Saturday, February 25, 2017


Isaiah 31:3: Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses flesh, and not spirit.  When the LORD shall stretch out his hand, both he that helpeth shall fall, and he that is holpen shall fall down, and they all shall fail together.
This was the time in Judah’s history when defeat seemed certain except Isaiah. After dismal decades of the reign of king Ahaz, Judah finally saw hope in King Hezekiah. 2kings 18:5 summarizes king Hezekiah’s good reign. Isaiah also got to the peak of his ministry under King Hezekiah, who often sought advice from Isaiah.  But Hezekiah inherited a kingdom in mortar danger from Assyria.

Unholy Alliance
How would Judah break away from Assyria’s dominion? Like other kings before him, Hezekiah decided to join with other countries i.e. Enter into alliance with Babylon and Egypt but Isaiah said no!

Isaiah confronts Judah with two sins: the sin of trusting in Egypt and their military might, and the sin of not looking to the Holy One of Israel. Judah felt they had a reason to trust in chariots (because they are many). Judah felt they had a reason to trust in horsemen (because they are very strong). But they couldn’t seem to find a reason to trust in the Lord!

Irrespective of Isaiah’s call on Hezekiah to trust in God, he did not listen. Hezekiah’s shoring up of his defenses did not even prevent the Assyrians from smashing and defeating the defenses (i.e. building water supplies, defenses around Jerusalem and alliances of small Towns) of Hezekiah and they also took about 200,150 people captive. Assyria then demanded huge sums of money from Hezekiah and mocked him as a “bird in a cage

Hezekiah, cowering under siege in Jerusalem, sought advice from Isaiah. Should he surrender? Instead of “I told you so” attitude from Isaiah, he again advised Hezekiah to resort to prayer and to rely on God’s power, have faith, don’t surrender and don’t fear. Assyria will return home wounded.

Isaiah’s deep courage and optimism raised the moral of all Jerusalem and in a spectacular way, God took care of Assyrian Army (Isaiah 37:36, 2kings 19).

Who do you trust?

In whom do you trust during times of crises and need? Hezekiah and his people were God’s chosen but they decided to rely on man for protection.

In today’s world, want for peace and protection has become a reason for most Christians entering into all kinds of alliances with unbelievers or non-Christians, forgetting that real peace and protection can only be obtained in Jesus Christ.

1.  For want of job, people are relying so much on man that we go to the extent of debasing ourselves. Some are even selling their bodies for jobs they sometimes don’t get.
2. We profess to be Christians but have amulets we trust and consult mediums all around.

3. The coming exam is staring in your face with fear. Instead of trusting God to help you out, you trust in buying ‘apor’ which can fail.

4. Failure is staring in your face; the landlord is taking his next rent; the children’s school fees are pending; the position is slipping to someone else because you are a Christian. Friends and loved ones cannot help either. You are caught between taking bribe, aligning yourself to an unholy group or give up to that pestering man or woman.

How do you standby when shame and defeat is staring in your face? Should I align myself to Egypt (man), who will fail you? No! Our God is a delivering God. He just wants your trust and faith in Him. He will do exceedingly above what you need. If your faith is as small as a mustard seed, you can move that “mountain” pestering you and your household.

Isaiah 31:8 says “Then shall the Assyrian fall with the sword, not of a mighty man; and the sword, not of a mean man, shall devour him: but he shall flee from the sword, and his young men shall be discomfited”.

Psalms 20:7 says: “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God”.

Isaiah 31:5 says “As birds flying, so will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem (you); defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it.” v6: Turn ye unto him from whom the children of Israel have deeply revolted.”

That storm (Assyria) will soon be over as you trust in the Lord fully. Don’t take that mark, don’t put on that amulet; don’t give in to that man or woman; don’t join that cult or group thinking you will get those breakthroughs and peace. It will do you no good but troubles. Man’s sustenance depends on God so why put your trust in man, who is comparatively frail and weak. Return to the Lord, if you trusted in something else out of fear and anxiety and he will receive you and give you victory as He did for Hezekiah and Judah - A miraculous victory without swords and chariots.

Simply trust in Him (God). Trust Him through the stormy way. Even when your faith is small, trust in Jesus! That is all (MHB 517). Amen!

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