Saturday, February 4, 2017


The greatest miracle that can occur in a man’s life is the conversion of his soul from darkness into light – the fruit of our witnessing. Now the child is born, how do we ensure that he is fed on the right food at the right time? How can he grow into a full man able to stand on his feet? How do we ensure that he also can help in the birth and up- bringing of others into God’s Kingdom?

     The answers to these questions form the subject matter to this class.

B.   1.     i)            What is follow-up? 1Thess.3:2, Act 15:36
ii)                 Why is it necessary to undertake follow-up of converts? 1Thess.3:5, Eph 4:14
iii)               How is follow-up related to effective witnessing?

2            i)           What is involved in follow-up – THE OVERVIEW
ii)               When should it begin?  Why?
iii)              What should be taught first?  - Step 1
iv)              Why do I need follow-up material?

b.i)         How do I continue? -Step 2
ii)               Why do I need to challenge my converts?

3            The training GROUP (Step 3) - is it necessary?  Why? Act 18:24-28
4.       a) The Discipleship Group - What is its usefulness and purpose? Matt 28:20, 2Tim 2:2
           b)What special qualities are needed in the leader of this group? Eccl. 10:10

 Successful evangelism is not the making of converts but the making of disciples through follow-up.

  Memory Verse:  Col. 1:28

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