Saturday, December 31, 2016


Ps. 34:19: “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all”.

Christianity is a life of righteousness. Some come to Christ and only think about the miracles, blessing and never expect trouble or suffering. But Psalm 34:19 says “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all”. So when the troubles come, the difficulty situations arise, know that it is an identity of the righteous life you are living. Some have left the faith or compromised the faith because of afflictions but it shows you are not ready for the journey to heaven.

What is affliction?
A state of pain, suffering, distress or agony or something which causes pain, suffering, distress or agony. Being afflicted is not something to joke about. But aside all these pain and suffering, the bible says “it is part of the righteous man’s life in Christ.
So when I fail, it is a sign not to give; When difficulties arise or come my way, it is a sign to show my God is able; when barrenness afflicts me, I know I will rejoice one day; when troubles come, all hope is gone, and feel persecuted, jobless and rejected, know that God will deliver you from them all as a righteous child.

Why Affliction?
Read John 17:14-17; John 16:1-4, 20; John 15:18-19; 1Peter 4:12. The value of afflictions to the Christian is numerous, if only he will endure:
·        It is a test of our faith in Jesus Christ. (1Peter 1:7; James 1:2-3)
·        It arouses us for greater service in the Lord (Psalm 119:67-71)
·        It enables us help and encourage others who suffer in the Lord (2Corin. 1:3-4)
·        It gives us the opportunity to let others glorify God (1Peter 2:12)
·        Sign of maturity when we endure ( Rom. 5:3-5)

Biblical Examples of the afflicted
1.    Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego and the hot furnace (Daniel 3:1-26)
2.    Daniel in the lion’s Den (Daniel 6:1-28)
3.    Joseph imprisoned by Potiphar (Gen. 39)
4.    Abraham and Sarah’s barrenness
5.    Elijah, a Prophet persecuted by Jezebel & discouraged ( 1kings 17)
6.    Peter in Prison (Acts 12)
7.    Paul’s Affliction (2Corin. 12:9)
8.    Finally, Jesus afflictions through to the cross (Heb. 12:2)

How to endure afflictions
·        Be patient in affliction
·        Seek comfort through the word of God (Romans 15:4)
·        Be prayerful. Talk to God about it and how you feel (Psalm 34:17-18; 20-22; Psalm 55:22; Psalm 37:5)
·        Seek the Holy Spirit, our comforter, when in distress (John 14:26)
·        Fellowship with a bible-believing, Christ-centered church (Hebrew 10:25)
·        Fast (Matthew 9:14-15; 17:20-21, Esther 4)

Know this:
·        Don’t let the worries or sufferings of this world make you lose sight of the fact that we are in battle of faith and selection onto the book of life (Rev. 20:15)
·        The afflictions are a mark of the true believer and therefore accept it as an opportunity to glorify God on earth so don’t give up.
·        You have been deputy for a long time; failed over several times’; experienced robbery; Business failure; unemployed although brilliant, barren, and unmarried at a time you want. You keep asking yourself why me!
·        It is you because the Lord wants you to be his own and that is the mark of the righteous one of God. The Lord wants to use you to glorify His name. We mention Abraham, Daniel, Paul, Peter, Jonah, Elijah, Noah, Lot, Sarah, Mary, Philip, Stephen, etc. and HE wants your name to be mentioned as well. So don’t give or trade Christ for anything else.

Remember, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all”.

Prayer: Pray for God’s grace to be able to withstand afflictions and that you will see affliction as     an opportunity to glorify God. Amen!

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