Monday, January 2, 2017


Acts 12:15: "..... And they said unto her, Thou art mad. But she constantly affirmed that it was even so. Then said they, It is his angel."

Acts 12 narrates one of the martyr stories of the early Christian church. It was a period that Roman King Herod decided to create havoc and persecute the church. Peter and James, two prominent elders of the early Christian church were arrested on the orders of Herod and kept in prison.

Unfortunately, James, the son of Zebedee and the brother of John was killed (in fulfillment of Mark 10:39) and Peter was kept in prison to be killed after Easter (a pagan celebration). In fulfilling His promise to the disciples that HE will be with them always, God sent His angels to release Peter miraculously from prison whiles at the same time the disciples had gathered and were praying earnestly for him. The disciples might have feared that since James had been killed, Peter will definitely not be spared. The release was so miraculous that Peter thought it was a vision.

At the door

After Peter’s miraculous release, he went to the house where the disciples had gathered and interceding for him. A young lady called Rhoda who responded to Peter’s knock at the house of prayer, is so overcome with joy at the sound of Peter's voice that she leaves him standing there while she rushes in to announce his arrival. While the church members argue over the truthfulness of her report, Peter is left knocking and calling at the door. The very answer to their prayers is knocking, and they did not believe it! They declare Rhoda mad. When she sticks to her story, they conclude that Peter's guardian angel--who according to their Jewish tradition would take on his attributes--has arrived either to bring good news or to announce Peter's death. Going to investigate, they are "beside themselves in astonishment" when they open the door and see Peter standing there at the door. Peter then briefly recounts his experience to the disciples and departed to another place. Herod later died but the word of God still continued to be preached till today.


God can answer your prayer while you are still praying. We should not receive God's surprises with disbelief but with joy born of expectation. Confirmation of our prayer can happen any time and not by our time. The disciples remembered there is a God who answered prayers but their faith wavered looking at the circumstances of their response to Peter’s miraculous release. We need to believe what we decide to ask God in prayer (James 1:5-7) and not reflect on the circumstances. God really hears when his children speak to Him in prayer. We need to pray earnestly and in certainty.

Our God is a saving God, a God of deliverance no matter the situation of your problem. What does persecution do to you? How big is your problem? Do you trust God to deliver you? No matter your problem, a miracle can happen if you believe. God glorifies Himself at His own time.

But do you believe God for what you pray for? 

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