Sunday, March 12, 2017


Romans 10:13- “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved
We live in a world today where there are lots of troubles and problems- unemployment, marital problems, family feuds, financial crisis, illnesses, wars, etc. Though man has been trying to come out with solutions upon solutions, he rather tends to compound the problems. People are moving ‘here and there’ to solve their problems or just looking for people to talk to, but everybody seems busy to listen.
Brethren, man can and will fail you!

The Christian
As Christians, we have solutions to our problems in God but most of us still want to fall on man who can fail us. Satan, our arch enemy, is always lurking to ensure that we deny our God, but this is the time for us to call on our God- as Job, who relied on God in his troubles and was restored; as Paul, who enjoyed the grace of God in his weakness; as David, who relied on God for victory over Goliath; as Peter, who relied on God and was released from prison; as Joseph, whose dependence on God caused his release from prison. The list can go on and on. All these men were able to stand and overcome their predicaments because they called on the one true God. In 2Ch:16:12, King Asa relied on physicians and died from his feet disease but King Hezekiah (2kings 20:) called on the name of the Lord when he got the death message from Prophet Isaiah and was saved.
On whom do you call on in times of troubles?

Call on the Lord
The Christian strength depends on his total reliance on our Lord Jesus Christ. Most Christians are weak today because we depend on man rather than God. Our God has become like a dummy ‘idol’ that we fall on as and when we want.
Calling on God is even a delight to Him (Proverb 15:8). Every believer has access to God and can call on Him at all times and everywhere. Unlike man or other deities who have days on which you can approach, the God of heaven can be called upon at every moment in time.
Brethren, calling on God should be a character rather than an occasion. We can call on Him to adore Him, confess our sins, give Him thanks or present our requests to Him- which man or God can accommodate all these responsibilities?

Hindrances to our call
Although God is ever ready to respond when we call on Him, our lack of faith (James 1:5-7), sin (Isa. 59:1-2; Ps. 66:18); not forgiving others (Mk. 11:25-26); using our request for pleasure (James 4:3); not taking good care of our spouse (1Pet.3:7) hinders God from responding to our call. It is therefore important that, as Christians, we endeavour to call on God according to His will and conditions and not ours.
Jesus Example
Satan, our arch enemy, has an agenda to destroy our growth in the Lord i.e. not to live right with God; not to obey His word; etc. Like he did to Jesus in Luke 4:1-13, after He has completed His fasting to begin His work on earth, Satan tempted Jesus with things of the flesh in order for Jesus to worship him, Satan. But when Jesus refused to obey him, He left Him and angels attended to Him.
Some of us are going through all kinds of temptations and trials which when we submit, will cause us to worship Satan. Brethren, this is the time to call on the Lord God and not man or some kind of god of the family or hometown.
Call on God at all times and He will hear; and He will attend to your problems or need. But do you have faith in Him only? Do you obey His word only, and walk in it? John 15:7 says “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” – what a promise!
1John 5:14-15 : And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

 Call on the Lord at all times, for He will hear you.  Amen!

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