Sunday, February 12, 2017


1Thess. 5:18: “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you”.
If you study the bible carefully, it is abundantly clear that God wants us to be in a continually thankful state of mind.  Most of the chapters of Psalms and especially Psalm 111 show the Psalmist praising God on various occasions. No wonder one of the signs of the end times is that people will be unthankful (2Tim. 3:2).
There are some very bad things that happen to a child of God - sickness, sorrow, disappointment, death, divorce, abuse, murder, and mayhem. We often remember to thank God when something positive happens in our life. But 1Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to give thanks in all things, which includes difficult times as well as happier times.
Why should the Christian be thankful to God always, and for all things?

Why be always thankful? 
There are a number of reasons why the Christian should be thankful to God; no matter the difficulties we are going through because it is always good to give thanks (Psalm 92:1-2). What has the Lord done? If you ever find yourself not full of thanks, then take a minute and start thinking of the things God has done for you. It will surprise you what the Lord has done if you start counting. I'll help you start:
(i)  He gave you life today and therefore hope (Eccl. 9:4); He gave you the food you ate or will eat today; He gave you the water that you drink; He gave you the air you just breathed; If you're saved, He gave you eternal life, forgiveness of sins, eternal security, the privilege of prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit, the fellowship of other Christians, and all the other blessings that go with faith in Christ.

(ii) Another reason to thank God is stated in Psalm 107:1; because the Lord is good and His mercies endure forever. As you read this message, somebody is being rushed to the hospital, somebody is spending his life in prison and others cannot sleep without medicines; etc. we need to be thankful!

(iii)  Because God is in control.  He is sovereign.  One of the favourite promises in the Bible is (Rom 8:28) '... that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.'

(iv) Thankfulness reinforces our faith. When we remember how God has met our needs, protected us, and answered our cries for help, our trust in Him is strengthened and equips us to face the future.

(v)  For Chastisement. If you're having difficulty, it just may be that you're under the chastening hand of Almighty God. In Hebrews 12:11, chastisements are for our good.

(vi) For Dependency. Sometimes God allows us to have problems to cause us to depend upon Him. In 2Corin. 12:7-10, Paul realized that his strength is increased in his weakness.

(vii)   Our Maturity. When you have difficulty, you learn more during those times than you learn in the good times. See Psalm 119:71. Thanking God in our difficult situations will become a way to witness to those around us.

(viii) For Patience: When bad things happen to you, God could just be working patience in you. See Psalm 27:14 and James 1:4. And so, if God is teaching us patience, and it is a Christian virtue, should we not thank God when we're enduring trials?

How do we show our thankfulness to God?
We can thank God praising and worshiping Him in words (prayer), songs, donations, testimonies and hymns. For example: (i) The widows mite (mk. 12:41-44); (ii) David danced to music ‘till his cloth fell off; (iii) Samuel’s mum gave him up to serve in the house of God as thank you to God.

In this stressful and troubled world we live today, it can seem difficult for us to find something to be thankful for. Yet, it is precisely because of the problems around us that we need to devote ourselves to giving thanks. When darkness grows around us, we cannot afford to become neglectful in this spiritual practice. Instead, we need to renew our commitment to thankfulness. In fact, being thankful can bring healing to a troubled heart.
On the other hand, a lack of thankfulness can lead to depression as we focus on negative things (eg. Elijah asking God to kill him-1kings 19:4). When we make a practice of thanking God for His many blessings, (like the leper out of the 10 in Luke 17,) we will be focusing on the good things He has given us, and He can begin to bring healing and strength to us.

Brethren, In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.(1Thess. 5:18). Amen!

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