Wednesday, December 28, 2016


·       Women sang and there was enmity between king Saul and David (1 Sam. 18:7)
·       David played the harp and evil spirit left Saul (1 Sam. 16)
·       Paul and silas sang praises and jail broke (Acts16:25)
·       Jehoshaphat ordered singing and without weapons Judah won battle over a coalition army (2chron. 20).
The question then is:
·       What is the power of music?
·       Are You Listening to the Right Music?
·       Is there even such a thing as evil music?
·       If so, how can we train our senses to discern good from bad?

 What is Music
In general, music is the art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm and harmony or music is an art form in which the medium is sound organized in time.

Components of music
Music is composed of three main components; melody, harmony and rhythm. If these ingredients are not present, then it's not music, but noise:
·   Melody is defined as the sweetness of sound and it is the most prominent part of music. Melody is for the spirit, Eph 5:18-19. (Melody is the horizontal line the notes follow on the music score).
·       Harmony is defined as the agreeable proportion of sound. Harmony is for the mind (soul) –  classical (harmony is the vertical line where the notes meet on the music score).
·       Rhythm is defined as the pattern of tones with regard to their relative time value. rhythm is  for the body (can't dominate); Rom 13:14; Gal 5:17

Qualities of Christian (or sacred) music
Music should speak of God's holy character. Music should communicate who God is and what He is like. The music itself is not being exalted. The music is being used to lift up God. Unfortunately, much of today’s music aims at lifting up the music itself rather than God. People therefore "love” or are “excited” about the music rather than being focused on an all powerful and Holy God! The Clarity of the message about God’s character and wonderful works is very important. Supposing a preacher stepped behind the pulpit and began to shout, slur his words, murmur, scream out sentences, and do other things that were distracting, would his style of preaching enhance the Clarity of the message? Of course not! The Worlds' music style is aimed at fulfilling the things of the flesh and worshipping the things of the world and the flesh. The Worlds' music style is willing to put the listener FIRST, instead of God being first in focus. For example, much of today’s' contemporary Christian music have become popular in the secular realm because our society is running from God and yet, society is saying "hey I like this Christian music." Something is wrong with this statement. What's wrong is, people hear a CLEAR biblical message about WHO God is and WHAT Great wonders He has done, distracting from a CLEAR message. That's why unbelievers can enjoy it. When I preach from the pulpit about Sin, God's wrath, Future Judgment, Hell and yes God's love in the context... unbelievers are not happy about this. They are not hearing what God requires of them!

The Christians guide to choice of music
Christians must know how to discern good and evil—especially when it comes to music because of music’s spiritual nature and profound influence. Let’s not forget that Satan, as a former worship master, would go all out of exploiting the popular tradition of music—the one designed to entertain and appeal to a wide audience, thereby getting his moods and messages across more easily.
Young people: Getting wrapped up in this world’s music is just playing into the hands of those media moguls who want to make millions off you. They’re counting on the fact that you’re not discerning; that you’ll just accept what they tell you to like! Don’t let them do that. Don’t let them run your life. Be empowered. Train your senses. Be aware of your musical choices. Much of the music that Satan pawns off appeals to teens, but the adults, repulsed by it, write it off thinking that there is no way anyone could like that music. But it conveys an attitude or an idea that a younger mind can relate to. Sometimes even young people don’t enjoy it. They’ll force themselves to like a certain brand of music because it is identified with their “friends,” their peer group, their sport, or perhaps even a commercial for a favorite product.
In choosing the kind of music to listen we can consider the following:
·       What are the lyrics, the spirit or attitude of the music, and the context in which the music is being listened to or performed. If the music is vocal, what are the lyrics saying? Remember that songs (musical pieces with lyrics) are often used to help us retain educational concepts or to recall an advertising slogan. This is problematic when the song keeps repeating lyrics that violate God’s Commandments. The brain will encode and store those messages more quickly and effectively! Even setting aside the lyrics, in much of today’s music you hear singers who are bitter and angry—and their music often casts the same emotional fervor onto its listener.
·       Pertaining to the music itself, what is the spirit and attitude of the music? The discerning process goes beyond the sound of the music. What are the artist’s or band’s ideals? What are they promoting? What dress standards are they transmitting? What do the graphics on the album depict? Studies have shown that music has measurable physical effects on the body, mind, circulatory and immune systems as well as, of course, the ears themselves.(Eg. rap or rock music effects).  Philippians 4:8 tells us to think on, “whatsoever things are true … honest … just … pure … lovely … of good report ….” God commands that “if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Does the music we listen to reflect this admonition?
Be discerning. Do not let the airwaves dictate what goes into your mind. Ask yourself whether they ensure sound biblical holiness.

Music is one of Satan’s main talents and tools leading us into sin. Music-making means to choose the best and above all to draw close to our Creator and Lord and glorify Him.
Sacred and secular music
In fact, music can touch and move us with a power that goes beyond words or most other types of communication. “Sacred music” should be music that focuses on God and on biblical and Christian themes. Sacred music should not evoke secular associations or invite conformity to worldly behavioral patterns of thinking or acting. Sadly, much of what goes by the name CHRISTian Music today is NOT CHRISTian. It does NOT testify, praise or sing about the Lord Jesus Christ. Christian music should feed the spirit not the flesh.
“Secular music” is music composed for expressing the human spirit’s reaction to life, love, and the world in which the Lord has placed us. It can be morally uplifting or degrading. Although it does not directly praise and adore God, nevertheless it could have a legitimate place in the life of the Christian. In its selection the principles discussed in this document should be followed.

Whatever music you are listening to, is it helping you walk the Christian faith?

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