Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Some estimate that there are well over 30, 000 different church organizations calling themselves Christian and most claim to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. How can anyone sort through the many church options available? If Christ came back today and looked for the Church He founded, what criteria do you think He would use?
Where would you even start in trying to find the right church amidst all the chaos? Do you start with the nearest church to your home and work your way out from there? What about the church that is the closest match to what your parents taught you when growing up? Perhaps you have tried to find the church that best fits your personal beliefs. The most important question you can ask yourself when looking for the right church is, which church follows Jesus Christ's beliefs!
Choosing which
Picking a church in this Luke-warm laodicean church-age is very difficult. In this era of religious deception (Matt.24:4) and darkness seen as light. We are in a period which the church believes it is in great condition but does not know it is wretched, poor and need spiritual help. (Rev.3:17)
With religious deception and unbiblical doctrines rampant, (only few recognize it), finding a good church is difficult. Most Christian churches have mixed doctrines of men, denominations of other religions, of tribes and other cultures (to please people) and other unbiblical teachings and traditions alongside Christianity.
Most Christians are illiterate - we read a few bible verses/chapters a week; repentance is no longer understood; denying oneself is laughed at; sacrifice and suffering are no longer teachings in the church.

The answer to “which church to choose”, lies in the bible- our final authority. You need to study your bible and if your church does not teach that, run from that church.
  1. Here are a few guidelines: Looks out for alter calls at the end of sermons
  2. Not a member of NCC or WCC
  3. Does baptism by full immersion after one has believed on Jesus Christ
  4. Believes bible is the perfect word of God
  5. Jesus Christ is the only son and way to God the father and salvation
  6. Jesus Christ came to earth in flesh
  7. Church teaches it is the only way to save. No! It is only Jesus Christ
  8. Does not worship virgin Mary
  9. Does not pray to dead saints
  10. Does not condone ancestral worships and practices
  11. Does not use Astrology
  12. Does not pray in a name other than Jesus Christ
  13. Does not consult the dead
  14. Teaches whole bible
  15. Should emphasize repentance and faith in Jesus Christ only
  16. Regard the bible and no other book at par with the bible in authority and truth
  17. Does not claim their leader is infallible
  18. Its leader is not living in fornication, adultery, homosexuality or has more than one wife nor accepts homosexual practices
  19. Preacher believe in teaching bible prophesy, Revelation and teaches Jesus Christ will return.

"Which Church Would Jesus Attend?" The simple answer would be "the Church that practices what He lived and taught while on this earth."
Be warned! Academic degrees are not guarantees that one is walking with God, qualified to lead a church or interpret scripture correctly. Christianity is a way of life and experience. Christ established a church on this earth, and it is important to sort through the many "Christian" churches and find it.

Finally, seek Holy Spirit counseling.

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