Saturday, December 31, 2016


Rom.12:1-2: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

cont'd from part 1:

(i)        Music

·          Women sang and there was enmity between king Saul and David (1 Sam. 18:7); David played the harp and evil spirit left Saul (1 Sam. 16); Paul and Silas sang praises and jail broke (Acts16:25); Jehoshaphat ordered singing and without weapons Judah won battle over a coalition army (2chron. 20) – this is the power of music!
·          Are You Listening to the Right Music? The Christian youth should train his/her senses to discern good from bad music.
·          Christian Music should speak of God's holy character; communicate who God is and what He is like. The music itself is not being exalted. The music is being used to lift up God.
·          Unfortunately, much of today’s music aims at lifting up the music itself rather than God. People therefore "love” or are “excited” about the music rather than being focused on an all-powerful and Holy God!
·          The Worlds' music style is aimed at fulfilling the things of the flesh and worshipping the things of the world and the flesh. The Worlds' music style is willing to put the listener FIRST, instead of God being first in focus.
·          You’ll observe that most of today’s' contemporary Christian music have become popular in the secular realm because our society is running from God and yet, society is saying "hey I like this Christian music." Something is wrong with this statement. What's wrong is, people hear a CLEAR biblical message about WHO God is and WHAT Great wonders He has done, distracting from a CLEAR message. That's why unbelievers can enjoy it. When I preach from the pulpit about Sin, God's wrath, Future Judgment, Hell and God's love in the context... unbelievers are not happy about this. They are not hearing what God requires of them!
·          Young people: Getting wrapped up in this world’s music is just playing into the hands of those media moguls who want to make millions off you. They’re counting on the fact that you’re not discerning; that you’ll just accept what they tell you to like! Don’t let them do that. Don’t let them run your life. Train your senses. Be aware of your musical choices.
·          Much of the music that Satan pawns off appeals to teens, but the adults, repulsed by it, write it off thinking that there is no way anyone could like that music. But it conveys an attitude or an idea that a younger mind can relate to. Sometimes even young people don’t enjoy it. They’ll force themselves to like a certain brand of music because it is identified with their “friends,” their peer group, their sport, or perhaps even a commercial for a favorite product.
·          Have you observed that the filthy songs play in your memory, just when you want to meditate on Godly things?
·          To choose music ask: What are the lyrics, the spirit or attitude of the music, and the context in which the music is being listened to or performed; Pertaining to the music itself, what is the spirit and attitude of the music? Be discerning. Do not let the airwaves dictate what goes into your mind. Ask yourself whether they ensure sound biblical holiness. Whatever music you are listening to, is it helping you walk the Christian faith?

(ii)    Idolatry
·          Occultism (sakawa, cult groups, secret societies, etc)
·          Pleasures (partying, banqueting- 1Pe:4:3)- it won’t make you rich, no time with God.
·          Lifestyles (homos- Lev. 20:13, Rom.1:26-27, 32; Tattoo -Lev. 19:28; effeminate - 1Co:6:9)
·          Self (new age); Religious deception of oneness

How to renew our minds and live right to glorify God
i.     Word of God
The only way to replace the error of the world’s way of thinking is to replace it with God’s truth. The only infallible source of God’s truth is found in his revealed word- the Bible. There is no magical formula for renewing our minds. We must fill our minds with God’s word. (Read 2Tim. 3:16-17, John 17:17). It is important to understand that when a thought enters our mind, we examine it based upon God's Word and determine if we should continue down that path or reject the thought and replace it with another thought (Acts.17:10-11-bereans, Jesus in the wilderness- Matthew 4; Gen. 3:1-7- Eve) .
Get a bible, have a study plan e.g. book study, verse study, character study, topical study and apply it to your life not correct it!

ii.  The Holy Spirit
Live in dependence upon the Holy Spirit, chiefly through seeking His strength through prayer (Matthew 26:41). If we rely upon our own strength, we will fail (Proverbs 28:26; Jeremiah 17:9; Matthew 26:33). Like Peter on water, Elijah, Moses, David, Prodigal son, Goliath, Paul. The Holy Spirit is the workforce of God; the Comforter; the guardian; the Counselor (see John 14:26; 16:7-14)

iii.  True Fellowship
Heb. 10:24-25. Not churchianity." Fellowship with other Christians the way God wanted it to be. Fellow Christians who will encourage us in the changes we desire (best if, of the same gender), who will pray for and with us, who will ask us in love how we are doing, and who will hold us accountable in avoiding the old ways, are valuable friends indeed.  
iv. Friendship
   1corin. 15:33; 2corin. 6:14-18. Beware of how you choose your friends. Friends who will make you live the righteous life not notorious as the world lives. Negative peers should be avoided.

 v.      Take stock of your life
    2corin. 13:5

 vi.    Sincere commitment
Have you been trying to impress God with your religious activities? Have you been putting the cares of finances, of job, of family, ahead of your relationship with Jesus?

As believers we don’t need a decision, but a commitment -- a commitment to depend on the power of God, a commitment to knowing him better and better, so that you might be conformed to his likeness. We don’t need to respond to alter calls over and over again; we don’t need “pray- for- me” but a commitment.

Jesus is coming soon. We don’t know the date and time of His coming, but the signs are happening, as in Matt. 24. You can survive the times if you can control what goes into your mind. If you take in what is right, it is likely you can exhibit what is right. If you allow the world, controlled by Satan, to be your teacher and friend, you are doomed. Don’t conform to the standards of the world, which is enmity to Christ.

Are you a Christian, then live right to please God. Amen!

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