Wednesday, December 28, 2016


 2 Samuel 12: 13- And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the LORD.  And Nathan said unto David, The LORD also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die.
David, Bible says is a man after God’s own heart. There comes a time lots of leaders think they will do as they pleased or so they thought. Lot of leaders think they make rules but should not live by them necessarily. Simply because most of the times they got what they wanted- women, money, privileges, etc. Once upon a time in David’s life, he fell to this situation.

(a)        The Sin:  Once upon a time in David’s life, he got what he wanted – another man’s wife (Uriah’s). He was not where he was supposed to be and lust took the better half of him when he was idling and saw the nakedness of another man’s wife. David sinned but sin had its consequences.
(b)        The Cover -Up
§   Like all humans, David wanted to cover-up his sins to blame and shove the responsibility onto someone else.
§   Uriah proved to be a disciplined soldier and never played into David’s plan.
§   David became desperate and instead of confessing for forgiveness, did the unthinkable – kill an innocent man.
§   In order to seal all the cover up, he married the widow.
§   No one confronted David, so he thought the cover-up was complete.
§   But sin at its height, blinds us from reality that the all-knowing God sees what is done in secret and rewards.
(c)         The Condemnation and Repentance
§   God sent the Prophet Nathan with a moral story.
§   David still acting Mr. Holy condemned himself in the moral story and pronounced his own death penalty.
§   David could have denied Nathan, kill him to silence him but he acknowledged his God as the all-knowing God.
§   David confessed, was ready for punishment – brethren it is fearful to fall into the hands of the living God.
§   Psalm 51 clearly reveals David’s regret and humility before God. He handed over his life to God to deal with him accordingly. That is genuine repentance.
(d)        Healing and Restoration
Brethren, sin has consequences, not only on us but others:
§   The child died
§   David’s secret was punished openly through Absalom
§   David failed to punish Ammon (maybe)
§   But healing or restoration led to the birth of Solomon (Jedidah) - beloved of God.
§   Bethsheba became David’s favourite wife although he had others. Marriage based on healing grace of God always produces special bond – intimacy.
(e)        Our Moral Lesson
Our lives can be healed, restored and rebuilt just like David’s, no matter how bigger our sin is or how dirty we have become with sin. But:
§   Stop trying to hide your sin with excuses, lies and mischief
§   Accept you have sinned, confess and regret from the depth of your heart. Be sincere about your sins.
§   Totally surrender to God and allow Jesus into your heart.
§   After salvation, let God start a rebuilding process in your life by obeying His Word, praying and share your faith with others.
§   Be disciplined
§   Women, watch your dressing!  When Adam and Eve had their eyes opened after taking the fruit, they realized they were naked. Before then, they never knew they were naked. Think about it.
§   Men, have self-control
§   Do not try to hide your sins because God knows whatever is done in secret.
§   He is ready to forgive and restore us to position. Just trust and obey.
§   Do not be quick to judge others wrongs.

May the Grace of God be with us all.  Amen!

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