Saturday, February 25, 2017


Job 2:10: “But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh.  What?  shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?  In all this did not Job sin with his lips”.
Christianity is not a bed of roses as sometimes we think. Most Christians today are losing their faith in Jesus Christ because of afflictions. In fact, today, prosperity has been set as a measure to separate a good from a bad Christian.

But why should the Christian suffer affliction? How should the Christian behave in times of his afflictions? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?

Why Job? – a Righteous man
Bible says Job was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil irrespective of his wealth and blessings from God.  So he was considered the greatest of all the men of the east and it is no wonder Bible says in Psalm 34 that, “many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him from them all”. The righteous is always a headache to the devil and therefore the devil will stop at nothing to cause the righteous to deny Jesus (Rev.12:12). The righteous of today are never spared either.

Drifting away
There comes a time in our lives we tend to drift away from the Lord spiritually, especially, when going through afflictions. It sounds unacceptable that within a twinkle of an eye, we thought we are leaning against a living God and then all of a sudden we lose everything – the love, the peace, the job, the possessions, the confidence, the increase, the lovely family, friends, etc. It becomes heartbreaking that if you don’t take heart, all kinds of thoughts and actions might result. This is what happened to Job’s wife. She could not stand the sudden change in their physical life- losing children and wealth, which caused the wife to advice Job to curse God and die! Unlike the wife, Job still trusted the Lord was in control. Job suggests that he and his wife had received many good things from the Lord and no matter the circumstances; the Lord was still their redeemer and all that was happening, was for their profit and advantage.

Survival Strategy
In all these afflictions, Job did not sin with his lips; he did not utter any one impatient, murmuring and doubting word against God; Job humbled himself under the mighty hand of God, and brought his mind to his condition. His wife was used to be a troubler and tempter to him but he resisted on all fronts. Shall we receive so many unmerited blessings from a just and holy God, and then refuse to accept the afflictions? A few survival strategies can be as follows:
·        Know that God is still in control
·        Let the word of God encourage you rather than society (Rom. 15:4)
·        Be wise as the serpent and calm as a dove – why will a faithful God you trusted for your blessings allow your soul to be afflicted for an unjust cause?
·        Pray and fast to humble the flesh and seek God’s strength
·        Rebuke the discouraging words and avoid discouraging areas.
·        Affliction is a test on our faith and for our spiritual strength.
·        Affliction on the righteous comes with permission from God. HE will not allow you to be tested beyond what you cannot bear.

As Christians, our only hope in this hopeless world is to let our anchor hold in the storms of life; when the clouds unfold their wings of strife; when the strong tide lifts, when the cables strain; our anchors should still be firmly hooked to that Rock – Jesus Christ. Hold on even if, and the Lord shall restore you.…….. Amen!


Matt. 26:41: “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak”.
Jesus Christ came into the world for a purpose - he revealed God the father to us and through Jesus, God reconciled mankind to Himself. Although Jesus Christ fulfilled this purpose to the end, He did not have it easy in fulfilling the task. Satan, that old serpent who deceived man in the Garden of Eden, wanted to destroy this wonderful reconciliation plan of God through all means possible to destroy Jesus. This same Satan has not left Christians alone to worship our God. Revelation 12 shows that the Christian is in constant spiritual battle with Satan since day one, that he became a Christian.

This evening we want to talk about a strategy that Jesus taught the disciples to overcome Satan and his demons. Bible says that the devil is moving to & fro like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. But the bible also says that “for we are not unaware of his schemes”. Jesus taught his disciples to “watch & pray” so they can overcome satan.

Every Christian is an instrument of God. The Christian is delivered to also continue with the wonderful work that Jesus Christ left for us i.e. to continue spreading the good news of salvation and hope. This means that our person, our life, our family and everything that we do as Christians, should portray Christ to others. That is why we need to “watch & pray” so that Satan will not deceive us or afflict us to deny Christ (as Judas and Peter went through).    Read Matt. 26:41


Matt. 26 talks about the final hours of Jesus life to crucifixion. Jesus loved watching and praying throughout His life on earth because he knew the wicked plans of Satan - who is only good at stealing, killing and destroying. Bible says that Jesus left the disciples in a part of the Garden of Gethsemane to pray alone. Bible says for 3x, each time he came to the disciples, they have abandonment the prayer and sleeping. And this caused Jesus to advise Peter - “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak”.

