Saturday, February 25, 2017


That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.…(Philippians 3:10-11)

Brethren, Christ is the basis of Christianity. In fact, no Christ - no Christianity. You cannot be a Christian and not acknowledge Christ. Some people try to compare Christ with other so called ‘prophets’. But the bible says, if you deny the son, you cannot have the father (1Jn2:23), so let us not compare or equal our Christianity with any religion, as is being preached around that we worship the same God with the other religions. That is one of the biggest deceptions of Satan and he is using some Christians to propagate these lies. But who is Christ and what did He achieve for Christianity that we need to believe and know Him better.

In the beginning
In the beginning, God created man and so loved man and befriended man in the Garden of Eden. But Satan, through the serpent, deceived man/ woman to sin against God, and that destroyed God’s wonderful friendship with mankind. This sin made God sad and regretful, that He sacked man/woman from the wonderful Garden of Eden. Since then, Man has been dead spiritually and has never known peace because Satan (the deceiver and destroyer) had spiritual control of the world.
But, as loving as our God is- the God who loves to forgive sins than to punish; our God, who was always looking out for sinful man like the prodigal son’s father,  designed a wonderful plan to deliver man from sin and hopelessness. God gave Jesus, His only begotten son to be sacrificed as a ‘lamb’ to atone for our sin. Jesus had to endure hardships, oppositions, shame, insults, rejection, etc. to fulfill the wonderful salvation plan that God had for mankind.
Although Jesus had the power to fight His accusers with the numerous angels in Heaven, He did none of those. Bible says He humbled Himself till death on the cross. Satan thought He has destroyed God’s plan until Jesus Christ resurrected from death after three (3) days in the grave, as He promised. Brethren, Christ was and has been victorious over death- this is no film show but real. Some don’t believe that one can die and resurrect after three (3) days. This victorious resurrection over death has given us hope to rejoice in the Lord. This resurrection demonstrates:
·       The power of the true God (Eph.1:19-21); that Jesus Christ is God (Rom.1:4); that all the teachings of Jesus Christ -his person, work, heaven, hell & future judgment- is true (Jn.4:60); that our own future resurrection is sure 1Thess.4:14,2Corin.4:14) and again it reveals that Jesus Christ is the appointed Judge of this wicked world (Jn. 5:22,27-29)
Many people are willing to reign with Christ, but would not be willing to suffer with him; many would be willing to wear a crown of glory like him, but not the crown of thorns; many desire to share the glories and triumphs of redemption, but not its poverty and persecution. This was not the feeling of Paul. He wished in all things to be just like Christ, and therefore he counted it an honor to be permitted to suffer as he did. So Peter says in 1Pet.4:13- "Rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings. Are you willing to suffer for the sake of Christ? If yes, then you know Him!

BUT, what does "knowing Christ" mean?
Knowing Christ is more important than wisdom or riches. But, How Do We Know Him? First, we must know about him which means that we must learn about Jesus. We must cultivate our own relationship with Him. How do we do this?
1.     By putting your faith in him; by believing that He is the only Son of God; by believing that the resurrection really did take place, and you want Him to make you a new creation.
2.  Spending time in prayer. In prayer, you can share all your joys, frustrations, and sorrows with the God of the universe, the God who cares. Talking to God also builds your relationship with him.
3.    The third step is by regular reading and studying of the Bible. (Read Rom.15:4; 2Tim. 3:16, 17). Be willing to follow His word even when his commands don't seem to make sense.You will depend on God when his requirements seem unreasonable. When you do this -- He will be there to support you, and you will see Jesus as a living, risen Savior.
4.    By listening to faithful preachers of God's word and listening to testimonies of other fellow believers. (Rev. 12:11 shows that Satan cannot stand the testimonies of believers.)
5.  By witnessing through which you can experience God more. (eg. Paul, through missionary journeys, knew God better)

Brethren, I will encourage you to make the conscious effort to experience Christ and be sure of Him because the times we live in are evil. One thing we should know is that, in deception, there is an element of truth. Today, a lot of youth are departing from the faith and following all kinds of beliefs because they were not grounded in the faith and so the slightest sugar-coated words from Satan and his agents, they follow and thereby destroy their faith. Do you remember what happened to Jesus in Matthew 4? – when Satan tempted him after His 40day fast. Do you remember how he tempted and deceived Eve to disobey God by taking the forbidden fruit? Read Col. 2:8. Now Satan is telling the youth of today that they can do it on their own and that, truth is relative? As Christians, anything contrary to the word of God is not truth. Any religion that does not depend on Jesus Christ and Him only is not acceptable and false (1Jn2:23). Do you remember what happened at the transfiguration (matt. 17)- Moses and Elijah and Jesus appeared-the two were greatest of all prophets but they cannot be compared with the son of God. Jn. 14:6- He is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through Him.

