Saturday, February 4, 2017



At the close of His earthly ministry, the Lord Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations and teach them to obey all that he had taught them.
     The words of the Lord apply equally to us who believe in Jesus and we have a responsibility to pay heed to them. In this lesson we want to know what our message is and why it is necessary to present it to others. We shall also learn one way of presenting this message.

      A                        i)          Who is a witness? 1Jn 1:1-3, Luke 1:1-3
ii)               Why is there the need to witness? Matt 28:19-20
iii)              What are the qualities of an effective witness?
iv)              Hindrances to effective witnessing?

       B.   What is the message of Christian Witness? 1Cor. 15:1-6, 2:1-5
                         The key idea is that Christ’s death has given us salvation and His resurrection has brought us hope.

        C.   Tools to help you share your faith.
                    1.    i)              The four Spiritual Laws Booklet
                          ii)              The Bridge for life
                          ii)              “The New Life for you” booklet, etc.

2.      Mention some of the benefits of these tools.

         D    Hints in the use of these materials
a)           Keep your presentation simple, why?
b)           Don’t assume the person is a Christian.
c)           Be sincere. If you don’t know the answers to a question admit it. But please come back later with the answer.

         E.    The four Spiritual Law Booklet – How to use it.
a)           The four Laws Demonstration – What did you observe me doing?
b)           How to handle the responses to the circles - see attached sheet.
            If a person says he wants to receive Christ, stop for a moment and find out his reason.

SUMMARY: It is imperative that we obey the Great Commission. Fulfilling this means that we become effective witness; and it is a life-long process. It is important to note that we learn how to witness by actually witnessing (i.e. by doing) and not by attending a Bible School or maturity classes; though these are very helpful.
     Now if your witnessing has made Christ enter a Man’s life, what should you do to help him?  For the answer, visit class 8.

Memory Verse:   Matt. 28:18-20

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