Though Judas was a disciple of Jesus, he became a tool of Satan. At that point, Satan was also after  Peter and the other disciples to turn them away from God. Therefore in Luke 22:31-32, Jesus told Peter Satan wants to sift him but he has prayed for him. In Matt. 26:31, Jesus predicted the falling away of the disciples, especially Peter. As human as he was, Peter taught he knew Jesus enough not to deny Him. Feeling confident and independent he taught he had no need of God’s grace. If you think you are standing, be careful you don’t fall. Some of us were so confident until we failed the test of temptation and affliction. If a believer fails to “watch &pray”, sin takes over him. Bible says Satan is a cunning serpent, therefore we need to “watch &pray” else we will realize him only at the point of fall.

What is “watching?”

Watching signifies a lurking danger. Watching means sleeplessness; vigilance; being awake and aware of surrounding realities. It also means being spiritually alert. In Gen. 3, Adam and Eve failed to watch, so they believed in the lie of Satan. Most Christians are failing the test of their faith because ignorance has taken the place of knowledge of Jesus Christ. Brethren, the secret to victory over sin and the devil is to watch & pray.

Who is a watching person or what is it to watch?

A watching or watchful person:
1)  Is guided by the knowledge of God (as stated in the scriptures). He rejects the wisdom of the world. He knows that the world’s wisdom is foolishness because it denies the revelation of God, the creator of the universe and ruler of all.
2)  Is aware that the ability to sin still dwells in him and that Jesus Christ defeated Satan by death on the cross but Satan and his demons are still given the freedom to rule and tempt all believers (Rev 12).
3)  Knows that this world will pass away and not abide forever. Therefore it is foolish to trust in this world and its attractions (1Jn. 2:16-17). He remembers Lot’s wife and accepts Christ’s advise that “what shall it profit a man when he gains this world and loses his soul”? He does not run like the pagans do after things of the world but instead seeks first the kingdom of God. He knows there is God but there is a devil seeking to devour the believer.
4)  Is who having seen the heavenly things, refuses to live like the people before the flood and the people before the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah (Lk.17:26-30)
5)  Is one who repents of his sins and obey God. He is careful in his life and sets his affections on things above, not on things of the earth, which is passing away. He is one who embraces Paul’s words of Colossians 3:1-4.
6)  He understands God’s truth and therefore able to detect and reject heresies in the Church. (Acts 20:30-31). Today’s church is also falling to all the warnings to the 7 churches in Rev 1-3 because Christians are not watching.
As Christians:
·    we need to watch how the world events are going to enable us be ready at all times (signs and falsehood)
·   we need to watch our group relations and friends, our marriages (Job’s wife), our children (Samuel, Eli, etc) and attitudes (Moses & Canaan entry)
·   we need to watch the events in the churches, so that we are not deceived by Satan’s minister who parade as ministers of light.
 We need to watch, so that Satan will not destroy our lives.

The Power of Prayer

Jesus also told his disciples to pray in addition to the watching. God has given us the right to pray to him in the name of Jesus Christ. The right to pray and receive an answer from the living God is the greatest privilege a Christian has (Hebrews 10:19-22). We don’t need a pope or a priest to pray on our behalf. We believe in the priesthood of all believers, that all who trust in Jesus Christ can come through the new and living way of Jesus Christ into the Father’s presence and he will receive us.

Our Need to Pray

Why do we need to go into the presence of God? We are tempted all the time as we live in this evil world. We need God’s help to resist that temptation. Psychologists cannot help us nor can anything we learn at the university because most modern educators have nothing to do with God and Jesus Christ. In fact, it is quite fashionable for secular man to deny God and Jesus Christ and despise Christianity( they prefer the new age religions based on human thinking).

The truth is, we are weak, needy, and helpless. Remember how Peter told Jesus, "Lord, I am willing even to die for you. Even if everyone else denies you, I never will"? How many times have we made similar statements? Yet such words are merely expressions of foolish self-confidence. We need help to resist the devil, and no one can help us but God, who graciously says to us, "Come to me in the name of Jesus Christ and you will receive mercy and grace for your time of need." When we come to him, God will always help us.

Why do people fall into the same sin again and again? Because they do not watch and pray. They think they can operate in their arrogance and self-sufficiency, but the devil is stronger than their self-sufficiency.

So what makes prayer so powerful a tool to the Christian?

Prayer Is Communication

When we go to God in prayer, we go to adore our God, confess our sins to him, give thanks to him, and make supplication of him. Prayer is communication with God. Our prayer is also a delight unto God (Prov. 15:8)

In Ephesians 6:10-17 we read about putting on the whole armor of God. In Ephesians 6:18 we read, "And pray in the Spirit," meaning the Holy Spirit. We pray because we are in a foreign land, on the battlefield and want to be in communication with our general. So we tell him what is happening and he tells us what to do and which way to go.