What is the Power of Christ’s Resurrection?
The resurrection is a cornerstone of the entire building of Christianity and the key of our salvation. Christianity is not a mere religion based on theoretical principles. Christianity is a relationship with a living Savior; a Savior we can know; a Savior who imparts our life and empowers us; a saviour who transforms us into his likeness and this is why the resurrection is so central to Christians.
In Phil 3:10-11, the second part of Paul's desire is "to know the power of his resurrection." Note that Paul does not ask God for more power. Instead, he asks God that he might know the resurrection power he already has. Some Christians don’t know the power they have over Satan and his works. Therefore they have put their trust in man and have been enslaved by man-made doctrines and knowledge and this is destroying a lot of Christians lives.
Let us consider four aspects of this power of the resurrection. We have:

(1) The Power to Have Forgiveness of sins
Sin has a hold on all of us. Without God, we are slaves to sin. But Christ, through his death and resurrection, frees us from the power of sin. Paul puts it this way at the end of Romans 4:25 - “He was delivered over to death because of our sins, and raised to life because of our justification.”
Christ died as the necessary sacrifice for our sins. When Jesus died, God laid on him the iniquity of us all, the punishment that all of us deserve for all our sins. So whenever Satan accuses us -- saying, "God could never forgive you for what you have done --  we can say, "Jesus rose from the dead! having believed in Jesus, I am righteous in God's eyes." That is the power of the resurrection.
 (2) The Power to Conquer Sin
Resurrection power doesn't end with our forgiveness. Christ's resurrection also empowers us to conquer sin in our lives. As Paul says in Ephesians 4:24 - put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.  In Christ we are a new creation (Read 2Corin 5:17); his Spirit lives within us. We have been renewed, we have a new self -- and the purpose of that new self is to be conformed to the image of Christ, to become like him: truly righteous, truly holy -- to become what God intends humans to be!
So if this is the case, why do Christians keep on sinning? Paul gives us the answer in today's verse in Philippians: we don't know the power!
 (3) The Power to Be God's Agent
Christianity is not just about forgiveness and overcoming sin. Christianity is not simply a solution to our problems. Through salvation, we are to be his agents of change in the world. God empowers us not only to defeat sin but also to share and display his loving message to the world. Jesus says, "You are the light of the world." Paul says in (2 Cor. 5:19, 20) - He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.
God could work directly in each person's life the way he worked in Paul's life -- But God has chosen instead to work through us; weak as we are, limited as we are -- and to show His power through our very weakness. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, God says to Paul, my power is made perfect in weakness. Have you been telling people about Christ? Some of us can preach football and not Christ. If the world has taken time to, at least, reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, don’t you think we need to take the opportunity to tell them about the hope and salvation which can be attained through the death and resurrection, rather than the celebrations?
 (4) The Power to Be Conformed to His Likeness
Finally, the resurrection power's greatest achievement is conforming us to the likeness of Christ. Paul says in 2Cor. 3:18 – we are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
Can you imagine being transformed into His likeness? Think of the things that you have wanted to change and have tried to change in your life. God will deal with every one of those. You are being made into a perfect creation -- you are becoming like Jesus! - spotless, blameless, loving, kind and strong. That is the power of the resurrection!
More than anything else, Paul wants to know Jesus, and the power of his resurrection. What do you want more than this? Money? Fame? Influence? Power? Connection? All these are worthless. In the end, all of these things that people spend their lives pursuing are unsatisfying. Am I right?
Do you know this Jesus? Do you believe he rose from the dead? Has he been working in your heart? Do you acknowledge Him as your Savior!

Those of you who already have placed your faith in Him as a sacrifice for your sins, I want to ask you a few questions:
Have you been trying to impress God with your religious activities? Have you been putting the cares of finances, of job, of family, ahead of your relationship to Jesus?
Can you really say with Paul that you consider everything else you've done to be rubbish compared to knowing Him? Do you know the power of the resurrection in your life?
Or have you allowed Satan to continue to control you, when you don't need to?
As believers we don’t need a decision, but a commitment -- a commitment to depend on the power of God, a commitment to knowing him better and better, so that you might be conformed to his likeness. We don’t need to respond to alter calls over and over again; we don’t need “pray- for- me” but a commitment.
Christ is risen from the dead! Believe it! Know Him! And your life will never be the same! Hallelujah!

Response to the Resurrection

How do we respond to the resurrection of Christ? I urge you to repent now and believe in him who is the Judge of the whole world. "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved," Paul told the Philippian jailer (Acts 16:31). The Lord Jesus is the Son of God who became man. He is very God and very man. He was crucified, he died and was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures. This same Lord Jesus Christ ascended into the heavens and will come again to judge the living and the dead.
The earthquakes are happening; the wars are happening; the famines are occurring; the lawlessness and wickedness are happening. As Christians, we don’t know when Christ is coming; in fact no man knows, except the father. But with the signs happening (as in Matt. 24), we should know that the time for accountability is near. Are you ready to give a good account of your life? What will you tell Christ to allow you into Heaven? Think about it!

May God give you faith to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and particularly in the fact that God raised him from the dead. May you come to know that Jesus Christ is the only Savior and there is no other. May we all remember that Jesus is the Judge whom we will all face, because it is appointed to man once to die and then comes judgment.

May God have mercy on us; that we will beg for mercy and pardon from him and be saved. Amen!

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