Wednesday, December 28, 2016


 Philippians 3: 14- “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” Not a prize of the President or Chief or Athletic Confederation but of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus”.
As Christians we have a better place to go from this world. A place where all tribulations and pains are not present. It is all joy and rejoicing. Halleluyah!
Jesus Christ is coming again. In fact soon! Whether we like it or not, He is coming again with a Reward (Rev. 22: 12). Some will be commended to eternal life, other to eternal damnation. Are you ready? Where do you stand?

Brief History of Philippians
Paul uses the words joy, rejoicing a lot in Philippians. However, it was a time that Christians were facing very terrible times. A time that Christians were tossed to lions, burnt as torches when even he Paul was in chains, he was telling the people (believers) to rejoice because to live and die in Christ is great gain. The future glory in Christ cannot be compared with our current sufferings. So Paul’s sole goal is not to miss this future glory irrespective of the current sufferings and pains.
Find time to study Philippians and it will be a blessing to you, Amen.

Paul says, irrespective of the poverty, persecutions, unemployment, tribulations, imprisonment, disaster, various problems etc., we have to press on ………….. Halleluyah!!

Ø  What was Paul’s goal/work in life…It was the joy with Jesus Christ at their meeting in Heaven, which should be the goal of every Christian.
Ø  In enduring these suffering life, brethren this should be our goal. If you do not have this goal, then brethren you are wasting your time.
Ø  The main/final goal of the Christian is therefore..
(a)             to meet Jesus in glory
(b)             to be a faithful servant and
(c)             to go to heaven.

What Causes a Press-On attitude/action?
§   It implies going after in order to catch up with; go on with or follow eternity.
§   Press on implies that:
§   There are difficulties or obstacles
§   There is competition
§   There is a prize at stake.
§   There is something good in wait at the end.

How Do we Press On to achieve our Goal?
§   In this modern world of comfort, the slightest relaxation/sleep, you are gone.
§   Bible says “the devil is moving to and fro looking for whom to devour”. Brethren, comfort is bringing most of us forgetfulness (Balaam Spirit) – it is in the church, homes, offices …… everywhere.
§   Bible has given us a lot of warning in these last days that we need to press on for the prize. We need to work hard to achieve the goal.
§   How do we press on, how can we sustain our achievement?
§   I believe during athletics, every athlete goes the length in training to win the Gold.

How Do We Press-On/ Endure?
§   How is your prayer life like? Is it Sunday to Sunday or Sunday and Sunday? Talk to God everyday, every time, everywhere because we need His strength to survive. Do you fast? See what Paul said in Philippians 4: 6.

§   Do you have the Holy Spirit? Do you relate to Him well or you grieve Him with your life style? He is the Guardian, Teacher, Counsellor, Revealer of things to come, gives us power to enable us press on. Do not lean on your own strength.

§   Do you study the Word of God or you read it only? See 2 Timothy 3: 16; Romans 15: 4. Study the Word and be a doer (Romans 2: 13)

§   How disciplined are you? Are you compromising with the World? Are you a friend to the world rather than God? Are you enjoying the good living of the world? Enjoying the pleasure and the comfort? Be disciplined and endure the times as soldiers of the cross; as the athlete – be disciplined to the calling.  Read Hebrews 12: 11.

§   Do you fellowship? Who do you associate with? Fellowship with Bible believers. A true fellowship should encourage us rather than discourage us in the Lord. So know the fellowship you belong to.

§   Do You Witness? With your life; do you reach out to spread Christ? Do you rescue the perishing? It is a command. Do it and continue to do it and you will be blessed.

§   Do you take stock of your life and seek God’s strength? Judge yourself before others do to know whether you are in the faith.

Christianity is not easy, that is why we need to press on and not get weary now so that we meet Christ in glory and joy. Like the athlete, I ask you:
§   Have you started the race? Thus are you born again of God, if so…
§   Have you begun to run the Christian race?
§   Have you heard the starters pistol or still stack in your tracks?
§   Are you living a focused life?
§   Do you start the race and then slow down? Pick up again.
§   Some of us have started jogging, others have slowed down and others have even sat down (as laymen).

Read Hebrews 12: 1-2. Do not give up Brethren. Press oooon!!! Amen.  

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