We must pray in the power and wisdom of the Spirit. This does not mean we can ask for anything we want and receive it. God’s will is revealed in the word of God, and we must pray within the limits of God’s will. Praying in the Spirit is praying in God’s wisdom and power.  In God’s wisdom, our prayers can be answered:

(i)  No (James 4:3); (ii) Yes (2Kings 20:1-6); (iii) Wait (Dan. 10:10-14); (iv) Better option (In Judges 7: Gideon’s 22,000 against God’s 300men for war with Medians).

The prayer of a watching person is always effective because God gives him his grace to deal with every situation. In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul complained about a “thorn in his flesh” and for three times, he prayed to God to remove it. But God said, "No," but, "My grace is sufficient for you to deal with the problems." That is why Paul could declare, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me" (KJV). We must never try to face the prowling, roaring devil in our own self-confidence. If we do, he will only laugh at us. But if we go in the strength that God gives, we can resist the devil and he shall flee from us.

The Weapon of Prayer

As Jesus came to Gethsemane we are told he was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. He asked his disciples, "Please stay with me and pray with me." Imagine, the Lord Jesus Christ desired help of his disciples in prayer. But they slept the whole time. Although the disciples did not watch and pray, Jesus did, praying three times. After he was finished, he told his disciples, "I am ready now. Let’s rise and go." Jesus was ready to meet the devil.

The third time he knew there was no other way, so he prayed, "May your will be done," just as he had taught his disciples to pray in the Lord’s Prayer, "Thy will be done." Through prayer Jesus was strengthened to face death on the cross. In Luke 22:31, 32 (KJV), he prayed also for Peter against the devil’s sifting of Peter. I believe that, this prayer saved Peter from falling away after he had regretted denying Jesus. Because Judas lacked the strengthening of prayer, he killed himself after his regret for selling Jesus.

This is the weapon of prayer. It is mightier than all the weapons of hell. In fact, the devil trembles whenever a Christian is on his knees.

Hindrances to Prayer

Lack of faith (James 1:5-7); Sin (Isa. 59:1-2; Ps. 66:18); Forgive others (Mk. 11:25-26); Using your request for pleasure (James 4:3); Not taking good care of your spouse (1Pet.3:7)

Watch, Pray, and you’ll Triumph

The result of a Christian watching and praying is that - he will be triumphant over sin, Satan, and the flesh. In 2 Corinthians 2:14 Paul exclaimed, "Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ." When we watch and pray, we will triumph! We will not fall into temptation or be knocked down, swallowed up, or blown away by satan and his demons. God wants us to live that glorious hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

How to watch vigilantly

Do you make the time to study the Bible and obey it? Do you fast and do well to pray every day? Do you take stock of your life whether you are in the faith every time? Do you trust in man and traditions rather than God? If not, you'll find yourself swallowed by the world and sifted by Satan like wheat.
Take note that satan and his demons are not ignorant. He was in heaven and he fell with a "third of the stars" (other angels) who became demonic spirits. They have knowledge and they know how to tempt. The devil can even tempt you with the Bible by abusing verses from it to take you off track (Matt. 4).
Think of Job. He was righteous in the sight of God, yet the devil tempted him to such an extent that even his closest friends believed that he had done something wrong to offend God to cause such calamities. The devil used a whole range of varieties in tempting righteous Job.
Sadly in the Christian world today, the emphasis is on prayer and the first word "watch" is sadly neglected. Brethren, Satan is not asleep - he is busy all the time. Peter says that we are to be on our guard, to watch, because our enemy, the devil, goes around like a roaring lion. Just picture this literally: if you knew that there was a devouring lion in your home would you act casually or would you be extremely watchful?
It is not enough to say: "I go to church and have given my heart to the Lord". It is essential that you "watch and pray".
We need to watch and pray to have discernment. Jesus said that in the latter days many will fall away. If one thinks of the fact that just a few years after Jesus had ascended back into heaven He wrote letters to His 7 churches and 10 times He found fault with them. It breaks one's heart to think that most of those churches had allowed deception (through not being watchful and prayerful) into their midst  -  (go and read Rev 1 to 3 and ask God to speak to you as you read what Jesus said to His church)


Brethren, let us watch and pray because satan knows his time is short and therefore he is roaring to and fro to sift you and deny you meeting Jesus Christ in holiness and righteousness. I pray that we will begin to watch and pray and learn the secrets of having a victorious Christian life.

Brethren, Watch, watch and pray. Amen!


