Wednesday, December 28, 2016



Psalm 15:1-2: ‘LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle?  Who shall dwell in thy holy hill? He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart’……..

Have you ever thought about what the experience is like when things are not right between you and a business partner; husband and wife; your friend, neighbour or family member and you? Unless you have no conscience that it does not bother you, but it is a terrible feeling in there. Sometimes you cannot sleep, eat or comfortable. We know it should be resolved but we don’t know where to begin and it gets worse as the days go by.

Not right with God
Sometimes we are not right with God. Ever had that feeling and experience? Sometimes when we are going through certain situations like sickness and death starring in our face, we wrestle with the feeling that we are not right with God and therefore fear and guilt grips us. We normally remember things that we have done wrong and failed to do. Those times are the self-examination or critical times in our lives.

Not being right with God sometimes can cast us into depressions. Being right with God at all times is a basic human need. We were created to have fellowship with God (Adam’s creation) and when that relationship is not right, we become incomplete. (see Psalm 32)

Causes of not being right with God
Many things can damage our relationship with God.

*     If we continue to sin and don’t obey God’s instructions/ commandments, we are not right with God
*     If we don’t fellowship with Him in prayer and worship, we are not right with God.
*     If we don’t bother to study and obey His word, we are not right with the Lord.
*     If we are at loggerheads with our neighbours, it affects our relationship with God.
*     If all we do is to shut others from sharing in our physical blessings, we are grieving God in relationship.
*     If we continue to live those immoral lifestyles, that which even the world will not do, we are not getting right with God.

I believe that as Children of God, we one time in our lives come to this realization that ‘I need to get right with God and experience His power in my life’.

How to live right with God
As summarized in Psalm 15, living right with God is about righteous or holy living. That is the kind of man or woman we need to be in order to be right with God. We need to be disciplined, prayerful and fast the more to help in our continuous holy Christian life.

But the problem is, that is not the kind of persons we are, are you? Bible says that our righteousness is like filthy rags before God. The only one who can make us right with God is Jesus Christ. We have to allow Christ into our lives fully. There we need to be asking ourselves this question- ‘am I right with God’? Else you will never find Jesus- the only righteous one who has made us right with God. All we need to do is to receive Him with a believing heart.

Are you right with God?
Are you right with God today? Maybe you haven’t felt right with God for a long time. Maybe there are things in your life and heart that prevents you from experiencing it. Maybe you aren’t living the way God wants you to live and you know it. Maybe you haven’t reconciled your differences with that one person who has hurt you a long time ago. Maybe there is dishonesty in your heart. Maybe you are living a double life- allowing people to see what you want them to see but being someone else. Maybe you cheat a little in your job and its eating you away. Maybe you are thinking you can make it on your own some day. It is grace and not your power or will.

You can never get right with God if that sin is there. Don’t forget that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. Take life and live at peace.

Living right with God starts with acknowledging and confessing your sins sincerely and forsaking them.  Amen!

Prayer: Pray and confess those hidden sins that are eating you up. Ask God to forgive you those sins and to allow the Holy spirit to take control over your heart and thoughts so that anything you do from today onward shall be under the guidance of the Holy spirit and to the glory of God. Amen!

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