Thursday, December 29, 2016


Jude1:3: Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
Most people make resolutions as we start a new year or, there is a point in our life we declare it is enough, “I want to start afresh”. As Christians, our greatest heart desire is to serve God better. It is one thing making a resolution and another fulfilling, as the days progress. You cannot relax, fold your arms and expect to achieve a better relation with God. We need to contend for the faith in Christ Jesus.

Jude is a very important book because it was written for the end-times. Similar to the era we live today. This is because all evidence point to the fact that Jesus Christ is coming soon.

When anything is ageing, it changes in ways different from the beginnings. Basically, the things grow old. But contrarily, our faith in Jesus Christ should grow stronger as we age in the Lord.

Jude wrote his book to warn Christians of some threats in the last days. The threats were mainly about false prophets and teachers, ministers of darkness parading as ministers of light to deceive the church. They were introducing all kinds of doctrines to deceive believers from the faith in Jesus Christ (give eg. of deviations in faith). So Jude was warning us to contend for the faith because it will not be easy with those false people in the church- look at the influence of the world on the church? Sometimes the leadership, caught in the web of acquiring wealth, expose the church to worldly influence.

One thing we should be mindful of is that the devil will not deceive you as the devil but as a minister of God, cunningly mixing worldly things with Christianity, appealing to the flesh, giving you rights and liberties which are not based on scripture or Christ but on humanism and science.

But as Christians, we should walk by the doctrines taught by Jesus Christ and the apostles. But the false teachers will try to adulterate it- this will be a serious warfare to contend with in these last days.

What should we do about it?
§   Today’s Christian must guard his doctrine as taught by Jesus Christ i.e. take what scripture says and nothing else. See Bereans- Acts 17:11.
§   We need to be well versed in the scriptures (Matt. 4). Get a bible; read it, live as it commands else you will be deceived. Bible says, faith comes by hearing the word of God. Don’t forget that the devil tempted Jesus by false quotation from scripture to deceive Him, but Jesus knew the word (sword) that he defeated Satan. Another importance of scripture is Rom. 15:4.
§   The false doctrines appeal to the flesh. Therefore we should fast to kill the lust of the flesh.
§   Relate to the Holy Spirit in your daily living for power over the world and flesh. Christ left Him for our comforting, guidance, power, revelations.
§   Be prayerful. Talk to God about anything you feel and need- both spiritual and physical. Pray without ceasing (1Thess. 5:17).
Some of us will be killed physically as we contend for the faith like James (Act 12:1-3), but they can’t kill the spirit. Some will contend with poverty, hunger, sickness, shame and various sufferings, but we need to endure for the sake of the faith. Remember Lazarus (and the rich man-Luke 16:20…). Remember, Elijah even sought death in view of the suffering but still depended on God. Although outwardly we are deemed wasted away and failures, inwardly we are refreshed. An effective Christian is the one that lives the faith daily, the Christ-like behavior and not 'Churchianity' (just attending church services), he has joy in the midst of suffering and patient in affliction.

§   Are you giving up already because of things that we will leave here on earth or you are doing what everyone is doing?
§   Remember Lot and Noah- they did not follow the wicked or populism or the broad way but were obedient to the living God. Lot/ Noah were persecuted by the behavior of the people but was patient and trusted in God (2Pet. 2:17). Finally they were saved from destruction. Sometimes you are tempted to join them because you think “why is God quiet at all these sufferings you are going through”. But remember Jesus, Elijah Peter and Paul – Jn. 15:20;Lk 21:12; Matt. 5:11.
It is getting difficult- yes!  God knows it! But you can do it as Noah and Lot, as human like us, made it. Jude says we should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints

Just trust God and obey Him, for there is no other way. Amen!

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