Sunday, January 22, 2017


·        Deliverance is about using the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST to cast out evil spirits or demonic powers that cause failures, fears, obstacles or dependences in one’s life; or
·        to break the chains of bewitchment and demonic influence, the chains of hereditary sicknesses, curses and of ancestral sins; or
·         to free the Christian from the influence of powers that control him/her and/or prevent him/her from living a sane and victorious Christian life or
·        freeing from or rescuing from, and most importantly, restoring back to.
Deliverance takes place in the spiritual realm, against principalities and powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Hence the battle for deliverance is not against flesh and blood. It is therefore important for every Christian to understand that the weapons of this battle are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. It is therefore important for every believer to know, understand and practice deliverance as an essential part of his/her walk with God.
Why Deliverance
·        God has a hedge of protection around His people. When there is sin, the hedge is broken and a demon has permission to come in. Ecclesiastes 10:8 says- He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh a hedge, a serpent shall bite him”. Sin is the main legal right that a demon has. Both our own sins and the sins of our ancestors are legal rights for the entry of demons. Demons come down the family tree. This is why some bad “character traits” are inherited.
·       There are other legal rights the demons have, such as curses, which can also be inherited, soul ties, objects in our possession that the Lord qualifies as abominations, and physical or emotional trauma.  
How to minister Deliverance
·        To minister deliverance, the legal rights of the demons first have to be destroyed or taken away, and the demons then can be cast out. In other words, a demon has a right to stay in the person if the legal right is still intact. As a Christian struggling with any kind of demonic attacks or weaknesses and attacks in your life, you need to surrender completely to our Lord Jesus Christ and allow the Holy Spirit total control over your body and life.
John 8:36 says that “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed”.  Jesus sometimes in delivering just says ‘your sins have been forgiven’ or after says ‘go and sin no more’. John 8:36 says “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed”. John 10:10 says “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”. When we are bound by the devil we are not living life abundantly, God wants to deliver you and have you experience life more abundantly.
·        Rebuke the spirit in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the Power of the Holy Ghost.
Believers’ confidence for Deliverance

What is the believers’ assurance of Deliverance? Deliverance is spiritual warfare and cannot be won with physical weapons. The ability of the believer to achieve victory in this warfare depends on his total surrender to our Lord Jesus Christ. Luke 4:18 says:  “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised”. The believers’ victory can therefore be assured in Christ because through His total walk on the earth, JESUS carried out and won the devil through delivering the bonded from sickness, evil spirits, etc.

The devil has emotionally weakened the minds of people and placed them in a prison that they feel they will never be released from. They are being held captive and are in need of deliverance. There is an answer for the bound man or woman wandering through this life aimlessly. That is, to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus and filled with the Holy Ghost. For true Deliverance can be found by looking into the face of God and asking Him to intercede for you through His only son Jesus Christ.
Why Deliverance fail
Being delivered and staying delivered is not something that is impossible, because the Bible says with God all things are possible; however, the key element in deliverance lays within you the individual.

Bible says in matt. 12:43-45: that when an unclean spirit is gone out of a man, it comes again with 7 more spirit and when the place he left is empty he settles in and the state of the man is worse than his former state.
Some of the causes of failures in deliverance are:

a.    Lack of faith- Matt. 17:17, Mark 9:14-17, Matt. 13:58., Matt. 15:28. Luke 9:1, Matt. 17:20.

b.    Lack of Spiritual Discipline (in the minister). Mark 9:29, Luke 5:34, 35. The deliverance minister must be a man of prayer and fasting; not a ritual prayer but a life of personal prayer accompanied by fasting. This is not a requirement that the deliverance minister fast before every deliverance situation; otherwise, those who minister deliverance daily would be on a perpetual fast. A spiritually disciplined person is intended; one who is strong in prayer and has a fasting life-style. These two spiritual disciplines equip a minister and insure the anointing necessary for effective ministry.

c.     Varying Strength of Demons- Mark 9:29. Notice that Jesus made a distinction between spirits. "This kind” indicates that some demons are stronger and more determined than others, and we have found this to be a certainty. Failure can result from the deliverance minister giving up rather than pressing through.
d.    Conditions Not Met- The candidate for deliverance must meet certain criteria:
·        He must forgive all who have trespassed against him, otherwise, he is "turned over to the tormentors" Matt. 18:35, and he cannot be liberated until he has met God's condition to forgive.
·         He must repent of all sin. Repentance is the prelude to deliverance. I recall a deliverance case where a man refused to confess a particular sin.
·        He must destroy all paraphernalia that give demons a legal right. Deliverance can be blocked by ungodly things a person possesses. Eg. ring, amulets, books, oils, chains, etc. As deliverance was taking place through Paul's ministry in Corinth, "Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men" Acts 19:19. One must be willing to renounce and destroy all cult, occult and idolatrous books and paraphernalia in his possession.
·        He must renounce and ask God's forgiveness for all involvement in idolatry, the occult, cults and Eastern Religion (including the martial arts and Yoga exercises which cannot be separated from heathen religious connections.)
·         He must want deliverance. "Whoever calls upon the name of Lord shall be delivered" Joel 2:32. Oddly enough, there are some who prefer bondage to deliverance. Some have escaped into mental illness as an escape from the memories of abuse and other traumas, or who have chosen to escape the responsibilities of life. For example, they may be institutionalized, and there they are housed, fed, clothed and others care for their every need. Should they be delivered they would have to go to work and provide for themselves. To some this is an unacceptable option.
·        Passiveness: In some cases, the person's will power is weak. He has never adequately strengthened his will in making life-changing choices. He needs to be taught and required to take a stand. Lead him to vocalize confessions and prayers of deliverance. Have him declare his appropriation of God's promises and command demons to go. Such activation of the will is in keeping with the Word of God which declares, "Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you" Jas. 4:7
·        Lack of Knowledge Concerning Deliverance- Sceva’s children. Act 19:14.
Faith causes us to believe that a situation is changeable, which cause us to seek a change or transformation, not only in actions, but in our thoughts, which is deliverance from the way things once were because I am thinking differently now I am acting differently. I have been delivered.

Deliverance cannot happen unless you first change the way you are thinking. Don’t let the devil have control of your mind and you will not be in bondage.

“Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind”.

·       After your deliverance you will posses your possessions. Maintaining your deliverance requires that you as a Christian maintain holiness and righteousness according to the word of God and claim total deliverance and the benefits by faith. Be careful of fornication, adultery, occultism/juju and drugs (incl. alcoholism) because they are some of the easy ways the demons infest or defeat us in warfare.

·        Your possessions include your life, God's will for you, your destiny, your finances, property and whatever that belongs to you. You will be blessed to plant plenty and reap even more plentifully. You will begin to progress and excel and you will possess your time and place to serve the Lord all the rest of your life, in Jesus name. Amen. Be ye watchful and pray after deliverance.

·        1st Corinthians 15:58 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”

·        ” Isaiah 26:3 “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee”. Trust is a basis of faith, reliance, and hope. Trust is learning how to lean and depend upon Jesus, trust in him and he will provide. That is what Job meant when he said though He slay me yet will I trust Him, If you trust Him He will, not maybe, but he will provide.

·        Staying delivered is trusting in God and keeping your mind on Him.

·        Staying delivered also means keep resisting the devil and he will flee!


Never give up; never yield to the temptations of the pride of life. Never yield to the weapons of Satan’s warfare and you will enjoy your Christian life. Amen!

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