Friday, January 6, 2017


Matt. 5:16‘: Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven’.

Every Saturday/ Sunday, majority of people all over the world troop to worship/ fellowship centers’ purporting that they are all Christians. Statistical data available also states that Christians are more in most countries than any other religion.

However, wickedness continuous to rise; under-invoicing and over-invoicing continuous; divorce and child delinquencies are on the rise; immorality rates and the perverse dressings are escalating. One is forced to ask whether Christianity is just a title acquired with the lips or an attitude that is lived.
What you are
 As a Christian, you are God’s representative on earth. The day you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior made you an ambassador of Christ on earth. God is light. In Him there is no darkness. Therefore when you follow His word and allow Him to work in your life, you are letting your light shine.

Bible says ‘we are in the world but we are not of the world’. Our rules are not the rules of the world. That is why the world will continue to hate you and call you a fool for living that righteous life.

The Light
*      When you are good to people and you show them kindness even when they don’t deserve, you are shinning your light.
*      When you forgive, although what others did hurts, you are shinning your light.
*      When you smile at the storms of life and keep a good attitude, you are setting example that people will glorify your father in heaven.
*      When as a leader, you lead with the servant-hood attitude and not the bossy type, then your light will be shining before men and they will glorify your God.

Note what the scripture said...” that they may see your good works”. People are not impressed by our knowledge or what we say but they are drawn to God by our good works. Let people see you walk the talk and live the inside outside (read 1Peter 2:12). You can be the leader, prophet or teacher of the church but if what comes out of you does not show people who God is, then you are just a sounding cymbal.

Ask God to show you ways to share His goodness with others. Look for opportunity to let your light shine everywhere you go… at home, at work, at the market or at the shop. There is always an opportunity to be an ensample of God’s goodness. As you do it, it will bring glory and honour to God and when you honour Him, He will always honour you. He will continue to pour His abundant blessings in every area of your life.

…… Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Amen!

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