That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.…(Philippians 3:10-11)

Brethren, Christ is the basis of Christianity. In fact, no Christ - no Christianity. You cannot be a Christian and not acknowledge Christ. Some people try to compare Christ with other so called ‘prophets’. But the bible says, if you deny the son, you cannot have the father (1Jn2:23), so let us not compare or equal our Christianity with any religion, as is being preached around that we worship the same God with the other religions. That is one of the biggest deceptions of Satan and he is using some Christians to propagate these lies. But who is Christ and what did He achieve for Christianity that we need to believe and know Him better.

In the beginning
In the beginning, God created man and so loved man and befriended man in the Garden of Eden. But Satan, through the serpent, deceived man/ woman to sin against God, and that destroyed God’s wonderful friendship with mankind. This sin made God sad and regretful, that He sacked man/woman from the wonderful Garden of Eden. Since then, Man has been dead spiritually and has never known peace because Satan (the deceiver and destroyer) had spiritual control of the world.
But, as loving as our God is- the God who loves to forgive sins than to punish; our God, who was always looking out for sinful man like the prodigal son’s father,  designed a wonderful plan to deliver man from sin and hopelessness. God gave Jesus, His only begotten son to be sacrificed as a ‘lamb’ to atone for our sin. Jesus had to endure hardships, oppositions, shame, insults, rejection, etc. to fulfill the wonderful salvation plan that God had for mankind.
Although Jesus had the power to fight His accusers with the numerous angels in Heaven, He did none of those. Bible says He humbled Himself till death on the cross. Satan thought He has destroyed God’s plan until Jesus Christ resurrected from death after three (3) days in the grave, as He promised. Brethren, Christ was and has been victorious over death- this is no film show but real. Some don’t believe that one can die and resurrect after three (3) days. This victorious resurrection over death has given us hope to rejoice in the Lord. This resurrection demonstrates:
·       The power of the true God (Eph.1:19-21); that Jesus Christ is God (Rom.1:4); that all the teachings of Jesus Christ -his person, work, heaven, hell & future judgment- is true (Jn.4:60); that our own future resurrection is sure 1Thess.4:14,2Corin.4:14) and again it reveals that Jesus Christ is the appointed Judge of this wicked world (Jn. 5:22,27-29)
Many people are willing to reign with Christ, but would not be willing to suffer with him; many would be willing to wear a crown of glory like him, but not the crown of thorns; many desire to share the glories and triumphs of redemption, but not its poverty and persecution. This was not the feeling of Paul. He wished in all things to be just like Christ, and therefore he counted it an honor to be permitted to suffer as he did. So Peter says in 1Pet.4:13- "Rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings. Are you willing to suffer for the sake of Christ? If yes, then you know Him!

BUT, what does "knowing Christ" mean?
Knowing Christ is more important than wisdom or riches. But, How Do We Know Him? First, we must know about him which means that we must learn about Jesus. We must cultivate our own relationship with Him. How do we do this?
1.     By putting your faith in him; by believing that He is the only Son of God; by believing that the resurrection really did take place, and you want Him to make you a new creation.
2.  Spending time in prayer. In prayer, you can share all your joys, frustrations, and sorrows with the God of the universe, the God who cares. Talking to God also builds your relationship with him.
3.    The third step is by regular reading and studying of the Bible. (Read Rom.15:4; 2Tim. 3:16, 17). Be willing to follow His word even when his commands don't seem to make sense.You will depend on God when his requirements seem unreasonable. When you do this -- He will be there to support you, and you will see Jesus as a living, risen Savior.
4.    By listening to faithful preachers of God's word and listening to testimonies of other fellow believers. (Rev. 12:11 shows that Satan cannot stand the testimonies of believers.)
5.  By witnessing through which you can experience God more. (eg. Paul, through missionary journeys, knew God better)

Brethren, I will encourage you to make the conscious effort to experience Christ and be sure of Him because the times we live in are evil. One thing we should know is that, in deception, there is an element of truth. Today, a lot of youth are departing from the faith and following all kinds of beliefs because they were not grounded in the faith and so the slightest sugar-coated words from Satan and his agents, they follow and thereby destroy their faith. Do you remember what happened to Jesus in Matthew 4? – when Satan tempted him after His 40day fast. Do you remember how he tempted and deceived Eve to disobey God by taking the forbidden fruit? Read Col. 2:8. Now Satan is telling the youth of today that they can do it on their own and that, truth is relative? As Christians, anything contrary to the word of God is not truth. Any religion that does not depend on Jesus Christ and Him only is not acceptable and false (1Jn2:23). Do you remember what happened at the transfiguration (matt. 17)- Moses and Elijah and Jesus appeared-the two were greatest of all prophets but they cannot be compared with the son of God. Jn. 14:6- He is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through Him.

