Saturday, February 4, 2017

GROWING INTO MATURITY: LESSON 5- Personal Devotion (Fasting)


What is fasting?
Definition: Abstaining from food and drink for spiritual purposes. There is nothing like dry or wet fasting but fasting. Some quote Daniel’s abstinence from the King’s table and eating of pulse (please read Daniel 1) and his mourning in Dan. 10:1-3 for three weeks, where he did not eat any choice foods as a form of fasting, but the purpose was not for fasting but mourning. (see also Esther 4:3, 2Sam. 1:12).

Why or what are the advantages of fasting?
·        Brings the Lord’s comfort and us closer to God. (Matt. 9:14-15)
·        Solves our greater needs (Esther/ Mordecai and Haman’s plan to exterminate the Jews-Esther 4:3)
·        Enables us resist the Devil and to be humbled. (Matt. 4:1-4)
·        Gives us confidence to do the will of God.
·        Enables us overcome the desires of the flesh for spiritual strength. In other words, fasting is one of the best nutritious foods for spirit.
·        Greater healing and faith in God. (Matt. 17:15-21)
·        Physically cleanses our body of toxins.

What are the suggested steps to Fasting?
  Step 1: Why are you fasting?  
Have a theme for the fasting. Be motivated by a burden. Eg. Spiritual renewal, healing, intercessory,              resolution of problems, grace to handle difficult situations, etc. (2chron. 7:14)

  Step 2: Make your commitment.
       Decide on duration, plan (eg. what to avoid, etc)
  Step 3: Prepare yourself spiritually
      Unconfessed sin will hinder your fast. Therefore seek forgiveness and reconciliation.

  Step 4: Prepare yourself physically
    Eg. eating habits to be reduced, fruit eating, don’t rush (optional)

  Step 5: Put yourself on schedule
·        Apportion time to get maximum spiritual fulfillment i.e spend more time with God.
·        Start with praise and worship
·        Read Word of God and meditate on word (if possible related to your theme)
·        Invite Holy Spirit
·        Present requests, intercessions, etc (like the woman who wanted justice from the Judge). Use the word of God in requests.

  Step 6: End fast gradually
·        Break fast with plenty liquid intake (initially water but avoid acids)
·        Then soft foods
·        Then regular eating habits

  Step 7: Expect Results
·        Faith should continue
·        Once cannot do all (optional)


  • It takes time to build up your Fast character
  • Avoid distractions. E.g. TV, radio, unnecessary chatters, arguments, etc
  • Present good facial and bodily appearance (Matt. 6:16-18)
  • Avoid Cheating
  • Avoid injustice
  • Do good when the opportunity comes
  • Abstaining from food and drink (or fasting) without prayer and studying the word of God amounts to starving oneself and not fasting.

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