Thursday, January 12, 2017


Rom. 12:1-2:  1I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”.
God is holy. Therefore anything that is ‘born’ of God must be Holy. Paul is telling us in Romans 12:1, 2 that if we say we have received Christ as our personal savior we need to live holy lives both within and without. Paul is telling us that Christianity is not doing what everybody is doing. Christianity is about separating oneself from the world. Christianity is a way of life, where the old sinful life of fornication, anger, adultery and quarrelling is transformed by the word and spirit of God into a clean useful instrument unto God’s use.
What you are
 As a Christian, you are God’s representative on earth. The day you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal saviour made you an ambassador of Christ on earth- which means that anything you do or say should portray Christ in you. One of the things that portray who we are as Christian is what we wear. Fashion has become so notorious, especially amongst women that it is difficult these days to tell who a Christian is from fashion.
People retort: “What is wrong with me showing my feminine features to be admired? A woman need be attractive and fashionable! It is my body! I can wear what I want! Am aware, mind your own business! “
Is your dress fashion professing Godliness, as a Christian? Is a Christian justified to wear what pleases him/ her?

Know this
Holy living demands purity in glances, thoughts, desires and actions. Christians generally understood that immodesty is related to lust and causing temptation to others. A moral conscience was therefore formed which informed Christians that immodesty, particularly in a woman because of her nature as the temptress of man, involves an offence against God and lack of respect for ourselves and our neighbour.
What should therefore be the Christians principles to dressing?

Principles of Christian Dressing
A call for principles of Christian dressing is very relevant today, especially when modesty and decency is out, and nudity and sensuality are in. A few of the principles are discussed as follows:
*     Principle One: Dress and appearance are important indicators of Christian character. Clothing and appearance are most powerful non-verbal communicators, not only of our socio-economic status but also of our moral values. We are what we wear. This means that the outward appearance of the Christian should be considered serious, as it indexes the Christian character. The Bible recognizes the importance of dresses and ornaments as indicated in the numerous stories and admonitions regarding appropriate and inappropriate adorning. Our outward appearance is a silent and visible testimony of our Christian values. The Christian dresses to glorify God (read 1corin.10:31kjv). As Christians, we cannot say, “what I look like is no one’s business!” because what we look like reflects our Lord. It should show how Jesus Christ has transformed my life from the inside out. When HE comes into your life, He does not cover our blemishes with cosmetic powder, but He cleanses us wholly by working from within. This inner renewal is reflected in the outward appearance.
*     Principle Two: Adorning our bodies with colourful cosmetics, glittering jewellery and luxurious clothes reveals inner pride and vanity, which are destructive to us and others. In both the old and new testament, there is a consistent pattern of the use of colourful cosmetics, glittering jewellery and eye-catching clothes to accomplish seductive purposes, which implicitly reveals God’s condemnation of their use. (See Is.3:16-26kjv, 2kings 9:30, Ezek. 23kjv, Jer. 4:30kjv, 1Tim. 2:9-10kjv, 1Pet. 3:3-4).
*     Principle Three: Christian dressing in a modest and decent way should show respect for God, themselves and others. (1 Tim. 2:9). With respect to clothing, the Christian should dress in a well-ordered, decorous and a decent manner without causing shame or embarrassment to God, themselves or others. To dress modestly and decently implies that the clothing must provide sufficient covering to the body so that others are not embarrassed or tempted. Today’s modern fashion industry rejects modesty and decency as the basis for constructive human relationships. The main concern of the modern fashion industry is to sell clothes, jewellery and cosmetics by exploiting the powerful sex drives of the human body, even if it means marketing immodest products that only feed pride and sensuality. The Bible explicitly condemns a lustful look:” But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Matt. 5:28). The revealing clothes promoted by the modern fashion industry awaken lustful passions in the heart of the beholder and contribute immeasureably to the depravity of our time. By dressing modestly, the Christian woman plays a key role in maintaining public morality. Christians are summoned by scripture to reject the seductive dictates of fashion and choose instead to reflect the outward appearance of natural beauty, simplicity and elevated purity.
*     Principle Four: Christians should dress soberly, restraining any desire to exhibit themselves by wearing eye-catching clothes, cosmetics or jewelry. Paul uses the word soberly to describe appropriate Christian adorning in 1 Timothy 2:9kjv –“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;”. The term ‘sober’ denotes a mental attitude of self-control, temperate, an attitude that determines all other virtues. Paul, in using the word sober, pictures the Christian woman as one who dresses soberly by restraining her desire to exhibit herself through wearing elaborate hair styles, gold, pearls, or expensive clothes. Her appearance does not say, ‘Look at me; admire me,’ but rather, "Look at how Christ has changed me from the inside out." A Christian woman who has been freed from the abiding concern to be the object of admiration will not be afraid to wear the same dress too often, if it is well-made, conservative, and wears well.
*     Principle Five: Christians should respect gender distinctions in clothing by wearing clothes that affirm their male or female identities. This principle is plainly taught in the law found in Deuteronomy 22:5, which prohibits wearing the clothes of the opposite sex. This shows  that the Bible attaches great importance to preserving gender distinctions in dress as well as in functional roles, because these are fundamental to our understanding of who we are and what role God wants us to fulfill.

