Saturday, December 31, 2016


Read Jn. 3:16

There are a lot of religions springing up every day and although all say they believe in God, almost all have less/no regard for Jesus. Jesus has been the reason for the differences and Satan’s plan to deceive the world. Everything original and good gets counterfeited. I don’t hear false Mohammed or Buddha but I hear of false Jesus (Is. 53:1-5). The world cannot accept why a man can have so much power and nature like our God. What is the importance of Jesus in our relationship with God? Why should I accept Jesus and live?
Why did God create man?
God created man to have fellowship with man. In Genesis, God comes into the garden from time to fellowship with Adam and He provided adequately for him. In the same way, God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life (Jn. 3:16, Jn. 10:10b).God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you forever.

But the problem is…
We (Man) have become sinful and separated from God (Is. 53:6- like sheep gone astray). Therefore we cannot know and experience God’s love and plan for our lives. We have become disobedient to God’s word and failed to live by His standards. When we disobey God’s word/ instruction we sin against Him and become separated from Him (Rom. 3:23; Rom. 6:23). No matter how hard we try, we cannot save ourselves or get rid of this sin (Eph. 2:8-9). We cannot earn our way to heaven by being good, being rich, going to church, being religious, not harming anybody, going for consultation and prayers from people, etc.

Know this, Man is helpless
This is why everyone needs to be born again. If our parents’ birth was better, we will not need to be born again. We have been separated from God because of sin.
But because of God’s love for mankind, HE demonstrated his love by reconciling with us through Jesus (Rom. 5:8; Jn. 14:6). The death and resurrection of Jesus has brought us salvation, restoration and hope in God once again. The blood shared on the cross by Jesus better cleanses us from our sins (Heb.9:22). We can therefore be reconciled with God only through Jesus, as the plan was in the beginning.

So how can you experience God’s love and plan for your life?
It all starts with accepting Jesus as your Lord and saviour. You can only experience this love and hope for your life if you accept Jesus as your personal saviour. Jesus Christ provides that link to a better relation with the Father and, eternal life through His death on the cross and resurrection (Rom. 5:10, Jn. 1:12, Jn. 10:10B, Rev. 3:20).

End time danger
Don’t joke with your salvation as you have life today because there is a day of accountability and reward coming (2corin. 5:10; Rev. 20:10-15); see Lazarus and rich man story (Lk. 16:19-31). (Heb. 9:27-28)
You might not be lucky like the robber on the cross or Paul on Damascus Road. Jesus will come again (Acts 1:11) and no one knows when. I will advise you to accept Jesus as your saviour and Lord; obey His word and you would live a meaningful life today and onto eternity.

After Accepting Jesus what next?
Your life should bring fruits to show repentance (Matt. 3:8-9, 2corin. 5:17); Let your light shine before men (Matt. 5:16) e.g. Paul, Matthew (tax collector), Joseph of Arimethea (risking to collect Jesus body for burial). Some of us lived lives as described in Eph. 2, but the grace through Christ found us. We can now approach the throne of grace without shame and fear anymore. Our lives have now become meaningful in Christ. I will therefore recommend Jesus to you. Eph. 2:10- live as His workmanship (in words and deeds). Bear the fruits of the spirit (Gal. 5:22-23).
But some of us tend to be living anyhow after we have accepted Jesus into our lives. We are not living the life of ‘light’ enough. We have allowed the desires of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21) to override the fruits of the spirit we should bear (Gal. 5:22-23) and thereby ship-wrecking our faith. We need to turn away from this sinful lifestyle and walk in the newness of life (Rom. 6:4, 2corin. 5:17). Remember, heaven is real and the Day of Judgment will surely come.

I will encourage you to take Jesus and live, so you will not perish. Amen!
You must receive Jesus by a Personal Invitation. (Rom. 10:9-10). If you are ready, you may say the prayer below:

Acceptance Prayer:
Lord Jesus, I admit that I have been running my own life and have sinned against you. By faith, I accept your work and death on the cross as sufficient payment for my sins. Come into my life and forgive my sins. Take control of my life and make me a new person. Thank you for answering my prayer. Amen!

If you prayed this prayer in faith, Christ has come into your life to begin a new and satisfying life. This relationship should grow as you trust God with every detail of your life through: Daily prayer; read and obey God’s word; witness to others; have the Holy Spirit control your life and fellowship with other bible-believing Christians. God bless you!

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