Saturday, December 31, 2016


How do I get Faith?
We live in a faithless world, where most people want to see before they believe. Most of us are behaving like Jesus disciple called Thomas. How do we get faith in this faithless world, in order to please God?

(i)     Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes from hearing God’s Word. Notice, it did not say that faith comes by praying. Faith comes by hearing God’s word. Find scriptures in the Bible that agree with what you intend to believe God for. Write the scriptures down on paper, and then read them out loud to yourself over and over and over until faith comes. You will know when faith has arrived when all doubt is removed from your heart and you feel or know that the promise belongs to you. Then, you begin to experience patience and peace (in affliction and need). eg. when sick; have marital problems, joblessness, failures, etc.
(ii)    As a church, sharing testimonies of faith encourages others to have faith.(Rev. 12:11)
Hindrances/ Barriers to faith
(i)     When you think of losing out (eg. Saul)
(ii)    When God’s word seems unreasonable to you
(iii)  When obedience to God means going against the crowd (eg. Peer pressure)
(iv)  When obedience to God is likely to bring suffering

Practical Application
Find scriptures in the Bible which contain promises for you and your circumstance. Take these scriptures and make them part of your daily confession, reading them over and over, out loud to yourself. Example:
1.   For sickness you might read Isaiah 53:4-6; Mathew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24 over and over and make them your confession.
2.   You need a childPsalms113:9: He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of childrenPsalms127:3: Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
3.   Persecution in God’s work -1corin. 12:7-10

Character of faith (not what you’d expect)
Hebrew chapter 11, dubbed the ‘Faith hall of fame’, contains a detailed description of faith. But the picture of faith emerging from these chapters contains some surprises. Words and phrases like “persevere, “endure”, “do not lose heart”. In many instances, the heroes cited did not receive the promise they hoped for; some ended up flogged and destitute, hiding out in goat skins (Heb. 11:36-38). Many died horrible deaths. Faith, the author concludes, most resembles a difficult race. The runner has his or her eyes on the winner’s prize, and despite nagging temptations to slacken the pace, refuses to give up until he or she crosses the finish line. “Throw off everything that hinders”.

Is it worth the struggle?
Why do people punish their bodies to run a grueling marathon race? Most runners name two reasons: the sense of personal reward they get and the physical benefits of the exercise. The same two rewards apply in the spiritual realm: great prizes await those who persevere and the very process of living by faith builds strong character. In this race, no one loses. If you finish you get the reward.
Hebrews holds up Jesus, who endured great suffering for our sakes, as the ultimate example. The Christian faith is not sugar-coated. God does not guarantee a life of luxury and ease. It is tough faith: a constant commitment to hang on and believe God against all odds, no matter what.


Do you live by faith or sight? ‘Without faith it is impossible to please God’ (Hebrew 11:6). Think about Paul, Noah, David & Goliath, Shadrach, Meshach& Abednego; the centurion & Jesus encounter for healing of his servant, etc. Hebrew 11:13 says:These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth”. Faith is the cornerstone of Christianity. Without demonstrating faith and trust in God, we have no place with Him. Do you want to please God? Do you want to receive all the promises God has predestined for you in His word? Then have faith, and hold unto faith! Amen.

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