helper. What else will you need?

g)      Feel forgiven about your sins and apologies (1Jo:1:9: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness).
h)     Lean heavily on the power of God's Word. (Romans 15:4: For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Read it, meditate on it day and night and trust in it. We will read a few encouraging scriptures to see what is in store for us according to the word of God:

·       Romans 15:13 -"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost". see Part 3 

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