What is the Power of Christ’s Resurrection?
The resurrection is a cornerstone of the entire building of Christianity and the key of our salvation. Christianity is not a mere religion based on theoretical principles. Christianity is a relationship with a living Savior; a Savior we can know; a Savior who imparts our life and empowers us; a saviour who transforms us into his likeness and this is why the resurrection is so central to Christians.
In Phil 3:10-11, the second part of Paul's desire is "to know the power of his resurrection." Note that Paul does not ask God for more power. Instead, he asks God that he might know the resurrection power he already has. Some Christians don’t know the power they have over Satan and his works. Therefore they have put their trust in man and have been enslaved by man-made doctrines and knowledge and this is destroying a lot of Christians lives.
Let us consider four aspects of this power of the resurrection. We have:

(1) The Power to Have Forgiveness of sins
Sin has a hold on all of us. Without God, we are slaves to sin. But Christ, through his death and resurrection, frees us from the power of sin. Paul puts it this way at the end of Romans 4:25 - “He was delivered over to death because of our sins, and raised to life because of our justification.”
Christ died as the necessary sacrifice for our sins. When Jesus died, God laid on him the iniquity of us all, the punishment that all of us deserve for all our sins. So whenever Satan accuses us -- saying, "God could never forgive you for what you have done --  we can say, "Jesus rose from the dead! having believed in Jesus, I am righteous in God's eyes." That is the power of the resurrection.
 (2) The Power to Conquer Sin
Resurrection power doesn't end with our forgiveness. Christ's resurrection also empowers us to conquer sin in our lives. As Paul says in Ephesians 4:24 - put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.  In Christ we are a new creation (Read 2Corin 5:17); his Spirit lives within us. We have been renewed, we have a new self -- and the purpose of that new self is to be conformed to the image of Christ, to become like him: truly righteous, truly holy -- to become what God intends humans to be!
So if this is the case, why do Christians keep on sinning? Paul gives us the answer in today's verse in Philippians: we don't know the power!
 (3) The Power to Be God's Agent
Christianity is not just about forgiveness and overcoming sin. Christianity is not simply a solution to our problems. Through salvation, we are to be his agents of change in the world. God empowers us not only to defeat sin but also to share and display his loving message to the world. Jesus says, "You are the light of the world." Paul says in (2 Cor. 5:19, 20) - He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.
God could work directly in each person's life the way he worked in Paul's life -- But God has chosen instead to work through us; weak as we are, limited as we are -- and to show His power through our very weakness. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, God says to Paul, my power is made perfect in weakness. Have you been telling people about Christ? Some of us can preach football and not Christ. If the world has taken time to, at least, reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, don’t you think we need to take the opportunity to tell them about the hope and salvation which can be attained through the death and resurrection, rather than the celebrations?
 (4) The Power to Be Conformed to His Likeness
Finally, the resurrection power's greatest achievement is conforming us to the likeness of Christ. Paul says in 2Cor. 3:18 – we are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
Can you imagine being transformed into His likeness? Think of the things that you have wanted to change and have tried to change in your life. God will deal with every one of those. You are being made into a perfect creation -- you are becoming like Jesus! - spotless, blameless, loving, kind and strong. That is the power of the resurrection!
More than anything else, Paul wants to know Jesus, and the power of his resurrection. What do you want more than this? Money? Fame? Influence? Power? Connection? All these are worthless. In the end, all of these things that people spend their lives pursuing are unsatisfying. Am I right?
Do you know this Jesus? Do you believe he rose from the dead? Has he been working in your heart? Do you acknowledge Him as your Savior!

Those of you who already have placed your faith in Him as a sacrifice for your sins, I want to ask you a few questions:
Have you been trying to impress God with your religious activities? Have you been putting the cares of finances, of job, of family, ahead of your relationship to Jesus?
Can you really say with Paul that you consider everything else you've done to be rubbish compared to knowing Him? Do you know the power of the resurrection in your life?
Or have you allowed Satan to continue to control you, when you don't need to?
As believers we don’t need a decision, but a commitment -- a commitment to depend on the power of God, a commitment to knowing him better and better, so that you might be conformed to his likeness. We don’t need to respond to alter calls over and over again; we don’t need “pray- for- me” but a commitment.
Christ is risen from the dead! Believe it! Know Him! And your life will never be the same! Hallelujah!

