Sunday, January 15, 2017


Rom. 8:13: ‘For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live’.
Most people like to be glorified on this earth. Especially, if you have wealth or accomplished something, you enjoy being glorified.

How glorifying is done by man:
  1. ·       People greeting you lying or bowing before you
  2. ·       recognizing you wherever you are.
  3. ·       composing songs in honour of the person
  4. ·       building statues of person
  5. ·       naming monument e.g. streets, buildings, etc. in honour of person

But the glory of man is of the flesh (mostly) because it can:
  1. ·       lead to pride, false lifestyles  e.g. musicians, gifted in church
  2. ·       be deceptive and mislead you to believe in what you are not. e.g. Paul saying (Phil. 3:3-4).
  3. ·       be mischievous and done to covet your possession
  4. ·       lead to bearing fruit of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21)
  5. ·       Like the flower, after a time it dies (Ps. 103:15-16), its temporary; so is man’s glory.( e.g. when broke - artists, footballers)

·       Contrary to Godliness. e.g. giving alms for people to see & glorify you ( Matt. 6:2-3),

But the glory of God leads to:
  1. ·       Eternal life (Reading Matt. 13:36-43- the good seed)
  2. ·       Peace of mind, righteousness, love (there is no pretentious life or pleasing men)
  3. ·       Bearing fruits of the spirit (Gal. 5:22-23)
  4. ·       Progress and growth in life irrespective of sufferings (Daniel, Joseph, David, etc.)
  5. ·       Protection from evil & enemy/destruction (Daniel, Jesus, Shadrach &co).

God does not want His children to seek vain glory so see His wisdom in 1Corin. 1:26-31

How do we attain the glory of God?

In Matt. 18:1-4, the disciples came to Jesus to know who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Instead of Jesus giving them a set of characteristics, HE told them the greatest should be like a little child. How do we strive to receive God’s glory from this parable?
·   Have faith: Be willing to believe in God and His power and not seek the world’s faith based on the flesh. But faith comes by hearing the word- do you study it? Do you obey it?
·       Trusting: Trust God to be who He is and to do what he says HE will do. He is not a man that HE should lie. (e.g. Jacob trusted God. Shadrach &co trusted God for what He is and what He can do)
·       Please God in all situations:  Do you please God in all things or self? (Ananias & Sapphira- Acts 5; Shadrach& Co. Apostles and Paul- they please God in all situations (2Corin. 12:7-10)
·       Risking the dangers: We need to take risk and come out of our “comfort”- Fear not! Avail yourself to him to use you. Take the risk out there (e.g. Jacob’s risks and the glories, Shadrach &co, Esther)
·       Be Joyous in suffering: look out for reasons to be joyful. Smile at the storm. Suffering should be endured as Christ did and glorified by the Father.(Ps. 34:19)
·       Remain in Jesus Christ:  (Jn. 15:6). The Disciples; Abraham, Isaac & Jacob are used to describe God because they focused on God’s glory and not Man’s glory.

Hindrances to receiving God’s glory
We cannot strive and receive God’s glory when:
·     There is sin in our lives- i.e. we are living contrary to God’s word.
·       When we bear fruits of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21). e.g. pride, jealousy, fornication, adultery, hatred, etc.
·       When we create factionalism in the church and amongst believers (1Corin. 12:25) e.g. tribal, scholarly, caucuses- all glorify the flesh.
·       When we aim at man’s glory rather than God’s glory. e.g. Ananias& Sapphira

Brethren:  the glory of God leads to Peace, joy, patience, blessings, miracles in life, contentment, praising God irrespective (joy), proclaiming God’s word without shame or fear. The suffering shall come but the Lord will “lay a table before you in the presence of your enemies”. You will find your name in the Book of Life (Rev. 20:15).


Are you righteous? Do you obey God’s word? Do you trust God for who He is? Man’s glory can be deceptive but God’s glory leads to eternal life. What do people know about God when they see your life? Do they glorify God or reject God?  

Seek God’s glory and you will have eternal life. Amen!

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