Thursday, January 12, 2017


Mark 10:51-52: “51And Jesus answered and said unto him, what wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight.52: And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way”.                         
Once upon a time, Jesus and His disciples were passing the way of a begging blind man called Bartemaeus. Apparently, this blind man has heard about Jesus but has not got the opportunity to talk to Him. Therefore as soon as he heard of Jesus passing his way, he abandoned his begging business and started calling after Jesus instead of taking opportunity of the crowd to do business- alms begging. The crowd, thinking they should see Jesus rather than blind bartemaeus, who will only ask for money and nothing else, prevented him from getting closer. As much as the crowd prevented him from shouting, bible says he shouted the more. But Jesus heard the cry of the blind beggar and instructed him to come (note: no matter where you are, Jesus hears your voice). Bible says he cast down his garments and came to Jesus. Jesus asked him what he wanted Him to do for him and the blind man answered “Lord that I might receive my sight”.
 And Jesus said unto him, “Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way”.

Your Blindness
As Christians, we are sometimes blind and this blindness has limited our growth in the Lord- we claim to have known the lord so many years ago but have allowed blindness to limit our spiritual and physical blessings in the Lord. We have become contented and live as people without hope. Yet we claim we have a God of impossibilities; a God who can make a way where there is no way. We have made ourselves worthless with the blindness of unemployment, bitterness, childlessness, failures, sickness of various kinds (some we have accepted as hereditary and final), and our inability to seek freedom from God, has affected our relationship with Him and have become content with the suffering. In just a short time that bartemaeus met Jesus, he received his sight and freedom. Brethren we have freedom in Christ and therefore challenges we are going through for our belief in Christ are temporal. Some of us have put our trust in man and are under spiritual bondage. We trust more in things of the flesh, the world and ourselves than the word of God.

Maybe you have heard of this Jesus for a long time but still struggling with life problems and it’s limiting your God-given potential. But have you trusted Jesus as the healer or solution to your problem, as blind Bartemaeus did? Bartemaeus had been looking out for healing for a long time as he sat by the highway as a blind beggar (but he knew exactly who will heal Him). He knew who will give him the real solution to his problem- i.e. blindness. He remained blind because he had not met Jesus. Is your trust in Jesus or man? You have been following Jesus for a long time but don’t know He is the solution to your problem. Jesus can do it one on one.

Know your need
Bartemaeus, seeing the crowd could have taken the opportunity and begged for money. But, sitting by the roadside all these years, he knew what he actually wanted- his sight. Sometimes we don’t receive from the Lord because we don’t know what we want all these years. We have been praying the wrong prayer and asking for temporal things that we can only hang on for a short period. Do you know what you want, like Bartemaeus? James 1:5-8; Matt. 6:33 says “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you”- What are you chasing after? Don’t trust in idols and sticks for they will only steal, kill, destroy and keep you in bondage. They will make you go begging or doing the wrong things that will not give you freedom or what you exactly want.

Key lessons from Bartemaeus

1.  PERSISTENCE: Bartimaeus displayed persistence despite the efforts of others to silence him; He exemplifies the truth of what Jesus taught about persistence (Mt 7:7-8). We have to be persistent in our prayers? -  Lk 18:1-8

2.  FAITH: Bartimaeus was healed because of his faith, similar to the woman healed of the flow of blood (Mk 5:34). Do we have the faith to receive what is God's will for us? (1Jn 5:14)

3.  GRATITUDE (THANKFULNESS): Bartimaeus followed Jesus and glorified God. Like the Samaritan leper, he expressed gratitude (Lk 17:12-19). Do we express gratitude for the many blessings God gives us? (1Th 5:18). What can you do in return for the numerous blessings of God? Thankfulness!


Bartimaeus was prevented by the crowd to get to Jesus but he never stopped crying out. Are you giving up already after Just 1month, 1 year, 5 years, 10years since you first prayed about the need?  A thousand years is like a day unto the Lord and a day is like a thousand to the Lord (2Pet. 3:8). Don’t let what you see or hear around you make you give up. Continue to trust in the Lord and HE will do it for you. The Lord hears what you have been asking all these years in the crowd and has a simple solution for your “complex” problem. He will speak but based on your faith in Him- because He does not share His glory with any one.

May the healing of blind Bartimaeus always remind us to:
   a. Persist in our requests to God
   b. Develop the faith necessary to receive such requests
   c. Never fail to express gratitude when God answers our prayers

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