Response to the Resurrection

How do we respond to the resurrection of Christ? I urge you to repent now and believe in him who is the Judge of the whole world. "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved," Paul told the Philippian jailer (Acts 16:31). The Lord Jesus is the Son of God who became man. He is very God and very man. He was crucified, he died and was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures. This same Lord Jesus Christ ascended into the heavens and will come again to judge the living and the dead.
The earthquakes are happening; the wars are happening; the famines are occurring; the lawlessness and wickedness are happening. As Christians, we don’t know when Christ is coming; in fact no man knows, except the father. But with the signs happening (as in Matt. 24), we should know that the time for accountability is near. Are you ready to give a good account of your life? What will you tell Christ to allow you into Heaven? Think about it!

May God give you faith to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and particularly in the fact that God raised him from the dead. May you come to know that Jesus Christ is the only Savior and there is no other. May we all remember that Jesus is the Judge whom we will all face, because it is appointed to man once to die and then comes judgment.

May God have mercy on us; that we will beg for mercy and pardon from him and be saved. Amen!


Victory is something that is sweet, especially when you go through pain and difficult situations to attain it. e.g. Students who struggle to pass exams when he had no teacher or getting employment after numerous applications or farmer getting bumper harvest after trials. Therefore, it is no surprise that everybody wants to be associated with such victories. Example, in parliament we have opposition but when there is victory for Ghana, parliament is without opposition. Am I wrong?
Brethren, Christ is the cornerstone of Christianity. In fact, no Christ- no Christianity. But who is Christ and what did He achieve for Christianity that we need to believe in Him only? Some people try to compare Christ with other so called ‘prophets’. Today, even some church leaders are preaching around that we worship the same God with the other religions. That is one of the biggest deceptions of Satan and he is using some Christians to propagate these lies. As a fact, if you deny the son, you cannot have the father (1Jn2:23), so let us not equal Christ with any religion’s leader.

In the beginning
In the beginning (Genesis), God created man and so loved man that HE befriended Him in the Garden of Eden. But Satan, through the serpent deceived man/ woman and that destroyed God’s wonderful friendship with mankind. This sin made God sad and regretful that He sacked man/woman from the wonderful Garden of Eden. Since then, Man has been dead spiritually and fallen short of God’s glory.
But, as loving as our God is- the God who loves to forgive sins than to punish; our God, who was always looking out for sinful man like the prodigal son’s father,  designed a wonderful plan to deliver man from sin and hopelessness. God gave Jesus, His only begotten son to be sacrificed as a ‘lamb’ for the purpose. Jesus, being in nature God, did not have it easy throughout the task and Satan did not take kindly with Jesus.  Eg. Just after His 40days fasting, Satan tempted Him to destroy the plan (Matt. 4). Even when he was a baby, Satan through King Herod even killed innocent children, in order to kill Jesus.  Jesus had to endure hardships, oppositions, shame, insults, rejection, etc. until He was crucified on the cross to fulfill the wonderful salvation plan that God had for mankind. Even one of His closest friends and disciple, became His enemy and traitor i.e. Judas.

Christ’s victory
Although Christ had the power to overcome His accusers with the numerous Angels in Heaven, He did none of those. Bible says He humbled Himself till death on the cross. As a Christian, how do you humble yourself to endure the sufferings of Christianity- Hardships, insults, rejection, mockery, shame, persecutions within and without the church and pain? Christ endured the pain from the crown of thorns, all for sins that He did not commit but you and me.
Satan thought He has destroyed God’s plan until Jesus Christ resurrected from death after three (3) days and three (3) nights in the grave, as He promised. Brethren, Christ was and has been victorious over death- this is no film show but real, according to proof of scripture. Some don’t believe that one can die and resurrect after three (3) days. This victorious resurrection over death has given us hope in the Lord. This resurrection should be our reason for patience in suffering as Christians.

Nature of the victory 
Isaiah 50:4-9: reveals Christ’s patience in suffering. Like Christ, we will go through various trials, even to the point of death just to endure the Christian life. But we should not grow weary till He comes.V9 says “the Lord will help us” to be victorious in the end. As Christians, we have a task to preach the gospel till Christ comes (Matt. 28). You will go through persecutions. Your best friend, your family, your church elder (eg. like priests in Jesus time), your teacher, etc. - can be your persecutor in the course, but don’t give up because Christ says: He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will help you out. Hallelujah.
Phil 2: 5-11: tells us to be humble, if we want to achieve our purpose as Christians. Christ humbled Himself before becoming victorious over death. He had the opportunity to call the heavenly Angels to fight Pilate and the Roman Army but He accepted to be humiliated because of our sins. The result of the humility is that God has exalted Him. Some of us professing Christian cannot stand insults, persecutions or shame for Christ. We can’t be humble because of the small knowledge and wealth we have. Bible says God opposes the proud but exalts the humble. Do you want God to exalt you? Then be humble. 
Matt. 27:45-56: In the difficulty, Jesus asked why the father has forsaken Him. Sometimes we get to a point in our Christian life when things seem to be at a standstill. You ask whether our God exist; whether He is the same healer and miracle worker you read of in the bible. Today, you can find it difficult to sometimes differentiate between a believer and an unbeliever because of money. Morality and holiness have become secondary. Today when you insist on the word of God you have a name (conservative), when you live politically correct, you are praised - the world loves you for that. Most of us are losing focus on our calling as Christians because of difficulties- we can’t endure. Christ endured the shame on the cross, what about you?