What is modest dressing
1Timothy 2:9-10 entreats Christians to be modest in their dressing. What is a modest dressing?

        i.                i.    The modest Christian will not dress to go ‘naked’.  They call it am aware; otto pfister and valley-view.              Think about this: when Adam and Eve sinned against God, they went into hiding when God called them in            the  Garden because they realised they were naked after eating the forbidden tree and had knowledge.                How come we who claim to be more knowledgeable than Adam and Eve’s time are going virtually naked,            when we claim we have clothed ourselves?

  1. The modest Christian will not wear tight clothing.   The modern harlot will dress in a way that advertises what she has to offer.  This means that the little she covers will still be revealed through tight garments.  Today just about everything has spandex or some type of stretchy material in it.  This is not by accident.  A Christian should not want to “show off” his/her body.
  2. A modest Christian will not reveal his/her underwear.  In a time now past, it was an open shame to reveal your underwear but now, it is common.  If the garment is tight so that it reveals the outline of your underwear (or that there is no underwear at all), then it is also drawing the guy’s attention away from the lady’s countenance and to her undergarments.   A modern trend is to actually show off the underwear.  Many women are wearing low-waist skirts/trousers and thereby revealing their underwear.  Once again drawing attention where it doesn’t belong.  A Christian should be pointing people to our Saviour Lord Jesus and not our body.
      iv. A modest lady will not draw attention to her jewellery.  The verse on modesty (1Tim. 2:9) also mentions gold, pearls and costly array.  A Christian lady should not be “flashy” with her jewellery and clothes.  People around her should not look at her and admire or even covet her expensive clothes and jewellery.  When people look at a Christian lady they should first see her sweet spirit and testimony. Our clothes and jewellery should never over power, or stand in the way of people seeing Christ in us.  This is not to say that all jewellery is wrong, but it should be kept in balance as an accent, and not a focal point.
A Modest lady will not adorn herself with overbearing makeup.  God gives each lady a natural beauty from within.  That beauty can be accented with mild, natural makeup. Although the Bible does give us an example to look at for make-up but Jezebel was a queen who has the reputation of being the wicked, a murderer, a prostitute and, overall, an enemy of God.  How did she adorn herself?  Among other things, she “painted her face” (2 Kings 9:30).  We do not know what she looked like, but I think it is safe to assume that her makeup was distracting, so much that it was noteworthy.
v.  A modest Christian will not wear unnatural hair colouring or weird hair styles.  In 1 Peter 3 and 1 Timothy 2 the Bible refers to hair styles.  The references here point to braiding and folding hair in an excessive way.  They were styling their hair so that the hair became a focal point instead of God living within them.  Today, we see many different bold and attractive hair styles.  Styling your hair is not necessarily wrong.  It is only when the hair style becomes overwhelming or when the hair style draws someone’s attention away from your countenance. 

Don’t copy the world
Romans 12:2kjv says: “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”.

James 1:27B kjv say: “…, and to keep himself unspotted from the world”.
In Matt. 5:14~16 A Christian is to be salt and light in this world. Attire is an important part of our testimony. The way a person dresses is an indication of that person’s character and spiritual maturity. Dress for both man or woman should respect the Bible principles of modesty and non-conformed to the fads of the world
Now, we're not talking about modest in your neighbor’s eyes, or friend's, or even family's--but modest in God's eyes. Clothes should not expose areas of the body that normally draw attention from the opposite sex. Clothes should not be revealing because of its conforming fit to the body.
The world is not interested in living a life patterned after the Word of God. Likewise a Christian should not be interested in living a life patterned after the world. The unbelievers prefer dress that draws attention to their bodies, which reflects extravagant and changing fashions.

Clothes do not make a Christian, but Christians reveal their identity through their clothes and appearance. The Bible does not prescribe a standardized dress for Christian men and women to wear, but it calls us to follow the simplicity and modesty of Jesus’ lifestyle, even in our clothes and appearance. if you are dressing revealing, you are guilty of setting a stumbling block in front of your brothers in Christ.
I didn’t write this out of condemnation, or self-righteousness, but out of love and compassion. I am not perfect myself, but I strive to be more like Christ in my daily life. I just want to encourage you to live a life of holiness.
Our outward appearance is a constant silent witness of our Christian identity and may it always tell the world that we live to glorify God and not ourselves. If you’re a Christian and claim Christ as your savior, then every part of your life should be based on that truth. Right down to the socks we put on.
Gen. 1:26-27 says we were created in God’s image, what image are you revealing to the world? Romans 12:1-2 says we present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God and not conform to the standards of this world but we should  renew our minds and do what is acceptable to God, our Father.
Do your clothes proclaim to the world that you are a Christian who lives for Christ, or do they proclaim that you’re just like the ungodly world?  


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