Saturday, February 4, 2017

GROWING INTO MATURITY: LESSON 5- Personal Devotion (2)

B.          QUIET-TIME:
  1.          What is quiet time? 
  2.          In what ways does it differ from Personal Bible Study?
 3.          When and where does one have quiet time?  Mk 1:35; Gen. 19:27
1.              Why it is necessary to have your quiet time?  Ps. 119:15; Isa. 40:29-31; Pet. 2:2.
2.              How does one go about his quiet time?
3.              What are some of the problems encountered in having quiet time?

Prayer is the pouring out of the content of our heart to God.  1 Sam. 1:15b
1.      Why do we pray?  Prov. 15:8;  Jos. 5:16;  Eph. 3:14-17  Jn. 16:23-24
2.      To whom do we pray?  Acts 12:5;  Jn. 14:13-14;  Eph. 6:18
3.      Where do we pray?  1 Tim. 2:8;  Mtt. 6:6;  Lk. 18:10
4.      When should we pray?  Lk. 18:1,  1 Thess. 5:17;  Ps. 5:3;  Ps. 55:17
5.      What should be included in prayer?  ACTS.
i)          Adoration – Ps. 95:6        ii) Confession – Ps. 32:5;  1 Jn. 2:1
iii)       Thanksgiving – Phil. 4:6;  1 Thess. 5:18;   iv)  Supplication – 1 Tim. 2:1
6.      Hindrances to Prayer – Jos. 1:5-7;  Mk. 11:25;  Ps. 66:18;  Jos. 4:3;  Is. 59:1-2
7.      Assurance of answered prayer.
(i)               Mk. 11:24;  ii) Jn. 15:7;  iii) Matt. 7:7-8
8   What answers does God give to prayer   I)   2 Kings 20:1-6; 1 Chr. 4:9-10;   (YES)    ii) 2 Cor. 12:7-10 (NO)   iii) Dan. 10:10-14   (WAIT)
You can best know how to pray by praying.

                    D.      FASTING
1.      What is Fasting?  Matt. 4:2;  Ex. 34:28, Deut. 9:9,18
2.      Why should the Christian Fast. i) Mk. 9:29;  Mt. 17:21(kjv)  ii)Ps.35:13  iii) Acts 13:2; Ezra 8:21-23
3.      Avoid the wrong kind of fasting.  Is. 58:3-5; Matt. 6:16-18
4.      Is fasting a biblically recommended exercise for Christians today?  Mk. 2:20
5.      What are the suggested steps to fasting? See sheet
6.      Do the right kind of fasting.  Is. 58:6-9

Personal Bible Study.  Quiet Time, Prayer and Fasting are very powerful tools available to the Christian in the Spiritual Warfare.  When employed rightly and diligently, these tools work to the victory of the Christian in his combat with his (Spiritual) enemies.
This lesson ends the “Growing to Maturity” Series. In class 6.You will enter another Series which will talk about the exciting adventure of witnessing.  Will you miss it?

Memory Verse: 2 Tim. 3:16-17

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