Lessons from Christ’s Victory
Today our fellowships have become mere entertainment; we are no longer serious about salvation but financial prosperity (Rev. 3:14). Our fellowships do not transform lives anymore. Our lifestyles are turning people away from Christ. Most of us cannot give simple salvation message to people we meet or live with. We think it is other people’s duty. Some of us have to wear T-shirt with gospel inscriptions before people see us as Christians (church-goers).  From the victory of Christ we learn:
·  Endurance in the trials: Christ attained this sweet victory through suffering. If you profess you know Him, are you also ready to go through the current suffering to attain the future glory? You need to endure the suffering, the persecutions, the isolation, the rejections, the name calls, and then you can confidently rejoice in the victory of Christ over death. You can endure suffering and stand when you seek Christ diligently and get closer to Him in prayer, study and walk in His word, depend on the Holy Spirit, Patience in affliction and avail yourself for the works of the kingdom.
·     Healing & Deliverance: Our curses, our diseases and our sins were laid on Him at Calvary. We have healing and deliverance from the demons! By His stripes we are healed (Is. 53:5)
·     Hope: We have hope for the future resurrection but will it be to shame or glory? (2Corinth. 5:10)
·     Easy access to God: It is finished! We don’t need goats and sheep for cleansing sin; we don’t need a priest to approach the throne of grace but ourselves as priest and Christ as our High priest.

Jesus ascended into heaven and now sits on the right hand side of God, interceding for us in everything. However, on earth he has given us a task- to continue in what HE lived for and to disciple people for Him. In Acts 11:26, the people living like Him were called Christians. Are you called Christian because you live the Christian life or because you attend church? Today Christ is looking for sincere Christians, not the hot/cold type like the Laodiceans church in Rev. 3:14?
How is your relationship with Christ today? Are you living in holiness for Christ or you are pleasing the world? Let the victory of Christ at Calvary encourage us to live in obedience to His word, so that when Christ appears, we will meet Him in joy.

I conclude with Isaiah 40:31. Trust in Jesus and you will get eternal life. Amen


2Chronicles 7:14- “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land”.

Most Christians have heard of 2 Chronicles 7:14 when things with the church start to go very bad or when there is an outbreak of evil throughout the nation and there is the need for a revival. In such cases, we desperately search through the scriptures for some insight about our needs, and usually somehow end up at 2 Chronicles 7:14. Thereafter, we carryout nice prayer sessions presenting our requests to the Lord and genuinely expect to receive a true revival which sometimes eludes us.
2Chronicles 7:14 says “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land”.
Many people are ignorant where this promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14 actually came from. Such great care and insight was at the formation of this promise by God. The noble action of a certain man brought God to issue forth a promise that would shape the way He would respond to a people who acted on these words.
God gave this promise to Solomon and the people of Israel after Solomon had completed the house of the Lord (Temple) and its dedication, to His acceptance. In 2Chronicle 7:13-14, God assured Solomon and Israel that “If I (God) shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I (God) command the locusts to devour the land, or if I(God) send pestilence among my people; v14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I (God) hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

