Monday, January 2, 2017


How will you feel when you plant a seed and it doesn’t grow or not to expectation? A baby is born and he/she does not grow in size into adult. How will you perceive these situations?
That is the same situation we find ourselves when we do not grow after being ‘born-again’ through Jesus Christ.
What is Christian Growth
Increasing conformity to the character of God as revealed in Christ (Col 3.1, Eph 4.22)
Why we need to Grow
2Pe:3:18 says: But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen. 1Pe:2:2-3 says: As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. Amen.
The above scriptures point to the fact that the Christian life is not stagnant but growth as compared to human birth or planting. It is the duty of every Christian to strive to achieve a life of total holiness and dependence on God through Jesus Christ.
Characteristics of Christian Growth
The evidence of Christian growth can be manifest in three main areas: hunger for God's Word, confidence, and obedience. These three characteristics are based on love (1corin.13). The work of the Holy Spirit and God's grace within us, help us to grow and start to display evidence of Christian growth. Key Characteristics of a growing Christian can be revealed as follows:
  1. You have assurance of Salvation
  2. You are filled with the Holy Spirit and manifesting the gifts
  3. Active prayer life
  4. Good bible study habits i.e yearning for; studying and applying it to one’s life
  5. Sharing Christ with others in word and lifestyle.
  6. You have a victorious Christian life
How to Grow
The Christian growth is supposed to be progressing into maturity and forever a Christian. 1Pe:5:8-9 forewarns us to be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. The Christian should therefore be wary of spiritual warfare working to mitigate his growth in the Lord. The Christian can remain steadfast in the Lord and mature through these:
1)     Go to God in Prayer daily
2)     Read the word of God daily and obey it
3)     Obey God moment by moment and commit your ways into His hands
4)     Witness for Christ by your life and words
5)     Trust God for every detail of your life
6)     Have the Holy Spirit control and give power to your life and witness
7)     Have fellowship with other Christians where Christ is honoured and His word preached.

Above all these add the 2Pet. 1:5-7, 10: Add to your faith diligence, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity.

How to survive in Growth
Eph. 6:11-18: Put on the whole Armour of God because the warfare is getting hotter:
a)        Belt of truth, holiness: Belt holds all garments together and prevents them from falling apart. Truthfulness makes you credible, worthy and can stand accusation as our Lord Jesus Christ did before Pilate.

b)   Breast plate of righteousness: It covers our hearts and not our backs. You shall stand firm in righteousness with a pure heart and to move confidently forward.

c)   Feet in gospel of peace: When the foot is grounded in battle, it prevents the soldier from falling. If you are grounded in the word of God, no deception can win you. Study and know the gospel, walk in it daily and spread it.
d)   Shield of faith: The shield is the first defense in attack and it is your faith in battle. If you hold on firmly to      the faith in Jesus Christ, you will ward off the fiery darts of the devil.
e)   Helmet of salvation: the helmet prevents entry into our minds, things of this world. Confess Jesus always              and let Him only be your hope.
f)    Sword of the Spirit: the sword is for attacking and cutting the enemy in battle. Our sword (word of God) is          sharper than a double-edged sword; it is the same when turned both ways. Hold firmly onto the sword, no    how to use it well in battle. Jesus, after he has fasted for 40days was tempted by Satan, using a twisted        word. If Jesus had not known the word skillfully He would have been deceived by Satan.
g)   Prayer: Beware of God’s presence. Call on Him at all times. When the going gets tough, talk (pray) to God   about it. He is ready to hear and answer.

Finally, cut off anything that does not help you get closer to God. Amen!

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