Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Hindrances to Good leadership – PART 3

     i.        Distraction: Read Acts 6:1. Addiction to TV, video games, friends can distract us from achieving our goals. Read 1Pet. 4:3-4. Solution: (a) create a “daily to- do- list” (b) be self-disciplined by separating from some friends who will not let you grow in the Lord; (c) select TV programmes that will encourage you in the faith in Jesus Christ.(d) wake-up early to do spiritual exercises.

    ii.        Discouragement: Sometimes caused by fear of the unknown which leads to giving up on the promises of God. Read 1kings 17 (Elijah’s), 2corin. 12 (Paul’s).  Solution: (a) persevere (b) know that God is in control.

  iii.        Bitterness: cause by offences of people around you. Know that where there are interactions, there are offences. Conflicts and bitterness can lead to making wrong decisions and worse life because you think about retaliation. Solution: (a) let it go (b) forgiveness (Matt. 18:21-22)

  iv.        Guilt: Guilt of former sin can destroy the confidence of a leader, which can lead to failure. Guilt is a weapon of Satan, the accuser of the brethren. Solution: (a) resist the guilt (b) fast- which gives victory of spirit over flesh.
*     A leader should also learn and educate himself beyond his job scope. Read the bible, educative books and videos. see 2Pet.1:5-8
The negatives of shepherding should be erased from the leadership style of the good shepherd. These negatives give the shepherd a false and superiority outlook.   Some of these styles include:

·       Pharisee-ism and Sadducee-ism i.e. very hypocritical. Always believing in the religious acts rather than the holy character to please God rather than men.
·       Being covetous and extorting to increase their possessions (2Peter 2:2-3)
·       Creating fear and dismay/ panic among the flock.
·       Nicholaitanism- always suppressing. That without them you (the sheep) are nothing. But the leader should not forget that it is a responsibility to create leaders as well as encourage the gifts in the church.

A Leader
Under God’s plan, those who want to be leader or lead the flock should:
·       Be humble not proud
·       Be in ministry not management
·       Not be governing monarchs
·       Be servants and not be served
·       Not be slick celebrities but laboring servants.
·       Learn sacrifice, devotion, submission and lowliness.
Where are the leaders who once took care of the church as a shepherd and his flock? Where are the leaders who prayed and fasted day and night out of burden for the flock of God? Where are the leaders who visited and rebuked their wandering flock out of love? Where are the leaders who toiled day and night to make leaders out of their flock? Are you the leader who loves to work for mammon rather than God? The day of accountability is at hand. Where is the flock God left in your care? Have they increased hundred fold or negative 100 fold? Are you the leader God wants you to be? Are you the leader with that kind of anguish for God’s church?

Jesus is coming, and the day for accountability is near!  Amen!

Memory verse: 1Peter 5:2-4…

v2Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;v3Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.v4And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” Amen!

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