As Christians
We are the people of God. We are Christians, known by the name of Jesus. We need to pray for a revival, we as the people of God need to humble ourselves, repent, and seek God. We need to be in right relationship with our God, so He gets ALL the glory and so He can move. We need to turn from our sinful ways so that people will see our good works and honour our Father in Heaven, then He will forgive our sins and “heal our land” (fulfill our requests).
Prayer is one of the most important tools of the Christian. Prayer is not an end in itself, but a means to an end; a means to communicate with our God through Jesus Christ and seek His face. Prayer and holy living are prerequisites to revival. When God brings revival to His people, then tremendous attention is given to Christian living and all of its consequences.
Dedication is the key to knowing God. Apart from proving our great love for God, we will not be able to know God well. Consecration and sacrifice leads us to God's presence and promises.
The famous 2 Chronicles 7:14 promise of revival is a result of Solomon's unselfish prayer found in 2 Chronicles 6:14-42. As long as we seek our own welfare, we simply have not understood how much God distastes our unholiness. We are not grieved about God's people leaving God and running after their own pleasures. God knew the true heart condition of His people. Solomon amazingly understood this too. This is why God was willing to pledge to His people that on certain conditions His people can always seek and find Him.
Things will get so bad, so despairing in fact, that even God's people will think that God has given up hope for them. He will faithfully send His prophets who will tell God's people, "Didn't God say that when things get so bad, there is still hope?!" Then they will speak on 2 Chronicles 7:14, "Revival, in the midst of Despair."

Failure of Revival Movements 
Having witnessed many revival prayer meetings, it seems that many times we think that we are really seeking God. We are humbled. We seem to be broken. We pray. We even might pray for long regular times. But then after awhile, WE FAIL TO TURN FROM OUR OLD WICKED WAYS.

Though we grieve over our sins, we’re still too consumed with getting a better life for ourselves. We cannot break through and make that complete step forward to God's throne where genuine repentance could be found. We normally go back to our sins. During such revival prayer times, most of us are broken before God, but not deep enough to bring that long lasting change. We still clung to our old individual lives- the politician, the engineer, the health worker, the social worker, the NGO executive, the Journalist, etc. If we really would change sincerely, the whole nation would have been greatly impacted, but we failed. When we reject God's grace, we suffer greater consequences.
The Lord speaks of our sins, but we just weren't moved enough to change. If God's Words don't change us, then a series of calamities will arise. Some hearts are not prepared to receive the words right before verse 7:14. Many Christians do not have a proper understanding of God. They don't think He would bring disaster or have His hand in tragedies. Some go a bit further and say that God would tolerate it but not do it. We forget that we are dealing with the God who allowed all of Israel delivered from Egypt originally to perish in the wilderness and not step foot on the Promised Land because of their sins.      

As we fast and pray seeking the face of God for our woes as a church and nation; as we raise our hands towards heaven to ask for a revival in our land, we have to understand that this revival will not happen in the midst of our wickedness and disobedience. Our land shall not experience this promise of healing, if we do not turn from our wicked ways.
How are we turning away from our greed, mischief, deception, pride, cheats, lies, backbiting, turning one person against the other, adultery, fornication, coveting and extorting in the name of God (2Pet.2:2-4)?
As a Politician: How truthful are you to the people? How do you spend the budget of the people? How do you ascend to the position you occupy? Is your parliamentary debate based on facts or mischief? As a Teacher: Do you teach your students faithfully? Do you fail a student because he failed to buy your pamphlet? As a journalist: What agenda do you set for the day? An agenda for mischief or for the nation’s growth? Are you exposing the ills of society or  doing mischievous ‘Public Relations’ for people or groups? Is what you say or write bringing peace to the nation? As a design/ construction worker: Are you churning the rightful designs? Are you ensuring the contractor is following the right specifications or you are sharing in his profit, at the expense of good job that will last? As a Pastor: Are you preaching God’s word for good or pastoring with the nicolaitan spirit? Are you taking advantage of the flock to amass wealth through covetousness and extortion? (2Peter 2:2-4kjv)? As NGO Officer: Are you amassing wealth by deceiving your donors with the proposal at the expense of the poor in society? As Procurement person: Are you procuring the goods and jobs according to the rules to save for your company or country or making money into your personal accounts? As a security person: Are you taking bribes to survive? Are you aiding the arming and aiding the armed robbers to terrorize the people? Are you hiding the evidence to free the drug baron? As a Tax collector: How faithful are you in your tax collection? The list can go on and on and on…

Chance for True Revival
The God of Heaven is ready to heal our land as HE promised Solomon and Israel in 2chron. 7:14. Isaiah 55:7 says "Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him and to our God, for He will freely pardon."  2 Corinthians 7:10 says "Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret." And Joel 2:12 says “Return to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning."
If we Christians, which have God’s name, shall humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways then He will hear from Heaven and will forgive our sins and he will heal our land of the drought, of the pestilence, of locusts devouring our land, of the persecutions, of the poverty, of the chronic diseases, of the barrenness, of the unemployment, of the failures and anything that is denying our peace.                                        

As we lift up our voice and hands towards heaven, Let us ask ourselves, “have I repented  from my wicked ways so that the Lord will hear from heaven our prayers, and will forgive our sins, and will heal our land. Amen!