Saturday, December 31, 2016


Matt. 1:19-20: Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.20: But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Whenever the birth of Jesus is preached, Joseph’s name is mentioned. I have been wondering why his name is mentioned because bible says Mary was made pregnant not by Joseph but by the Holy Spirit. But Joseph should be mentioned because he did well, as he did what no man can tolerate– accepting the pregnancy of a woman he had not known.

Joseph’s Profile
God chose Joseph to become the earthly father of Jesus. Bible says Joseph was a just (righteous) man – this is true looking at the attitude of Joseph towards Mary, when she became pregnant. Joseph had every right to feel disgraced, looking at the social stigma. Joseph, not only had the right to divorce Mary but Mary could have been stoned to death according to Jewish law. Although Joseph’s initial reaction was to break the engagement with Mary quietly, as a righteous man, and not cause Mary any shame, he treated Mary with kindness and obeyed the Angels message from God. He was willing to be part of God’s plan for reconciliation with man. Because of Joseph, we are also reconciled with God and have salvation today. Joseph willingly obeyed God in spite of public humiliation.
Bible does not reveal much about Joseph’s role as father to Jesus Christ but we know that he passed on his carpentry job to Jesus and raised him in Jewish tradition and spiritual observance.

God in action in Man
Brethren, God is a merciful God and a loving God (John 3:16) He was bent on reconciling man with himself. He was willing to forgive man to the extent of bringing his only son into the world.  How many men will accept marrying a pregnant woman not his child? What length do you go to forgive? Some of us are not ready to go the extra length to reconcile. God had a wonderful plan for us using Joseph, a man like you and i.  Let’s learn to forgive and God will use you. God will lead and guide you to fulfill His plans today.

Lessons from Joseph
       i.          Joseph was a just (righteous) man. He did not want to expose Mary to public ridicule and shame. How quick are you to let go or publicize people’s human failings? Are we ready to manage the situation than broadcast?
      ii.          Like Joseph, are you obedient to God’s word, although not palatable? Today most people profess to be Christians but are not obedient to God’s word and voice? We prefer to just keep copies of bibles rather than read and obey them. We prefer traditions and customs of men, what we have heard and know and not confirmed by scripture (2Tim. 3:16-17kjb).
     iii.          God honoured Joseph’s integrity by entrusting a great responsibility to him. He did not choose the sweet part of godliness but the hard.  Today, we choose which word to obey (1corin. 14:36-38kjb) as culture or for the Jews, etc.
     iv.          Joseph was a man of patience and self-control. Read papers today and it is disheartening how man is treating or reacting to his fellow man based on mere suspicion. People are in prison because of impatience and lack of self-control. Bible says Joseph treated Mary kindly. How do you react to people’s failings or short- comings? Are you patient to wait and do the right thing as a Christian? The same patience you show people, the same patience will be shown to you.
      v.  Joseph gave Jesus a natural fatherly care. He raised Jesus in the Jewish tradition and spiritual observance and his trade (carpentry). How good do you take care of other people’s children, step children, house-helps, etc.?
When you enter a house, you immediately see the difference – the maltreatment, differences in dressings tell you who is a biological child and who is not. Barren couples have gotten their own children because they took good care of other people’s children. Some old people are taken good care of today by other people’s children because they took good care of these children as theirs. As Christians, let’s take care of other people’s properties and God will reward us as He did to Joseph.

What did Joseph Gain? 
i.          God increased Joseph’s fame. Wherever Jesus’ birth is preached, Joseph’s name is mentioned. Maybe you think it is unfair to do what is right in the sight of God about the situation, why me? Remember that God will not forget about the good you have allowed Him to use you for, although it was not palatable.
ii.        Joseph had children of his own with Mary after Jesus’ birth - a blessing to their marriage.
iii.       God honoured Joseph. God can  also take away your shame and honour you for being part of His endtime plan to preach salvation message to the world (Matt. 28: 19-20; Acts 1:8kjb); caring for the Lord’s work today irrespective of your busy schedules or toil or persecutions.

      Joseph was human like you and I, but God used him for His purpose for mankind. Are you availing yourself for the Lord’s work? Or your job, children, time, pleasure or insults from people, is being considered first? Are you considering your family name or pride rather than the instructions of God? God wants you to teach children service, be an usher,  clean the chapel for meetings, lead bible study, preach His word to people, share your wealth with others, evangelise to save souls from hell and bring joy to heaven. Are you obeying like Joseph, although not pleasant? Bible says, we will all account for our lives (2 Corin. 5:10kjb)

       What is your attitude to God’s request to use you? Amen!

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