Sunday, January 22, 2017


1 Corinthians 5:7: “Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us:”

Corinth was a trade route, where ships or foreigners come in and go and was therefore full of shameless diverse lifestyles like prostitution, fornication, drugs, adultery, worship of money, idolatry, etc. Due to all these negative influences, Corinth was a city ‘least expected to convert’. But Paul took on the Corinthians and by the grace of God established a church there.
The Book of Corinthians therefore contains a lot of advice on a series of church issues because Corinthians were allowing their former lifestyles to rear its head in the church.
1Corinthian 5, is advising the church to shun evil, immorality and worship God in holiness and righteousness and walk in the newness of life. There was the need to put away the old unholy lifestyles that is not to be associated with a Christian and which is tarnishing the whole image of the church to the outside world.

Purge out
Leaven or yeast is a chemical used to make dough rise before being baked. It therefore influences and changes the state of things it comes into contact with. As it is the custom of the Jews previously to the Passover to search their houses in the most diligent manner for the old leaven, and throw it out, sweeping every part clean; so Christians should take out this continuously incestuous person. Purge out therefore the old leaven (yeast) means put away; free yourselves from these ungodliness.
So Paul is telling us (Christians) that, if we have accepted to follow Jesus then our old life (old leaven) of fornication, adultery, idolatry, malice, mischief, covetousness, extortion, fighting, etc -sin (see Gal 5:19) should give way to a new leaven of truthfulness, holiness, righteousness, peace, goodness, etc (see Gal. 5:22-25).

Paul is also saying since the leaven (yeast) affects the whole dough (church), we should discipline ourselves and if a member is still indiscipline after correction, the church should expel such immoral brother, who is still holding onto the old leaven so that he will not affect others and tarnish the church’s image.

That ye may be a new lump” - That you may be like a new mass of flour, or dough, before the leaven (yeast) is put into it. That you may be pure, and free from the corrupting principles of the world.
As Christians, we need to purge out the old leaven (yeast) or unholy lifestyles (1corin. 1:26-27) as the blood shared by Christ is for our cleansing and not make us filthy.(Heb. 10:26)

“For us” - For us who are Christians. He died in our stead; and as the Jews, when celebrating their paschal feast, put away all leaven, so we, as Christians, should put away all evil from our hearts, since that sacrifice has now been made once for all. That we may be a new lump, new men, new creatures in Christ by our walking in newness of life; and by removing that wicked or evil, we would be like the apostles were when Judas was gone from them, all clean through the word of Christ. Amen!

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