Friday, March 10, 2017


Psalms 146:5: Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God.
It is often said that, one can live without food and drink for some time but without hope, one can survive only for a short time. I think that we all go through certain times when we begin to feel hopeless.  Sometimes in our minds we feel as though God has fallen short; that He hasn't done what He said He would do. Maybe tragedies have befallen us; maybe something has happened in our lives that has left us feeling disappointed with God.
Causes of Hopelessness
In such circumstances we can’t seem to see how things will ever work out.  I believe that many people today, beneath the smiles on their faces, are frustrated, angry, feeling trapped:
  • in a marriage of frustration from the spouse or family
  • childlessness in marriage with threat and teasing from spouse or family
  • in a dead end job with hopes for advancement dashed
  • in a school or learning a vocation trade where you feel unmotivated and helpless
  • death of a loved one
  • loss of properties and finding difficulty to replace
  • in financial crisis
  • betrayed by those you love and depended upon. 
  • struggling with pain or sickness
  • joblessness
In times like these, feelings of hopelessness try to set in.
Even, the world we live in today is going through crisis. Unless you are somebody who is not concerned about what is going on. But our world is in serious trouble. Listening to radio or television, you see or hear of earthquakes of various kinds, floods, wickedness of various kinds, financial crisis, immorality, etc. The situation is causing frustration and depression in a lot of people, especially the righteous (like Noah and Lot felt in their days).
Many are asking, “how do I live in this hopeless world? Or what can I do about my hopeless situation? I believe that once in our life time as Christians we face situations of hopelessness. I want to tell you that God has not left you. That faithful God is still in control
Effect of hopelessness
Many a ‘times when we are discouraged, what we think is – “I don't want to be around Christians”. “I don't want to read the Bible”. “I don't want to pray”. But that is a big mistake. Those are times when we ought to be running to God, not away from Him. We ought to be spending time with His people and in His Word, not avoiding them because hopeless situations can lead to:
(i)     Failure  (ii) Fatigue (iii) Fear (of unknown) (iv) Illness (v) Lack of progress in life
(iv)  Feelings of sadness, anger and a variety of other symptoms. (v) feeling of uselessness and even suicidal, losing interest in things and people that you once enjoyed (eg. Elijah)
How can we overcome hopelessness
The Bible tells us that God will never allow temptations into our lives that are too much for us to handle (1 Corinthians 10:13), but in all that He will make a provision for us to bear the temptation. To overcome hopelessness:
1.      Be sure of your salvation and your trust should be in Jesus Christ only and not “churchianity.’
2.      Have the Holy Spirit (counselor, teacher, truth and guardian) and not hope in man (Ps.146:3-4)
3.      Be patient and endure to the end. ( read Matthew 24)
4.      Pray and sing (James 5:13, Peter in Prison and evil spirit leaving Saul when David plays the harp).
5.      Fellowship with true believers (Hebrew 10:25)
6.   Let the word of God be your sole guide (see Rom. 15:4; 2 Tim. 3:16-17;Phil. 4:6-9,13,19; Ps.34:17-20; 1corin. 10:13; Isa. 40:31; Matt. 11:28-30; Lk. 1:37;2Corin. 12:9; Jn. 3:16 )
7.   Work in the vineyard’ to rescue the perishing souls and to do God’s work (2 Tim.4:5; Matt 28:19; Mk16:15-20)
8.      Be careful of the groups you join. Beware of groups that are enticing but gradually take you away from Christ and holy living. (eg. Funeral gangs, alcohol gangs, gossip gangs, divorcee gangs, other notorious groups.)
9.      Be one another’s keeper

Do you feel hopeless right now? So hopeless that you believe God isn’t concerned about how much pain you are feeling? If you’re not currently surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ, i would highly encourage you to do so. The Lord Jesus Christ, not only is the hope giver … He is hope, because all power and authority has been given to Jesus Christ from the Father to perform any miracle that He determines to execute on your behalf (See: Matthew 28:18).
So why are you so discouraged? Mourning? Living in fear? Enslaved by sin and longing for righteousness?
Brethren, there is hope for the Christian in this hopeless world. This hope is in Jesus Christ only. My Bro. / Sister, Do you know this Jesus? Are you born again? Are you obedient to the word of God and living the righteous life?

Psalms 146:5 says: Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God.

May the good Lord continue to demonstrate His love and compassion on us, as we strive to know Him more. Amen!

Prayer: Pray for strength in Jesus Christ, to stand as you go through various situations of hopelessness. Ask God to give you the strength of Noah and Lot as in their days so that you will stand out for God although all around us is evil.

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