Wednesday, December 28, 2016


2Chron 20:15B:“Thus saith the LORD unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's.” Amen

Many battles have been fought amongst men and nations in history and still battles are being fought. Memorials have been erected around the world in honour of men who have fought gallantly in these wars. Museums have been opened to display items of war. Eg weapons used, accoutrements, etc. Sometimes battle grounds have become well-known as those who fought in these wars or conflicts.

Likewise for the child of God, everyday brings new challenges and struggles as we war with our no. 1 enemy- the devil or satan or Lucifer.

Every now and then he wants to destroy our walk with God. To prevent us from obeying God as we should. To cause us to drift from the guidance and power of God’s Holy Spirit and our faith in Christ through various deceiving tactics.

Christian Soldier
No wonder the bible calls the Christian a soldier. From the day that you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior and Lord, you were enlisted into the army of Christ- start of battle! Don’t think everything is fine. It will only be fine when you are ignorant of this constant battle.

What is your battle

Is your battle difficulty in doing God’s work, marriage peace, barrenness, praying, studying the bible, living the word of God, unemployment, family dissensions tearing you apart, procrastination, health problems, examination failures, inability to achieve your visions, persecutions, etc. I can go on and on and on….

How to win this battle

The battle is the Lord’s. The Commander-in Chief- Jesus Christ, who conquered the arch enemy on the cross. Seek His counsel in battle; seek His direction through fasting, prayer and His word. Tell Him about the battle and He will give you the strategy and strength to win your battle to share a testimony to His glorious name.

Once upon a time under Jehoshaphat, the people of Judah were faced with battle with a coalition (Moabites, Ammonites, etc). In his fear, Jehoshaphat consulted God Almighty through fasting and prayer. Hmm, the battle was finally won with the Lord’s simple strategy- praises! without they firing any weapon in hand.

Ask Apostle Paul. Through imprisonment, beatings, ship wrecks, etc. God saw him through. When the Israelites got to the Red sea from their miraculous escape from Egypt, God won the battle by just the lifting of a rod. Ask Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego when they were put in the hot furnace for failing to bow to an image. David, just at the throw of a weapon for killing animals defeated Goliath.

When the Lord is the Commander of your battles, the plans are different and unique, the accoutrements for victory are simple and unimaginable to man.

What then

Brethren, whatever you are going through, have you informed the Lord yet? Remember, the battle is the Lord’s. Why are you discouraged? Why are you consulting other gods for solution? Why are you performing those humiliating rituals?

The battle is the Lord’s! Commit your battles into His hands and it will surprise you what He will do. Amen!

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