Thursday, December 29, 2016


Study Aids Important

To successfully study doctrines and other subjects in the Bible, you will find some study aids very useful. First in importance is a concordance. A concordance is a book that lists most of the words in the Bible and tells which verses contain which words. Using a concordance is like using a dictionary, except that, after each word, instead of a definition, there is a list of Scripture verses. For example, if you looked up the word prayer, a concordance would list every verse with that word. You can then look up every verse. You may be thoroughly surprised to read what the Bible says about prayer. To get a full understanding of the subject, you will more than likely have to look up associated words like pray and praying.

A second useful study aid is a Bible dictionary. In such a reference book, you will find short explanations of historical events and background information on personalities of the Bible. For example, you may want to look up Jezebel, the infamous wife of King Ahab of Israel. In a Bible dictionary, you will find a brief sketch of her life. She is an important person to know because God uses her wretched spiritual life as a symbol of the great false church of our time.

Some people wonder if they need to know Hebrew and Greek to really understand the Bible. The answer is no. The Bible is translated into more than 1,400 modern languages. And even though the translations are not perfect, God has ensured that His Word has been preserved. Some translations are better for Bible study. However, many Bible students have learned to use Hebrew and Greek lexicons. A lexicon is also like a dictionary; when you look up a word from the Bible, it gives the corresponding Hebrew or Greek word and a definition from those languages.

If you desire to research into the Bible in depth, there are many Bible encyclopedias and commentaries. Use extreme caution with Bible commentaries—they contain a lot of men’s opinions and human reason. Generally, the oldest commentaries are the best.

All of these aids are sold in bookstores or available to look at in public libraries. You can find many wonderful buys in used bookstores. If your budget allows, there are excellent computer software programs that incorporate all of the study aids mentioned here and more. A few good online programs are free.

There is nothing more rewarding than reading and studying the Bible.
In your Bible study, we can guarantee that you’ll find adventure. The intrigue of history will amaze you. You’ll receive truly satisfying instruction on how to live your daily life. You’ll find real excitement when you see Bible prophecy come alive in your daily newspaper or on your nightly news. If you get in a tight spot, write us.

Once you begin to read, study and understand your Bible, you will not be able to put it down. The Bible is truly better than any fiction thriller.

May the God of truth enable us to carefully and rightly dissect His precious Word, allowing God's Word to say what it says, remembering that God says what He means and means what He says.  May we be those who tremble at His Word. Amen


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